Am 01.07.2011 13:47, schrieb Reinhard Meyer:
> Dear Andreas Bießmann,
>> Dear Reinhard Meyer,
>> Am 01.07.2011 13:07, schrieb Reinhard Meyer:


> If I remember correctly, I installed that version not even a year ago.

Well ... git is moving fast ;)

> On another thought, I long wanted to move from a "real" machine to
> a virtual one, therefore I already have ubuntu-10.10 running in a VM
> and the git there is 1.7.1.

That sounds really good.

> I *just* have to move all other relevant files there ;)
> I think getting it *all* up would take a good afternoon ;)
> I'll see what I can do.

good luck.


Andreas Bießmann
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