Am 01.07.2011 12:05, schrieb Reinhard Meyer:


>>> why is in the second block my clear name replaced by email address (as in 
>>> the commits in atmel/master) but the mails have correct (UTF8-formattet) 
>>> clear name in 'From:'?
>> Hmm... Sorry for not having noticed this. Apparently, it is already so in 
>> u-boot-atmel/. I have just created a branch out of the current 
>> u-boot/master, run 'pwclient get 100074' and 'git am', and your name appears 
>> as normal.
>> Reinhard, what commands did you use to applie these patches?
> ALWAYS using patchworks: Download mbox, git-am <the downloaded file>.
> Apparently it makes a difference where the mail originated from.

I downloaded pwclient, used 'pwclient get' and 'git-am' and get the same
different results, depending on where the patch mail originated from.
I used patches 100071 and 102387 to test.

git is version

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