The rsk7264 (also know as rsk2+sh7264) is an SH2A based board
with 64MB NAND flash and 64MB SDRAM. It is very similar to the
rsk7203 board.

Signed-off-by: Phil Edworthy <>
Cc: Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <>
 arch/sh/cpu/sh2/cpu.c                 |    7 +
 arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh2.h         |    2 +
 arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7264.h      |   41 +++++++
 board/renesas/rsk7264/Makefile        |   32 +++++
 board/renesas/rsk7264/lowlevel_init.S |  212 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 board/renesas/rsk7264/rsk7264.c       |   72 +++++++++++
 boards.cfg                            |    1 +
 drivers/serial/serial_sh.h            |    5 +-
 include/configs/rsk7264.h             |   99 +++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 470 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7264.h
 create mode 100644 board/renesas/rsk7264/Makefile
 create mode 100644 board/renesas/rsk7264/lowlevel_init.S
 create mode 100644 board/renesas/rsk7264/rsk7264.c
 create mode 100644 include/configs/rsk7264.h

diff --git a/arch/sh/cpu/sh2/cpu.c b/arch/sh/cpu/sh2/cpu.c
index 6bbedd9..70c7258 100644
--- a/arch/sh/cpu/sh2/cpu.c
+++ b/arch/sh/cpu/sh2/cpu.c
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
 #define scif0_enable() do {\
                writeb(readb(STBCR4) & ~0x80, STBCR4);\
        } while (0)
+#define scif3_enable() do {\
+               writeb(readb(STBCR4) & ~0x10, STBCR4);\
+       } while (0)

 int checkcpu(void)
@@ -47,7 +50,11 @@ int checkcpu(void)
 int cpu_init(void)
        /* SCIF enable */
+#if defined(RSK7264)
+       scif3_enable();
        /* CMT clock enable */
        cmt_clock_enable() ;
        return 0;
diff --git a/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh2.h b/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh2.h
index 8bc9bc6..767e189 100644
--- a/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh2.h
+++ b/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh2.h
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@

 #if defined(CONFIG_CPU_SH7203)
 # include <asm/cpu_sh7203.h>
+#elif defined(CONFIG_CPU_SH7264)
+# include <asm/cpu_sh7264.h>
 # error "Unknown SH2 variant"
diff --git a/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7264.h b/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7264.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4a4d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/sh/include/asm/cpu_sh7264.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef _ASM_CPU_SH7264_H_
+#define _ASM_CPU_SH7264_H_
+/* Cache */
+#define CCR1           0xFFFC1000
+#define CCR            CCR1
+/* PFC */
+#define PACR           0xA4050100
+#define PBCR           0xA4050102
+#define PCCR           0xA4050104
+#define PETCR          0xA4050106
+/* Port Data Registers */
+#define PADR           0xA4050120
+#define PBDR           0xA4050122
+#define PCDR           0xA4050124
+/* BSC */
+/* SDRAM controller */
+/* SCIF */
+#define SCSMR_3                0xFFFE9800
+#define SCIF3_BASE     SCSMR_3
+/* Timer(CMT) */
+#define CMSTR          0xFFFEC000
+#define CMCSR_0        0xFFFEC002
+#define CMCNT_0        0xFFFEC004
+#define CMCOR_0        0xFFFEC006
+#define CMCSR_1        0xFFFEC008
+#define CMCNT_1        0xFFFEC00A
+#define CMCOR_1                0xFFFEC00C
+/* On chip oscillator circuits */
+#define FRQCR          0xA415FF80
+#define WTCNT          0xA415FF84
+#define WTCSR          0xA415FF86
+#endif /* _ASM_CPU_SH7264_H_ */
diff --git a/board/renesas/rsk7264/Makefile b/board/renesas/rsk7264/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0ffc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/renesas/rsk7264/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Renesas Electronics Europe Ltd.
+# This file is released under the terms of GPL v2 and any later version.
+# See the file COPYING in the root directory of the source tree for details.
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+LIB    = lib$(BOARD).o
+OBJS   := rsk7264.o
+SOBJS  := lowlevel_init.o
+LIB    := $(addprefix $(obj),$(LIB))
+OBJS   := $(addprefix $(obj),$(OBJS))
+SOBJS  := $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS))
+$(LIB):        $(obj).depend $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
+       $(call cmd_link_o_target, $(OBJS) $(SOBJS))
+       rm -f $(SOBJS) $(OBJS)
+distclean:     clean
+       rm -f $(LIB) core *.bak .depend
+# defines $(obj).depend target
+include $(SRCTREE)/
+sinclude $(obj).depend
diff --git a/board/renesas/rsk7264/lowlevel_init.S 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc759bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/renesas/rsk7264/lowlevel_init.S
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Renesas Electronics Europe Ltd.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Renesas Solutions Corp.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
+ *
+ * Based on board/renesas/rsk7203/lowlevel_init.S
+ *
+ * This file is released under the terms of GPL v2 and any later version.
+ * See the file COPYING in the root directory of the source tree for details.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <version.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <asm/macro.h>
+       .global lowlevel_init
+       .text
+       .align  2
+       /* Cache setting */
+       write32 CCR1_A ,CCR1_D
+       /* io_set_cpg */
+       write8 STBCR3_A, STBCR3_D
+       write8 STBCR4_A, STBCR4_D
+       write8 STBCR5_A, STBCR5_D
+       write8 STBCR6_A, STBCR6_D
+       write8 STBCR7_A, STBCR7_D
+       write8 STBCR8_A, STBCR8_D
+       /* ConfigurePortPins */
+       /* Leaving LED1 ON for sanity test */
+       write16 PJCR1_A, PJCR1_D1
+       write16 PJCR2_A, PJCR2_D
+       write16 PJIOR0_A, PJIOR0_D1
+       write16 PJDR0_A, PJDR0_D
+       write16 PJPR0_A, PJPR0_D
+       /* Configure EN_PIN & RS_PIN */
+       write16 PGCR2_A, PGCR2_D
+       write16 PGIOR0_A, PGIOR0_D
+       /* Configure the port pins connected to UART */
+       write16 PJCR1_A, PJCR1_D2
+       write16 PJIOR0_A, PJIOR0_D2
+       /* Configure Operating Frequency */
+       write16 WTCSR_A, WTCSR_D0
+       write16 WTCSR_A, WTCSR_D1
+       write16 WTCNT_A, WTCNT_D
+       /* Control of RESBANK */
+       write16 IBNR_A, IBNR_D
+       /* Enable SCIF3 module */
+       write16 STBCR4_A, STBCR4_D
+       /* Set clock mode*/
+       write16 FRQCR_A, FRQCR_D
+       /* Configure Bus And Memory */
+       write16 PCCR2_A, PCCR2_D
+       write16 PCCR1_A, PCCR1_D
+       write16 PCCR0_A, PCCR0_D
+       write16 PBCR0_A, PBCR0_D
+       write16 PBCR1_A, PBCR1_D
+       write16 PBCR2_A, PBCR2_D
+       write16 PBCR3_A, PBCR3_D
+       write16 PBCR4_A, PBCR4_D
+       write16 PBCR5_A, PBCR5_D
+       write16 PDCR0_A, PDCR0_D
+       write16 PDCR1_A, PDCR1_D
+       write16 PDCR2_A, PDCR2_D
+       write16 PDCR3_A, PDCR3_D
+       write32 CS0WCR_A, CS0WCR_D
+       write32 CS0BCR_A, CS0BCR_D
+       write16 PJCR0_A, PJCR0_D
+       write32 CS2WCR_A, CS2WCR_D
+       write32 CS3BCR_A, CS3BCR_D
+       write32 CS3WCR_A, CS3WCR_D
+       write32 SDCR_A, SDCR_D
+       write32 RTCOR_A, RTCOR_D
+       write32 RTCSR_A, RTCSR_D
+       /* wait 200us */
+       mov.l   REPEAT_D, r3
+       mov     #0, r2
+       add     #1, r2
+       cmp/hs  r3, r2
+       bf      repeat0
+       nop
+       mov.l   SDRAM_MODE, r1
+       mov     #0, r0
+       mov.l   r0, @r1
+       nop
+       rts
+       .align 4
+CCR1_A:                .long CCR1
+CCR1_D:                .long 0x0000090B
+FRQCR_A:       .long 0xFFFE0010
+FRQCR_D:       .word 0x1003
+.align 2
+STBCR3_A:      .long 0xFFFE0408
+STBCR3_D:      .long 0x00000002
+STBCR4_A:      .long 0xFFFE040C
+STBCR4_D:      .word 0x0000
+.align 2
+STBCR5_A:      .long 0xFFFE0410
+STBCR5_D:      .long 0x00000010
+STBCR6_A:      .long 0xFFFE0414
+STBCR6_D:      .long 0x00000002
+STBCR7_A:      .long 0xFFFE0418
+STBCR7_D:      .long 0x0000002A
+STBCR8_A:      .long 0xFFFE041C
+STBCR8_D:      .long 0x0000007E
+PJCR1_A:       .long 0xFFFE390C
+PJCR1_D1:      .word 0x0000
+PJCR1_D2:      .word 0x0022
+PJCR2_A:       .long 0xFFFE390A
+PJCR2_D:       .word 0x0000
+.align 2
+PJIOR0_A:      .long 0xFFFE3912
+PJIOR0_D1:     .word 0x0FC0
+PJIOR0_D2:     .word 0x0FE0
+PJDR0_A:       .long 0xFFFE3916
+PJDR0_D:       .word 0x0FBF
+.align 2
+PJPR0_A:       .long 0xFFFE391A
+PJPR0_D:       .long 0x00000FBF
+PGCR2_A:       .long 0xFFFE38CA
+PGCR2_D:       .word 0x0000
+.align 2
+PGIOR0_A:      .long 0xFFFE38D2
+PGIOR0_D:      .word 0x03F0
+.align 2
+WTCSR_A:       .long 0xFFFE0000
+WTCSR_D0:      .word 0x0000
+WTCSR_D1:      .word 0x0000
+WTCNT_A:       .long 0xFFFE0002
+WTCNT_D:       .word 0x0000
+.align 2
+PCCR0_A:       .long 0xFFFE384E
+PDCR0_A:       .long 0xFFFE386E
+PDCR1_A:       .long 0xFFFE386C
+PDCR2_A:       .long 0xFFFE386A
+PDCR3_A:       .long 0xFFFE3868
+PBCR0_A:       .long 0xFFFE382E
+PBCR1_A:       .long 0xFFFE382C
+PBCR2_A:       .long 0xFFFE382A
+PBCR3_A:       .long 0xFFFE3828
+PBCR4_A:       .long 0xFFFE3826
+PBCR5_A:       .long 0xFFFE3824
+PCCR0_D:       .word 0x1111
+PDCR0_D:       .word 0x1111
+PDCR1_D:       .word 0x1111
+PDCR2_D:       .word 0x1111
+PDCR3_D:       .word 0x1111
+PBCR0_D:       .word 0x1110
+PBCR1_D:       .word 0x1111
+PBCR2_D:       .word 0x1111
+PBCR3_D:       .word 0x1111
+PBCR4_D:       .word 0x1111
+PBCR5_D:       .word 0x0111
+.align 2
+CS0WCR_A:      .long 0xFFFC0028
+CS0WCR_D:      .long 0x00000B41
+CS0BCR_A:      .long 0xFFFC0004
+CS0BCR_D:      .long 0x10000400
+PJCR0_A:       .long 0xFFFE390E
+PJCR0_D:       .word 0x0300
+.align 2
+CS2WCR_A:      .long 0xFFFC0030
+CS2WCR_D:      .long 0x00000B01
+PCCR2_A:       .long 0xFFFE384A
+PCCR2_D:       .word 0x0001
+.align 2
+PCCR1_A:       .long 0xFFFE384C
+PCCR1_D:       .word 0x1111
+.align 2
+CS3BCR_A:      .long 0xFFFC0010
+CS3BCR_D:      .long 0x00004400
+CS3WCR_A:      .long 0xFFFC0034
+CS3WCR_D:      .long 0x0000288A
+SDCR_A:                .long 0xFFFC004C
+SDCR_D:                .long 0x00000812
+RTCOR_A:       .long 0xFFFC0058
+RTCOR_D:       .long 0xA55A0046
+RTCSR_A:       .long 0xFFFC0050
+RTCSR_D:       .long 0xA55A0010
+IBNR_A:                .long 0xFFFE080E
+IBNR_D:        .word 0x0000
+.align 2
+SDRAM_MODE:    .long 0xFFFC5040
+REPEAT_D:      .long 0x00000085
diff --git a/board/renesas/rsk7264/rsk7264.c b/board/renesas/rsk7264/rsk7264.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23815d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/renesas/rsk7264/rsk7264.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Renesas Electronics Europe Ltd.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Renesas Solutions Corp.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
+ *
+ * Based on u-boot/board/rsk7264/rsk7203.c
+ *
+ * This file is released under the terms of GPL v2 and any later version.
+ * See the file COPYING in the root directory of the source tree for details.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <net.h>
+#include <netdev.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+int checkboard(void)
+       puts("BOARD: Renesas Technology RSK7264\n");
+       return 0;
+int board_init(void)
+       return 0;
+int dram_init(void)
+       gd->bd->bi_memstart = CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE;
+       gd->bd->bi_memsize = CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_SIZE;
+       printf("DRAM:  %dMB\n", CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_SIZE / (1024 * 1024));
+       return 0;
+void led_set_state(unsigned short value)
+ * The RSK board has the SMSC89218 wired up 'incorrectly'.
+ * Byte-swapping is necessary, and so poor performance is inevitable.
+ * This problem cannot evade by the swap function of CHIP, this can
+ * evade by software Byte-swapping.
+ * And this has problem by FIFO access only. pkt_data_pull/pkt_data_push
+ * functions necessary to solve this problem.
+ */
+u32 pkt_data_pull(struct eth_device *dev, u32 addr)
+       volatile u16 *addr_16 = (u16 *)(dev->iobase + addr);
+       return (u32)((swab16(*addr_16) << 16) & 0xFFFF0000)\
+                               | swab16(*(addr_16 + 1));
+void pkt_data_push(struct eth_device *dev, u32 addr, u32 val)
+       addr += dev->iobase;
+       *(volatile u16 *)(addr + 2) = swab16((u16)val);
+       *(volatile u16 *)(addr) = swab16((u16)(val >> 16));
+int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis)
+       int rc = 0;
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMC911X
+       rc = smc911x_initialize(0, CONFIG_SMC911X_BASE);
+       return rc;
diff --git a/boards.cfg b/boards.cfg
index 9f2b118..23c18fc 100644
--- a/boards.cfg
+++ b/boards.cfg
@@ -821,6 +821,7 @@ xilinx-ppc405-generic_flash  powerpc     ppc4xx      
ppc405-generic      xilinx
 xilinx-ppc440-generic        powerpc     ppc4xx      ppc440-generic      
xilinx         -           
 xilinx-ppc440-generic_flash  powerpc     ppc4xx      ppc440-generic      
xilinx         -           
 rsk7203                      sh          sh2         rsk7203             
renesas        -
+rsk7264                      sh          sh2         rsk7264             
renesas        -
 mpr2                         sh          sh3         mpr2                -     
 ms7720se                     sh          sh3         ms7720se            -     
 shmin                        sh          sh3         shmin               -     
diff --git a/drivers/serial/serial_sh.h b/drivers/serial/serial_sh.h
index e19593c..4e16e48 100644
--- a/drivers/serial/serial_sh.h
+++ b/drivers/serial/serial_sh.h
@@ -177,7 +177,8 @@ struct uart_port {
 #elif defined(CONFIG_CPU_SH7201) || \
        defined(CONFIG_CPU_SH7203) || \
        defined(CONFIG_CPU_SH7206) || \
-       defined(CONFIG_CPU_SH7263)
+       defined(CONFIG_CPU_SH7263) || \
+       defined(CONFIG_CPU_SH7264)
 # define SCSPTR0 0xfffe8020 /* 16 bit SCIF */
 # define SCSPTR1 0xfffe8820 /* 16 bit SCIF */
 # define SCSPTR2 0xfffe9020 /* 16 bit SCIF */
@@ -685,6 +686,8 @@ static inline int scbrr_calc(struct uart_port port, int 
bps, int clk)
 #define SCBRR_VALUE(bps, clk) scbrr_calc(sh_sci, bps, clk)
 #elif defined(__H8300H__) || defined(__H8300S__)
 #define SCBRR_VALUE(bps, clk) (((clk*1000/32)/bps)-1)
+#elif defined(CONFIG_CPU_SH7264)
+#define SCBRR_VALUE(bps, clk) ((clk+16*bps)/(32*bps))
 #else /* Generic SH */
 #define SCBRR_VALUE(bps, clk) ((clk+16*bps)/(32*bps)-1)
diff --git a/include/configs/rsk7264.h b/include/configs/rsk7264.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef37d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/configs/rsk7264.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * Configuation settings for the Renesas Technology RSK 7264
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Renesas Electronics Europe Ltd.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Renesas Solutions Corp.
+ *
+ * This file is released under the terms of GPL v2 and any later version.
+ * See the file COPYING in the root directory of the source tree for details.
+ */
+#ifndef __RSK7264_H
+#define __RSK7264_H
+#undef DEBUG
+#define CONFIG_SH              1
+#define CONFIG_SH2             1
+#define CONFIG_SH2A            1
+#define CONFIG_CPU_SH7264      1
+#define CONFIG_RSK7264 1
+#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE                115200
+#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS                "console=ttySC3,115200"
+#define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY       3
+#define CONFIG_LOADADDR                0x0C100000 /* RSK7264_SDRAM_BASE + 1MB 
+/* MEMORY */
+#define RSK7264_SDRAM_BASE     0x0C000000
+#define RSK7264_FLASH_BASE_1   0x20000000      /* Non cache */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE   0x0C1C0000
+#define CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP            /* undef to save memory */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT      "=> "   /* Monitor Command Prompt */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE      256     /* Buffer size for input from the 
Console */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE      256     /* Buffer size for Console output */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS     16      /* max args accepted for monitor 
commands */
+/* Buffer size for Boot Arguments passed to kernel */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_BARGSIZE    512
+/* List of legal baudrate settings for this board */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE      { 115200 }
+/* SCIF */
+#define CONFIG_CONS_SCIF3      1
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END         (CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_START + (3 * 1024 * 
+#define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_SIZE          (64 * 1024 * 1024)
+#define CONFIG_SYS_LOAD_ADDR           (CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE + 1024 * 1024)
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE                RSK7264_FLASH_BASE_1
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN         (128 * 1024)
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_LEN          (256 * 1024)
+#define CONFIG_SYS_BOOTMAPSZ           (8 * 1024 * 1024)
+/* FLASH */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_EMPTY_INFO    /* print 'E' for empty sector on flinfo 
+#define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE          RSK7264_FLASH_BASE_1
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_FLASH_SECT      512
+#define CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE   (128 * 1024)
+#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE                CONFIG_ENV_SECT_SIZE
+#define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR                (CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE + 
+#define CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT    120000
+/* Board Clock */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ    33333333
+#define CMT_CLK_DIVIDER        32      /* 8 (default), 32, 128 or 512 */
+/* Network interface */
+#define CONFIG_SMC911X
+#define CONFIG_SMC911X_16_BIT
+#define CONFIG_SMC911X_BASE (0x28000000)
+#endif /* __RSK7264_H */
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