As binman already creates nodes based on CONFIG_OF_LIST we don't need to
add extra nodes.

Signed-off-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <>
 .../dts/starfive-visionfive2-binman.dtsi      | 76 -------------------
 1 file changed, 76 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/riscv/dts/starfive-visionfive2-binman.dtsi 
index 4cce001e80d..05787bdb92d 100644
--- a/arch/riscv/dts/starfive-visionfive2-binman.dtsi
+++ b/arch/riscv/dts/starfive-visionfive2-binman.dtsi
@@ -13,82 +13,6 @@
 &binman {
-       itb {
-               fit {
-                       images {
-                               fdt-jh7110-milkv-mars {
-                                       description = "jh7110-milkv-mars";
-                                       load = <0x40400000>;
-                                       compression = "none";
-                                       blob-ext {
-                                               filename = 
-                                       };
-                               };
-                               fdt-jh7110-pine64-star64 {
-                                       description = "jh7110-pine64-star64";
-                                       load = <0x40400000>;
-                                       compression = "none";
-                                       blob-ext {
-                                               filename = 
-                                       };
-                               };
-                               fdt-jh7110-starfive-visionfive-2-v1.2a {
-                                       description = 
-                                       load = <0x40400000>;
-                                       compression = "none";
-                                       blob-ext {
-                                               filename = 
-                                       };
-                               };
-                               fdt-jh7110-starfive-visionfive-2-v1.3b {
-                                       description = 
-                                       load = <0x40400000>;
-                                       compression = "none";
-                                       blob-ext {
-                                               filename = 
-                                       };
-                               };
-                       };
-                       configurations {
-                               conf-jh7110-milkv-mars {
-                                       description = "jh7110-milkv-mars";
-                                       firmware = "opensbi";
-                                       loadables = "uboot";
-                                       fdt = "fdt-jh7110-milkv-mars";
-                               };
-                               conf-jh7110-pine64-star64 {
-                                       description = "jh7110-pine64-star64";
-                                       firmware = "opensbi";
-                                       loadables = "uboot";
-                                       fdt = "fdt-jh7110-pine64-star64";
-                               };
-                               conf-jh7110-starfive-visionfive-2-v1.2a {
-                                       description = 
-                                       firmware = "opensbi";
-                                       loadables = "uboot";
-                                       fdt = 
-                               };
-                               conf-jh7110-starfive-visionfive-2-v1.3b {
-                                       description = 
-                                       firmware = "opensbi";
-                                       loadables = "uboot";
-                                       fdt = 
-                               };
-                       };
-               };
-       };
        spl-img {
                filename = "spl/u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out";

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