On 23/01/25 15:10, Roger Quadros wrote:
+Vignesh & Siddharth

On 22/01/2025 10:53, Chintan Vankar wrote:

On 07/01/25 20:03, Roger Quadros wrote:

On 07/01/2025 11:38, Chintan Vankar wrote:
To support Ethernet boot on AM68-SK, probe AM65 CPSW NUSS driver in

Signed-off-by: Chintan Vankar <c-van...@ti.com>
   arch/arm/mach-k3/j721s2/j721s2_init.c | 10 ++++++++++
   1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-k3/j721s2/j721s2_init.c 
index 6ce3eb87efb..7208bee5785 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-k3/j721s2/j721s2_init.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-k3/j721s2/j721s2_init.c
@@ -329,6 +329,16 @@ void board_init_f(ulong dummy)
+        spl_boot_device() == BOOT_DEVICE_ETHERNET) {
+        struct udevice *cpswdev;
+        ret = uclass_get_device_by_driver(UCLASS_MISC, 
+                          &cpswdev);
+        if (ret)
+            printf("Failed to probe am65_cpsw_nuss driver..\n");
+    }

This looks like a hack. Please find out why the Ethernet driver is not being
probed when SPL tries to load image over net.

Hello Roger,

The driver is defined as UCLASS_MISC which should be probed explicitly,

The driver was originally built without UCLASS_MISC, but

commit 38922b1f4acc ("net: ti: am65-cpsw: Add support for multi port independent MAC 

Added UCLASS_MISC and states there that
" Since top level driver is now UCLASS_MISC, board files would need to
   instantiate this driver explicitly."

Not an elegant solution. So we need to fix something in the am65-cpuss driver.

Looking at drivers/net/mvpp2.c we can see a possible solution.
1) don't define .probe for the parent driver (UCLASS_MISC). Instead define .bind
that will scan the device tree for ports and bind the port device and driver.
e.g. see mvpp2_base_bind()
2) in port driver .probe (UCLASS_ETH), if parent has not been probed
then call the parent probe (am65_cpsw_probe_nuss) . Also set a flag so parent 
only gets called once.
3) update all board files no not explicitly probe the am65-cpsw UCLASS_MISC 

Siddharth / Vignesh do you see any issues with this solution?

Hello Roger, I have tried to understand your approach, I will work on
that. But for now, is it possible to merge the seris with the existing
approach ?

I have discussed the same with Nishanth in following thread:

We have the following defined at the am65-cpsw-nuss driver.

U_BOOT_DRIVER(am65_cpsw_nuss) = {
          .name   = "am65_cpsw_nuss",
          .id     = UCLASS_MISC,
          .of_match = am65_cpsw_nuss_ids,
          .probe  = am65_cpsw_probe_nuss,
          .priv_auto = sizeof(struct am65_cpsw_common),

U_BOOT_DRIVER(am65_cpsw_nuss_port) = {
          .name   = "am65_cpsw_nuss_port",
          .id     = UCLASS_ETH,
          .probe  = am65_cpsw_port_probe,
          .ops    = &am65_cpsw_ops,
          .priv_auto      = sizeof(struct am65_cpsw_priv),
          .plat_auto      = sizeof(struct eth_pdata),

It looks like am65_cpsw_probe_nuss() is not being invoked for you.

Can you please check if am65_cpsw_port_probe() was invoked?
If yes but am65_cpsw_probe_nuss() was not then we need to fix the
DM hierarchy for AM65_CPSW?

None of the probe function is getting invoked here, since we need

That is strange. am65_cpsw_probe_nuss() should be called at least for
port 0 since it is defined as UCLASS_ETH.

am65_cpsw_probe_nuss() is defined as UCLASS_MISC and not UCLASS_ETH, it
will get invoked if declared as UCLASS_ETH, as per your suggestion above
it will need driver changes to invoke the probe function without being
called explicitly and work properly.

Ethernet functionality here we need to probe function in board_init_f().
We have discussed the same at here:

           ret = uclass_get_device_by_driver(UCLASS_MISC, DM_DRIVER_GET(k3_avs),

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