On 10/21/24 09:03, Alexander Dahl wrote:
Hello Benedikt,
Am Fri, Oct 18, 2024 at 04:19:08PM +0200 schrieb Benedikt Spranger:
On Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:11:20 +0200
Alexander Dahl <a...@thorsis.com> wrote:
Hello Alexander,
Am Fri, Oct 18, 2024 at 10:30:00AM +0200 schrieb Benedikt Spranger:
OK, you might say the nand_atmel NAND driver is obsolete, but it
was the only solution to get booting from NAND running. The new DM
based NAND driver refused to do anything usefull, so I dropped it
after spending a couple of days debugging it:
Strange. I have at least three different boards with SAMA5D27
successfully booting from NAND flash with the new DM based driver
(unfortunately none of them upstreamed, which also won't change in the
foreseeable future, sorry).
Do you use at91bootstrap as 2nd level bootloader like me or something
I use the U-Boot SPL. There is no UBI support in at91boostrap. There
were some attemps, but...
No interest at the at91bootstrap side.
It's not about interest. There are two main reasons:
First, all open source UBI stacks are GPL. At91bootstrap is not GPL and
it cannot take GPL restricted code (being MIT ).
Second, all UBI stacks are huge in terms of code and memory.
At91bootstrap is a second stage that should fit in 16k , 32k or 64k
depending on the platform. So far this restriction could not be met by
any UBI implementation.
... and yes, doing a custom in-house small UBI implementation would be
challenging, and costly.
Yeah, been there. Wanted at91bootstrap to boot from SPI-NOR which is
_not_ Quad-SPI, and the feature request was closed with "if you wanna
do it by yourself, ask our support for help". :-/
iirc at91bootstrap can boot from raw spi-nor (yes, not UBI)
For me it was basically getting the dts for U-Boot correct, but
I got that running with all U-Boot releases since 2023.04 up to
2024.10. Could you share some more detail?
I face all the trouble in SPL. And since the SPL is the essential part
here (UBI support) I gave up at one point. I simply couldn't any
usefull read data from the NAND flash, but all 0.
You can not store bootstrap or SPL in UBI, it must sit in first sector
of raw NAND, I suppose that's how you load SPL? Did you try
reading/writing raw NAND from there? I'm not familiar with SPL, does
it consider dts? I could share my dts parts if that helps you.
SPL should use dts. However on at91 platforms, SPL is dangerously close
to the SRAM limit where it should fit, and it has been challenging in
the last years to either make it fit or remove it.
(What I do here: SoC loads at91bootstrap from raw NAND at offset 0,
at91bootstrap loads U-Boot from raw NAND at some offset like 0x20000,
U-Boot (proper) loads everything else from UBI.)
Either way, it is interesting to see that the U-boot proper NAND dm
driver does not work without at91bootstrap.
There may be NAND quirks in at91bootstrap board init that may influence
this (pins resets, timing delays, etc).
You can test NAND driver by booting at91bootstrap and Uboot from another
medium, like sd-card. In this way, at91bootstrap will not touch NAND
device, and you have a clean U-boot booted.