On Friday, April 29, 2011 07:06:56 Detlev Zundel wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:25, Detlev Zundel wrote:
> >> Now that we have the documentation, the code should be changed to
> >> reflect it ;)
> >> 
> >> Asd far as I can see, these are the places where HW_WATCHDOG is used
> > 
> >> instead of WATCHDOG:
> > the trouble is that watchdog.h doesnt seem to match, nor does the
> > name.  "hardware" means to me "hardware" as in "the cpu hardware".
> Yes, I understand that the situation is not 100% ideal, but I do not
> share your pessimism.

it isnt pessimism ... it's a fact that the documentation does not match the 
source, nor is the source clear.

> > > the watchdog system is a legacy mess, so probably be easier to just
> > gut the whole thing.
> A agree that the naming is not ideal, but this isn't a good enough
> argument for removing it.  Apart from that, this feature is used in many
> commercial systems...

i didnt mean remove it and not provide equivalent functionality.  there should 
be a single CONFIG_WATCHDOG and every different watchdog driver should have 
its own CONFIG_WATCHDOG_FOO define.

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