Hi Simon,
On 8/9/24 17:58, Simon Glass wrote:
Hi Michal,
On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 at 08:47, Michal Simek <michal.si...@amd.com> wrote:
On 8/9/24 16:44, Simon Glass wrote:
Hi Michal,
On Thu, 8 Aug 2024 at 23:39, Michal Simek <michal.si...@amd.com> wrote:
Hi Simon,
On 8/8/24 16:28, Simon Glass wrote:
Hi Michal,
On Wed, 7 Aug 2024 at 23:31, Michal Simek <michal.si...@amd.com> wrote:
On 8/7/24 16:36, Simon Glass wrote:
Hi Prasad,
On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 at 23:05, Kummari, Prasad <prasad.kumm...@amd.com> wrote:
Hi Glass,
-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 3:21 AM
To: Kummari, Prasad <prasad.kumm...@amd.com>
Cc: u-boot@lists.denx.de; git (AMD-Xilinx) <g...@amd.com>; Simek, Michal
<michal.si...@amd.com>; Abbarapu, Venkatesh
<venkatesh.abbar...@amd.com>; g...@xilinx.com;
ja...@amarulasolutions.com; n-fran...@ti.com; d-g...@ti.com
Subject: Re: [PATCH] cmd: sf: prevent overwriting the reserved memory
Caution: This message originated from an External Source. Use proper
caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding.
Hi Prasad,
On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 at 06:08, Prasad Kummari <prasad.kumm...@amd.com> wrote:
Added LMB API to prevent SF command from overwriting reserved memory
areas. The current SPI code does not use LMB APIs for loading data
into memory addresses. To resolve this, LMB APIs were added to check
the load address of an SF command and ensure it does not overwrite
reserved memory addresses. Similar checks are used in TFTP, serial
load, and boot code to prevent overwriting reserved memory.
The SPI flash may be used to load other things, not just an OS. What is your
use case or problem here?
[Prasad]: We have observed that SF command can overwrite the reserved area
without throwing any errors or warnings.
This issue was noticed when the TF-A area is reserved in the Device Tree
at address 0xf000000. The sf command is
corrupting the reserved area, and U-Boot relocation address too.
EX: TF-A reserved at ddr address 0xf000000
Versal NET> sf read 0x0f000000 0x0 0x100 ----> Overwriting
reserved area.
device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x100
SF: 256 bytes @ 0x0 Read: OK
U-boot relocation address relocaddr = 0x000000007fec2000
Versal NET> sf write 0x0000000077ec2000 0x0 0x100 --> Overwriting
reserved area.
device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x100
SF: 256 bytes @ 0x0 Written: OK
Yes. There are many things which can overwrite memory, e.g. the mw
command. It is a boot loader so this is normal.
What image are you loading here?
In spi boot it can be Kernel/rootfs but at the end of day it doesn't really
OK, in that case yes it should use lmb. That was the question I was
trying to understand.
We have protection for srec, fs load, tftp and wget already.
c6855195e4b4 ("loads: Block writes into LMB reserved areas of U-Boot")
aa3c609e2be5 ("fs: prevent overwriting reserved memory")
a156c47e39ad ("tftp: prevent overwriting reserved memory")
04592adbdb99 ("net: wget: prevent overwriting reserved memory")
And this is just +1 patch to protect sf command that it doesn't touch reserved
The same code should be used for other commands(nand, usb, etc) which loading
block of data to memory because all of them shouldn't rewrite reserved memory.
In connection to mw/mtest/etc command protection can be also done but not sure
if this is useful because you normally not using them for booting.
I am hoping that we can pull SPI flash into bootstd...has anyone
looked at that? Are you using scripts or is there a special bootmeth?
We didn't find this issue in connection to boot. As I wrote in another reply we
found it via spi testcases where TF-A was placed lower in DDR and test overwrite
it without any other evidence. Part of the reason is that protection units are
not enabled to protect secure FW.
Do you mean the sandbox test test/dm/sf.c ? Or something else? If the
former, then we could mark dm_test_spi_flash() with CONFIG_SANDBOX
pytest one and I think it was this one.
Love is working on sending this test upstream as he did with others.
OK. But why is TF-A low in RAM? We really need to have a think about
this TF-A thing. This is the second problem I've seen in a week (the
first was rockchip resetting the timer). Is there a spec for what TF-A
is supposed to do / not do?
It is user choice where they put trusted firmware.
All depends on their application. Normally TF-A is in OCM but some users can
have a need to use OCM for user application because for example it is much
faster than DDR.
Not sure if there is any official spec but documentation is here.
But this issue is not related to TF-A. It is just the way how we found it based
on our partitioning.
Because DDR can be partitioned for Secure OS, different cpus (RPUs in our case)
or for processing units(MB/Risc-V/other masters) running out of programmable
logic. In general when you are reserved location for whatever reason all loading
commands shouldn't use them.