On 8/7/24 23:12, Tom Rini wrote:
On Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 05:37:00PM +0530, Prasad Kummari wrote:

Added LMB API to prevent SF command from overwriting reserved
memory areas. The current SPI code does not use LMB APIs for
loading data into memory addresses. To resolve this, LMB APIs
were added to check the load address of an SF command and ensure it
does not overwrite reserved memory addresses. Similar checks are
used in TFTP, serial load, and boot code to prevent overwriting
reserved memory.

Signed-off-by: Prasad Kummari <prasad.kumm...@amd.com>

This is a much more generic issue that should be looked in to with the
LMB rewrite that Sughosh is working on.

yes. And is it going to be the part of his series?
I expect that if he accepts this will be done on the top of it and there is likely no reason to wait. We find the issue out on system which has more dynamic behavior that spi pytest read the whole memory and rewrite TF-A.

And currently we are in situation where some commands are checking reserved location and some of them not.


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