On 09/08/2024 08:18, Heinrich Schuchardt wrote:

Am 8. August 2024 18:24:24 MESZ schrieb Caleb Connolly 
While U-Boot does a pretty good job at printing information at startup
about what hardware it's running on, it can be hard to take pretty
pictures of this to show off on the internet (by far the most
important aspect of porting a device in 2024!).

Add a small utility "ufetch" for displaying some information about U-Boot and
the hardware it's running on in a similar fashion to the popular neofetch tool
for *nix's [1].

While the output is meant to be useful, it should also be pleasing to look at
and look good in screenshots. The ufetch command brings this to U-Boot,
featuring a colorful ASCII art version of the U-Boot logo and a fancy layout.

Finally, tireless device porters can properly show off their hard work and get
the internet points they so deserve!

Not everything is fully supported yet, but this seemed good enough for initial
inclusion. Only one MMC device is detected, and other than SCSI other storage
devices aren't supported.

This command is not very generic. E.g. it supports SCSI drives but not SATA. 
Many boards have eMMC and SD-card. This lks more ike an RFC tan something ready 
to merge.

Honestly it didn't even occur to me to send an RFC since this is purely a vanity thing...

I'll make it generic over UCLASS_BLK if possible for the next revision.

Why don't you use a script or an EFI program to print whatever information you 

Well , then you'd need to have a way to load the script or EFI binary, which might not be possible for an early U-Boot port which doesn't have storage support yet (or at least, be a bunch of effort).

The only motivation to have this in U-Boot is really because

a) it's cute
b) it motivates "reward oriented" people like myself to get U-Boot booting on new/interesting devices because now it can be really easily shown off.

Maybe it's a cynical take, but I think stuff like this really has the potential to get more folks interested. Nobody likes doing the invisible background work, so why not bring some visibility to things?

Assuming I did a bad job at conveying my intent in the patch description: the point here is not to convey useful debugging information to developers, it's to show off, look pretty, and be amusing. Plenty of other U-Boot commands can convey information, this one is more like the 2048 port.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neofetch

Signed-off-by: Caleb Connolly <caleb.conno...@linaro.org>
Ephemeral demo image: https://0x0.st/XVUa.png
cmd/Kconfig  |   7 ++
cmd/Makefile |   1 +
cmd/ufetch.c | 201 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 209 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 cmd/ufetch.c

diff --git a/cmd/Kconfig b/cmd/Kconfig
index 978f44eda426..70acb5727b04 100644
--- a/cmd/Kconfig
+++ b/cmd/Kconfig
@@ -175,8 +175,15 @@ config CMD_CPU
          number of CPUs, type (e.g. manufacturer, architecture, product or
          internal name) and clock frequency. Other information may be
          available depending on the CPU driver.

+config CMD_UFETCH
+       bool "U-Boot fetch"
+       depends on BLK
+       help
+         Fetch utility for U-Boot (akin to neofetch). Prints information
+         about U-Boot and the board it is running on in a pleasing format.
        bool "fwu metadata read"
        depends on FWU_MULTI_BANK_UPDATE
diff --git a/cmd/Makefile b/cmd/Makefile
index 87133cc27a8a..ffb04c8f2e0a 100644
--- a/cmd/Makefile
+++ b/cmd/Makefile
@@ -53,8 +53,9 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_CONSOLE) += console.o
obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_CPU) += cpu.o
obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_DATE) += date.o
obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_DEMO) += demo.o
obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_DM) += dm.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_UFETCH) += ufetch.o
obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_SOUND) += sound.o
obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_DIAG) += diag.o
diff --git a/cmd/ufetch.c b/cmd/ufetch.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f7374eb2e364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/ufetch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+/* Small "fetch" utility for U-Boot */
+#include <mmc.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <asm/global_data.h>
+#include <cli.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include <dm/ofnode.h>
+#include <env.h>
+#include <rand.h>
+#include <vsprintf.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <version.h>
+#define LINE_WIDTH 40
+#define BLUE "\033[38;5;4m"
+#define YELLOW "\033[38;5;11m"
+#define BOLD "\033[1m"
+#define RESET "\033[0m"
+static const char *logo_lines[] = {
+       BLUE BOLD "                  ......::......                   ",
+       BLUE BOLD "             ...::::::::::::::::::...              ",
+       BLUE BOLD "          ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::..           ",
+       BLUE BOLD "        .::::.:::::::::::::::...::::.::::.         ",
+       BLUE BOLD "      .::::::::::::::::::::..::::::::::::::.       ",
+       BLUE BOLD "    .::.:::::::::::::::::::" YELLOW "=*%#*" BLUE "::::::::::.::.  
+       BLUE BOLD "   .:::::::::::::::::....." YELLOW "*%%*-" BLUE ":....::::::::::. 
+       BLUE BOLD "  .:.:::...:::::::::.:-" YELLOW "===##*---==-" BLUE 
"::::::::::.:.   ",
+       BLUE BOLD " .::::..::::........" YELLOW "-***#****###****-" BLUE 
"...::::::.:.  ",
+       BLUE BOLD " ::.:.-" YELLOW "+***+=" BLUE "::-" YELLOW "=+**#%%%%%%%%%%%%###*= " 
BLUE "-::...::::. ",
+       BLUE BOLD ".:.::-" YELLOW "*****###%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#*=" BLUE 
":..:::: ",
+       BLUE BOLD ".::" YELLOW "##" BLUE ":" YELLOW 
"***#%%%%%%#####%%%%%%%####%%%%%####%%%*" BLUE "-.::. ",
+       BLUE BOLD ":.:" YELLOW "#%" BLUE "::" YELLOW 
"*%%%%%%%#*****##%%%#*****##%%##*****#%%+" BLUE ".::.",
+       BLUE BOLD ".::" YELLOW "**==#%%%%%%%##****#%%%%##****#%%%%#****###%%" BLUE 
":.. ",
+       BLUE BOLD "..:" YELLOW "#%" BLUE "::" YELLOW "*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#%%%%%+ 
" BLUE ".:.",
+       BLUE BOLD " ::" YELLOW "##" BLUE ":" YELLOW "+**#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* 
" BLUE "-.:: ",
+       BLUE BOLD " ..::-" YELLOW "#****#%#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#*=" BLUE 
"-..::.  ",
+       BLUE BOLD "  ...:=" YELLOW "*****=" BLUE "::-\033[38;5;7m=+**###%%%%%%%%###**+=  
" BLUE "--:...:::  ",
+       BLUE BOLD "   .::.::--:........::::::--::::::......::::::.    ",
+       BLUE BOLD "    .::.....::::::::::...........:::::::::.::.     ",
+       BLUE BOLD "      .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.       ",
+       BLUE BOLD "        .::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.::::.         ",
+       BLUE BOLD "          ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::..           ",
+       BLUE BOLD "             ...::::::::::::::::::...              ",
+       BLUE BOLD "                  ......::......                   ",
+enum output_lines {
+       FIRST,
+       SECOND,
+       KERNEL,
+       SYSINFO,
+       HOST,
+       UPTIME,
+       IP,
+       CMDS,
+       CONSOLES,
+       DEVICES,
+       FEATURES,
+       CORES,
+       MEMORY,
+       STORAGE,
+       /* Up to 10 storage devices... Should be enough for anyone right? */
+       _LAST_LINE = (STORAGE + 10),
+#define LAST_LINE (_LAST_LINE - 1UL)
+static int do_ufetch(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,
+                    char *const argv[])
+       int num_lines = max(LAST_LINE + 1, ARRAY_SIZE(logo_lines));
+       const char *model, *compatible;
+       char *ipaddr;
+       int n_cmds, n_cpus = 0, ret, compatlen;
+       ofnode np;
+       struct mmc *mmc;
+       struct blk_desc *scsi_desc;
+       bool skip_ascii = false;
+       if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-n") == 0) {
+               skip_ascii = true;
+               num_lines = LAST_LINE;
+       }
+       for (int i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) {
+               if (!skip_ascii) {
+                       if (i < ARRAY_SIZE(logo_lines))
+                               printf("%s ", logo_lines[i]);
+                       else
+                               printf("%*c ", LINE_WIDTH, ' ');
+               }
+               switch (i) {
+               case FIRST:
+                       compatible = ofnode_read_string(ofnode_root(), 
+                       if (!compatible)
+                               compatible = "unknown";
+                       printf(RESET "%s\n", compatible);
+                       compatlen = strlen(compatible);
+                       break;
+               case SECOND:
+                       for (int j = 0; j < compatlen; j++)
+                               putc('-');
+                       putc('\n');
+                       break;
+               case KERNEL:

Please, do not use misleading variable names.

it is meant to be a little satirical, but I get it.

+                       printf("Kernel:" RESET " %s\n", U_BOOT_VERSION);
+                       break;
+               case SYSINFO:
+                       printf("Config:" RESET " %s_defconfig\n", 
+                       break;
+               case HOST:
+                       model = ofnode_read_string(ofnode_root(), "model");
+                       if (model)
+                               printf("Host:" RESET " %s\n", model);
+                       break;
+               case UPTIME:
+                       printf("Uptime:" RESET " %ld seconds\n", get_timer(0) / 
+                       break;
+               case IP:
+                       ipaddr = env_get("ipvaddr");
+                       if (!ipaddr)
+                               ipaddr = "none";
+                       printf("IP Address:" RESET " %s", ipaddr);
+                       ipaddr = env_get("ipv6addr");
+                       if (ipaddr)
+                               printf(", %s\n", ipaddr);
+                       else
+                               putc('\n');
+                       break;
+               case CMDS:
+                       n_cmds = ll_entry_count(struct cmd_tbl, cmd);

Who cares if you have 50 commands or 51 if you don't know which?

This is a play on the neofetch "packages" counter.

+                       printf("Commands:" RESET " %d (help)\n", n_cmds);
+                       break;
+               case CONSOLES:
+                       printf("Consoles:" RESET " %s (%d baud)\n", 
+                              gd->baudrate);
+                       break;
+               case DEVICES:
+                       printf("Devices:" RESET " ");
+                       /* TODO: walk the DM tree */
+                       printf("Uncountable!\n");

Nothing we should merge.

+                       break;
+               case FEATURES:
+                       printf("Features:" RESET " ");
+                       if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NET))
+                               printf("Net");

Wouuldn't you want to know which devices where detected?

+                       if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_EFI_LOADER))
+                               printf(", EFI");
+                       printf("\n");
+                       break;
+               case RELOCATION:
+                       if (gd->flags & GD_FLG_SKIP_RELOC)
+                               printf("Relocated:" RESET " no\n");
+                       else
+                               printf("Relocated:" RESET " to %#09lx\n", 
+                       break;
+               case CORES:
+                       ofnode_for_each_subnode(np, ofnode_path("/cpus")) {
+                               if (ofnode_name_eq(np, "cpu"))
+                                       n_cpus++;
+                       }
+                       printf("CPU:" RESET " %d (1 in use)\n", n_cpus);
+                       break;
+               case MEMORY:
+                       printf("Memory:" RESET " %lu MB\n", (ulong)gd->ram_size 
>> 20);
+                       break;
+               case STORAGE:
+               default:
+                       if (i == STORAGE && get_mmc_num() > 0) {
+                               mmc = find_mmc_device(0);
+                               if (mmc)
+                                       printf("Storage:" RESET "  mmc 0: %llu MB", 
mmc->capacity >> 20);

And if my eMMC is device 1 and SD card is 0?

Why wouldn't you iterate over all UCLASS_BLK devices?

Best regards


+                       }
+                       if (i >= STORAGE + 1) {
+                               ret = blk_get_desc(UCLASS_SCSI, i - (STORAGE + 1), 
+                               if (!ret && scsi_desc->type != DEV_TYPE_UNKNOWN)
+                                       /* The calculation here is really lossy 
but close enough */
+                                       printf("Storage:" RESET " scsi %d: %lu 
MB", i - (STORAGE + 1),
+                                              ((scsi_desc->lba >> 9) * 
scsi_desc->blksz) >> 11);
+                       }
+                       printf("\n");
+               }
+       }
+       printf(RESET "\n\n");
+       return 0;
+U_BOOT_CMD(ufetch, 2, 1, do_ufetch,
+       "U-Boot fetch utility",
+       "Print information about your device.\n"
+       "    -n    Don't print the ASCII logo"

// Caleb (they/them)

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