Dear Jason Liu,

In message <> you wrote:
> > I think the only issue is if there is some reasons to set the test range
> > to only 64KB, except the fact this was the value set for the mx51evk. If
> > you do not see any special reasons, you could increase the
> > CONFIG_SYS_MEMTEST_END to a larger value.
> Is there any rule that we need must follow to set the

The only strict rule is that the test must work with the defined area.

> If no, I think the value we set is free. Here I set for 64KB is just
> for simple and quick
> test, there is no other reasons.
> In fact, mtest command line can override the value.
> What the value you think I need set?

My recommendation is to set a range that is as big as possible for
the given system, so the default call of the mtest command will
actually test all (well, most of) the present RAM.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,     MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
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