On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 8:36 AM Tim Harvey <thar...@gateworks.com> wrote:
> Modern eMMC v4+ devices have multiple hardware partitions per the JEDEC
> specification described as:
>  Boot Area Partition 1
>  Boot Area Partition 2
>  RPMB Partition
>  General Purpose Partition 1
>  General Purpose Partition 2
>  General Purpose Partition 3
>  General Purpose Partition 4
>  User Data Area
> These are referenced by fields in the PARTITION_CONFIG register
> (Extended CSD Register 179) which is defined as:
> bit 7: reserved
> bit 6: BOOT_ACK
>   0x0: No boot acknowledge sent (default
>   0x1: Boot acknowledge sent during boot operation Bit
>   0x0: Device not boot enabled (default)
>   0x1: Boot Area partition 1 enabled for boot
>   0x2: Boot Area partition 2 enabled for boot
>   0x3-0x6: Reserved
>   0x7: User area enabled for boot
>   0x0: No access to boot partition (default)
>   0x1: Boot Area partition 1
>   0x2: Boot Area partition 2
>   0x3: Replay Protected Memory Block (RPMB)
>   0x4: Access to General Purpose partition 1
>   0x5: Access to General Purpose partition 2
>   0x6: Access to General Purpose partition 3
>   0x7: Access to General Purpose partition 4
> Note that setting PARTITION_ACCESS to 0x0 results in selecting the User
> Data Area partition.
> You can see above that the two fields BOOT_PARTITION_ENABLE and
> PARTITION_ACCESS do not use the same enumerated values.
> U-Boot uses a set of macros to access fields of the PARTITION_CONFIG
> register:
> EXT_CSD_BOOT_ACK_ENABLE                 (1 << 6)
> EXT_CSD_BOOT_PARTITION_ENABLE           (1 << 3)
> EXT_CSD_BOOT_ACK(x)             (x << 6)
> EXT_CSD_BOOT_PART_NUM(x)        (x << 3)
> EXT_CSD_PARTITION_ACCESS(x)     (x << 0)
> EXT_CSD_EXTRACT_BOOT_ACK(x) (((x) >> 6) & 0x1)
> EXT_CSD_EXTRACT_BOOT_PART(x) (((x) >> 3) & 0x7)
> There are various places in U-Boot where the BOOT_PARTITION_ENABLE field
> is accessed via EXT_CSD_EXTRACT_PARTITION_ACCESS and converted to a
> hardware partition consistent with the definition of the
> PARTITION_ACCESS field used by the various mmc_switch incarnations.
> To add some sanity to the distinction between BOOT_PARTITION_ENABLE
> (used to specify the active device on power-cycle) and PARTITION_ACCESS
> (used to switch between hardware partitions) create two enumerated types
> and use them wherever struct mmc * part_config is used or the above
> macros are used.
> Additionally provide arrays of the field names and allow those to be
> used in the 'mmc partconf' command and in board support files.
> The first patch adds enumerated types and makes use of them which
> represents no compiled code change.
> The 2nd patch adds the array of names and uses them in the 'mmc
> partconf' command.
> The 3rd patch uses the array of hardware partition names in a board
> support file to show what emmc hardware partition U-Boot is being loaded
> from.
> I'm sending this as a series this time around as previously it was
> repsented as two different patches.
> Tim Harvey (3):
>   mmc: use an enumerated type to represent PARTITION_CONFIG fields
>   mmc: allow use of hardware partition names for mmc partconf
>   venice: show emmc boot hardware partition
>  arch/arm/mach-imx/image-container.c | 10 ++++-----
>  arch/arm/mach-sunxi/board.c         |  2 +-
>  board/gateworks/venice/spl.c        | 20 ++++++++++++-----
>  board/gateworks/venice/venice.c     | 22 +++++++++---------
>  board/purism/librem5/librem5.c      |  4 ++--
>  board/storopack/smegw01/smegw01.c   |  4 ++--
>  cmd/mmc.c                           | 27 ++++++++++++++++++----
>  cmd/mvebu/bubt.c                    |  4 ++--
>  common/spl/spl_mmc.c                |  4 ++--
>  drivers/mmc/mmc.c                   | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  include/mmc.h                       | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++
>  11 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
> --
> 2.25.1


Is there any feedback on this series? I got feedback from several
people on my first attempt (cc'd) but nothing on this version.

Best Regards,


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