This makes sense as one should *not* copy from one sector in a flash to the same sector in a flash. Flash is erased in sectors, usually 128K and should be treated as a complete sector.
The cp command is usually used to copy from RAM to FLASH or from FLASH to RAM. What you are doing seems illogical. Charles On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:01 PM, hacklu.uboot <>wrote: > hi,in my uboot. > > there is some bugs when I cp to flash like this: > cp.b addr1 addr2 0x100 > > when the two addr in the same bank of a flash. it go wrongs > > finally the date of addr2 is 0x8080808080... > > cp to another bank of flash is work correctly. > cp from mem to flash or from flash to mem also correctly. > > how is this? > > > _______________________________________________ > U-Boot mailing list > > > > -- Charles Krinke
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