Am 02.04.24 um 10:58 schrieb Ivan T. Ivanov:
On 2024-03-28 01:37, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 07:49:38AM +0100, Stefan Wahren wrote:
[add Peter and Ivan]
Am 26.03.24 um 20:58 schrieb Laurent Pinchart:
> Hello,
> This small series includes a few drive-by fixes for DT validation
> errors.
> The first patch has been posted previously in v1 ([1], and now
> a small review comment. I think it's good to go.
> The next two patches address the same issue as "[PATCH 1/2]
> arm: bcm: raspberrypi,bcm2835-firmware: Add missing properties"
> but this time with a (hopefully) correct approach. Patch 2/3
starts by
> fixing the raspberrypi-bcm2835-firmware driver, removing the need
for DT
> properties that are specified in bcm2835-rpi.dtsi but not
documented in
> the corresponding bindings. Patch 3/3 can then drop those properties,
> getting rid of the warnings.
since this series drops properties from the device tree, does anyone
have the chance to test it with a recent U-Boot?
I don't have U-Boot running with my RPi, so I would appreciate if
someone could help :-)
Sorry for taking me so long to verify this.
I think on RPi U-Boot side we are fine. API used when accessing Mbox
device do not follow DM model and do not use DMA, but just access
device directly using this nice macros phys_to_bus/bus_to_phys.
I build new DTB files with this patch included and U-Boot build
from the latest sources. No obvious issues on RPi3 and RPi4.
Devices boot fine.
Thanks you, Laurent and Ivan
Reviewed-by: Stefan Wahren <>