Add the support of the revision 2 of FMC2 IP.
     - PCSCNTR register has been removed,
     - CFGR register has been added,
     - the bit used to enable the IP has moved from BCR1 to CFGR,
     - the timeout for CEx deassertion has moved from PCSCNTR to BCRx,
     - the continuous clock enable has moved from BCR1 to CFGR,
     - the clk divide ratio has moved from BCR1 to CFGR.

The MP1 SoCs have only one signal to manage all the controllers (NWAIT).
The MP25 SOC has one RNB signal for the NAND controller and one NWAIT
signal for the memory controller.

Let's use a platform data structure for parameters that will differ
between MP1 and MP25.

Signed-off-by: Christophe Kerello <>


 drivers/memory/stm32-fmc2-ebi.c | 313 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 301 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/memory/stm32-fmc2-ebi.c b/drivers/memory/stm32-fmc2-ebi.c
index a722a3836f7..c7db16463e8 100644
--- a/drivers/memory/stm32-fmc2-ebi.c
+++ b/drivers/memory/stm32-fmc2-ebi.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #define FMC2_BCR(x)                    ((x) * 0x8 + FMC2_BCR1)
 #define FMC2_BTR(x)                    ((x) * 0x8 + FMC2_BTR1)
 #define FMC2_PCSCNTR                   0x20
+#define FMC2_CFGR                      0x20
 #define FMC2_BWTR1                     0x104
 #define FMC2_BWTR(x)                   ((x) * 0x8 + FMC2_BWTR1)
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@
 #define FMC2_BCR_ASYNCWAIT             BIT(15)
 #define FMC2_BCR_CPSIZE                        GENMASK(18, 16)
 #define FMC2_BCR_CBURSTRW              BIT(19)
+#define FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT               GENMASK(21, 20)
 #define FMC2_BCR_NBLSET                        GENMASK(23, 22)
 /* Register: FMC2_BTRx/FMC2_BWTRx */
@@ -60,6 +62,11 @@
 #define FMC2_PCSCNTR_CSCOUNT           GENMASK(15, 0)
 #define FMC2_PCSCNTR_CNTBEN(x)         BIT((x) + 16)
+/* Register: FMC2_CFGR */
+#define FMC2_CFGR_CLKDIV               GENMASK(19, 16)
+#define FMC2_CFGR_CCLKEN               BIT(20)
+#define FMC2_CFGR_FMC2EN               BIT(31)
 #define FMC2_MAX_EBI_CE                        4
 #define FMC2_MAX_BANKS                 5
@@ -76,6 +83,11 @@
 #define FMC2_BCR_MTYP_PSRAM            0x1
 #define FMC2_BCR_MTYP_NOR              0x2
+#define FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT_0             0x0
+#define FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT_1             0x1
+#define FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT_64            0x2
+#define FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT_256           0x3
 #define FMC2_BXTR_EXTMOD_A             0x0
 #define FMC2_BXTR_EXTMOD_B             0x1
 #define FMC2_BXTR_EXTMOD_C             0x2
@@ -90,6 +102,7 @@
 #define FMC2_BTR_CLKDIV_MAX            0xf
 #define FMC2_BTR_DATLAT_MAX            0xf
 #define FMC2_PCSCNTR_CSCOUNT_MAX       0xff
+#define FMC2_CFGR_CLKDIV_MAX           0xf
 enum stm32_fmc2_ebi_bank {
        FMC2_EBI1 = 0,
@@ -103,7 +116,8 @@ enum stm32_fmc2_ebi_register_type {
        FMC2_REG_BCR = 1,
+       FMC2_REG_CFGR
 enum stm32_fmc2_ebi_transaction_type {
@@ -134,9 +148,27 @@ enum stm32_fmc2_ebi_cpsize {
        FMC2_CPSIZE_1024 = 1024
+enum stm32_fmc2_ebi_cscount {
+       FMC2_CSCOUNT_0 = 0,
+       FMC2_CSCOUNT_1 = 1,
+       FMC2_CSCOUNT_64 = 64,
+       FMC2_CSCOUNT_256 = 256
+struct stm32_fmc2_ebi;
+struct stm32_fmc2_ebi_data {
+       const struct stm32_fmc2_prop *child_props;
+       unsigned int nb_child_props;
+       u32 fmc2_enable_reg;
+       u32 fmc2_enable_bit;
+       int (*nwait_used_by_ctrls)(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi);
 struct stm32_fmc2_ebi {
        struct clk clk;
        fdt_addr_t io_base;
+       const struct stm32_fmc2_ebi_data *data;
        u8 bank_assigned;
@@ -296,6 +328,24 @@ static u32 stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clk_period(struct 
stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi,
        return DIV_ROUND_UP(nb_clk_cycles, clk_period);
+static u32 stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp25_ns_to_clk_period(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi,
+                                               int cs, u32 setup)
+       u32 nb_clk_cycles = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles(ebi, cs, setup);
+       u32 cfgr = readl(ebi->io_base + FMC2_CFGR);
+       u32 clk_period;
+       if (cfgr & FMC2_CFGR_CCLKEN) {
+               clk_period = FIELD_GET(FMC2_CFGR_CLKDIV, cfgr) + 1;
+       } else {
+               u32 btr = readl(ebi->io_base + FMC2_BTR(cs));
+               clk_period = FIELD_GET(FMC2_BTR_CLKDIV, btr) + 1;
+       }
+       return DIV_ROUND_UP(nb_clk_cycles, clk_period);
 static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_get_reg(int reg_type, int cs, u32 *reg)
        switch (reg_type) {
@@ -311,6 +361,9 @@ static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_get_reg(int reg_type, int cs, u32 
        case FMC2_REG_PCSCNTR:
                *reg = FMC2_PCSCNTR;
+       case FMC2_REG_CFGR:
+               *reg = FMC2_CFGR;
+               break;
                return -EINVAL;
@@ -649,6 +702,26 @@ static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_clk_period(struct 
stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi,
        return 0;
+static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp25_set_clk_period(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi,
+                                             const struct stm32_fmc2_prop 
+                                             int cs, u32 setup)
+       u32 cfgr = readl(ebi->io_base + FMC2_CFGR);
+       u32 val;
+       if (cfgr & FMC2_CFGR_CCLKEN) {
+               val = setup ? clamp_val(setup - 1, 1, FMC2_CFGR_CLKDIV_MAX) : 1;
+               val = FIELD_PREP(FMC2_CFGR_CLKDIV, val);
+               clrsetbits_le32(ebi->io_base + FMC2_CFGR, FMC2_CFGR_CLKDIV, 
+       } else {
+               val = setup ? clamp_val(setup - 1, 1, FMC2_BTR_CLKDIV_MAX) : 1;
+               val = FIELD_PREP(FMC2_BTR_CLKDIV, val);
+               clrsetbits_le32(ebi->io_base + FMC2_BTR(cs), FMC2_BTR_CLKDIV, 
+       }
+       return 0;
 static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_data_latency(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi,
                                           const struct stm32_fmc2_prop *prop,
                                           int cs, u32 setup)
@@ -689,6 +762,27 @@ static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_max_low_pulse(struct 
stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi,
        return 0;
+static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp25_set_max_low_pulse(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi,
+                                                const struct stm32_fmc2_prop 
+                                                int cs, u32 setup)
+       u32 val;
+       if (setup == FMC2_CSCOUNT_0)
+               val = FIELD_PREP(FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT, FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT_0);
+       else if (setup == FMC2_CSCOUNT_1)
+               val = FIELD_PREP(FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT, FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT_1);
+       else if (setup <= FMC2_CSCOUNT_64)
+               val = FIELD_PREP(FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT, FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT_64);
+       else
+               val = FIELD_PREP(FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT, FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT_256);
+       clrsetbits_le32(ebi->io_base + FMC2_BCR(cs),
+                       FMC2_BCR_CSCOUNT, val);
+       return 0;
 static const struct stm32_fmc2_prop stm32_fmc2_child_props[] = {
        /* st,fmc2-ebi-cs-trans-type must be the first property */
@@ -854,6 +948,171 @@ static const struct stm32_fmc2_prop 
stm32_fmc2_child_props[] = {
+static const struct stm32_fmc2_prop stm32_fmc2_mp25_child_props[] = {
+       /* st,fmc2-ebi-cs-trans-type must be the first property */
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-transaction-type",
+               .mprop = true,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_trans_type,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-cclk-enable",
+               .bprop = true,
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_CFGR,
+               .reg_mask = FMC2_CFGR_CCLKEN,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_sync_trans,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_bit_field,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-mux-enable",
+               .bprop = true,
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BCR,
+               .reg_mask = FMC2_BCR_MUXEN,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_mux,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_bit_field,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-buswidth",
+               .reset_val = FMC2_BUSWIDTH_16,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_buswidth,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-waitpol-high",
+               .bprop = true,
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BCR,
+               .reg_mask = FMC2_BCR_WAITPOL,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_bit_field,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-waitcfg-enable",
+               .bprop = true,
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BCR,
+               .reg_mask = FMC2_BCR_WAITCFG,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_waitcfg,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_bit_field,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-wait-enable",
+               .bprop = true,
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BCR,
+               .reg_mask = FMC2_BCR_WAITEN,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_sync_trans,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_bit_field,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-asyncwait-enable",
+               .bprop = true,
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BCR,
+               .reg_mask = FMC2_BCR_ASYNCWAIT,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_async_trans,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_bit_field,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-cpsize",
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_cpsize,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_cpsize,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-byte-lane-setup-ns",
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_bl_setup,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-address-setup-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BTR,
+               .reset_val = FMC2_BXTR_ADDSET_MAX,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_async_trans,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_address_setup,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-address-hold-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BTR,
+               .reset_val = FMC2_BXTR_ADDHLD_MAX,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_address_hold,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_address_hold,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-data-setup-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BTR,
+               .reset_val = FMC2_BXTR_DATAST_MAX,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_async_trans,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_data_setup,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-bus-turnaround-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BTR,
+               .reset_val = FMC2_BXTR_BUSTURN_MAX + 1,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_bus_turnaround,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-data-hold-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BTR,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_async_trans,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_data_hold,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-clk-period-ns",
+               .reset_val = FMC2_CFGR_CLKDIV_MAX + 1,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_sync_trans,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp25_set_clk_period,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-data-latency-ns",
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_sync_trans,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp25_ns_to_clk_period,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_data_latency,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-write-address-setup-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BWTR,
+               .reset_val = FMC2_BXTR_ADDSET_MAX,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_async_trans,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_address_setup,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-write-address-hold-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BWTR,
+               .reset_val = FMC2_BXTR_ADDHLD_MAX,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_address_hold,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_address_hold,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-write-data-setup-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BWTR,
+               .reset_val = FMC2_BXTR_DATAST_MAX,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_async_trans,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_data_setup,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-write-bus-turnaround-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BWTR,
+               .reset_val = FMC2_BXTR_BUSTURN_MAX + 1,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_bus_turnaround,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-write-data-hold-ns",
+               .reg_type = FMC2_REG_BWTR,
+               .check = stm32_fmc2_ebi_check_async_trans,
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_set_data_hold,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "st,fmc2-ebi-cs-max-low-pulse-ns",
+               .calculate = stm32_fmc2_ebi_ns_to_clock_cycles,
+               .set = stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp25_set_max_low_pulse,
+       },
 static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_parse_prop(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi,
                                     ofnode node,
                                     const struct stm32_fmc2_prop *prop,
@@ -915,7 +1174,7 @@ static void stm32_fmc2_ebi_disable_bank(struct 
stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi, int cs)
 /* NWAIT signal can not be connected to EBI controller and NAND controller */
-static bool stm32_fmc2_ebi_nwait_used_by_ctrls(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi)
+static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_nwait_used_by_ctrls(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi)
        unsigned int cs;
        u32 bcr;
@@ -926,16 +1185,19 @@ static bool stm32_fmc2_ebi_nwait_used_by_ctrls(struct 
stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi)
                bcr = readl(ebi->io_base + FMC2_BCR(cs));
                if ((bcr & FMC2_BCR_WAITEN || bcr & FMC2_BCR_ASYNCWAIT) &&
-                   ebi->bank_assigned & BIT(FMC2_NAND))
-                       return true;
+                   ebi->bank_assigned & BIT(FMC2_NAND)) {
+                       log_err("NWAIT signal connected to EBI and NAND 
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
-       return false;
+       return 0;
 static void stm32_fmc2_ebi_enable(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi)
-       setbits_le32(ebi->io_base + FMC2_BCR1, FMC2_BCR1_FMC2EN);
+       setbits_le32(ebi->io_base + ebi->data->fmc2_enable_reg,
+                    ebi->data->fmc2_enable_bit);
 static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_setup_cs(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi *ebi,
@@ -946,8 +1208,8 @@ static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_setup_cs(struct stm32_fmc2_ebi 
        stm32_fmc2_ebi_disable_bank(ebi, cs);
-       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(stm32_fmc2_child_props); i++) {
-               const struct stm32_fmc2_prop *p = &stm32_fmc2_child_props[i];
+       for (i = 0; i < ebi->data->nb_child_props; i++) {
+               const struct stm32_fmc2_prop *p = &ebi->data->child_props[i];
                ret = stm32_fmc2_ebi_parse_prop(ebi, node, p, cs);
                if (ret) {
@@ -1004,9 +1266,10 @@ static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_parse_dt(struct udevice *dev,
                return -ENODEV;
-       if (stm32_fmc2_ebi_nwait_used_by_ctrls(ebi)) {
-               dev_err(dev, "NWAIT signal connected to EBI and NAND 
-               return -EINVAL;
+       if (ebi->data->nwait_used_by_ctrls) {
+               ret = ebi->data->nwait_used_by_ctrls(ebi);
+               if (ret)
+                       return ret;
@@ -1020,6 +1283,10 @@ static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_probe(struct udevice *dev)
        struct reset_ctl reset;
        int ret;
+       ebi->data = (void *)dev_get_driver_data(dev);
+       if (!ebi->data)
+               return -EINVAL;
        ebi->io_base = dev_read_addr(dev);
        if (ebi->io_base == FDT_ADDR_T_NONE)
                return -EINVAL;
@@ -1042,8 +1309,30 @@ static int stm32_fmc2_ebi_probe(struct udevice *dev)
        return stm32_fmc2_ebi_parse_dt(dev, ebi);
+static const struct stm32_fmc2_ebi_data stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp1_data = {
+       .child_props = stm32_fmc2_child_props,
+       .nb_child_props = ARRAY_SIZE(stm32_fmc2_child_props),
+       .fmc2_enable_reg = FMC2_BCR1,
+       .fmc2_enable_bit = FMC2_BCR1_FMC2EN,
+       .nwait_used_by_ctrls = stm32_fmc2_ebi_nwait_used_by_ctrls,
+static const struct stm32_fmc2_ebi_data stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp25_data = {
+       .child_props = stm32_fmc2_mp25_child_props,
+       .nb_child_props = ARRAY_SIZE(stm32_fmc2_mp25_child_props),
+       .fmc2_enable_reg = FMC2_CFGR,
+       .fmc2_enable_bit = FMC2_CFGR_FMC2EN,
 static const struct udevice_id stm32_fmc2_ebi_match[] = {
-       {.compatible = "st,stm32mp1-fmc2-ebi"},
+       {
+               .compatible = "st,stm32mp1-fmc2-ebi",
+               .data = (ulong)&stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp1_data,
+       },
+       {
+               .compatible = "st,stm32mp25-fmc2-ebi",
+               .data = (ulong)&stm32_fmc2_ebi_mp25_data,
+       },
        { /* Sentinel */ }

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