чт, 25 січ. 2024 р. о 22:17 Svyatoslav Ryhel <clamo...@gmail.com> пише:
> Currently, if boot with extlinux.conf and do not set the fdt
> U-Boot will provide its own device tree. This behavior is
> beneficial if the U-Boot device tree is in sync with Linux,
> but it totally halts the booting of pre-dtb kernels (3.4 for
> example) since it uses ATAGs. To fix this, pass `-` in the
> fdt extlinux field as a signal that no tree should be used.
> Tested with 3.4 legacy kernel and mainline 6.7 kernel on
> P895 (lg_x3 board).
> ---
> Changes form v1
>  - Added CONFIG guards
>  - Clarified documentation
> ---
> Svyatoslav Ryhel (1):
>   boot: pxe_utils: skip fdt setup in case legacy kernel is booted
>  boot/pxe_utils.c       | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
>  doc/develop/distro.rst |  6 ++++++
>  2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
> --
> 2.40.1

Hello, Tom! A month passed since v2 was pushed without any actions,
should I re-send it or maybe some adjustments are needed?

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