Sync devicetree with kernel v6.7-rc1

Signed-off-by: Manorit Chawdhry <>
 arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-main.dtsi       | 232 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-mcu-wakeup.dtsi |  82 +++++++++++-
 arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-som-p0.dtsi     | 208 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-main.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-main.dtsi
index 084f8f5b6699..b03731b53a26 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-main.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-main.dtsi
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@
        main_navss: bus@30000000 {
-               compatible = "simple-mfd";
+               compatible = "simple-bus";
                #address-cells = <2>;
                #size-cells = <2>;
                ranges = <0x00 0x30000000 0x00 0x30000000 0x00 0x0c400000>;
@@ -807,6 +807,7 @@
                        ti,sci = <&sms>;
                        ti,sci-dev-id = <265>;
                        ti,interrupt-ranges = <0 0 256>;
+                       ti,unmapped-event-sources = <&main_bcdma_csi>;
                secure_proxy_main: mailbox@32c00000 {
@@ -1103,6 +1104,22 @@
                        ti,sci-rm-range-rflow = <0x00>; /* GP RFLOW */
+               main_bcdma_csi: dma-controller@311a0000 {
+                       compatible = "ti,j721s2-dmss-bcdma-csi";
+                       reg = <0x00 0x311a0000 0x00 0x100>,
+                             <0x00 0x35d00000 0x00 0x20000>,
+                             <0x00 0x35c00000 0x00 0x10000>,
+                             <0x00 0x35e00000 0x00 0x80000>;
+                       reg-names = "gcfg", "rchanrt", "tchanrt", "ringrt";
+                       msi-parent = <&main_udmass_inta>;
+                       #dma-cells = <3>;
+                       ti,sci = <&sms>;
+                       ti,sci-dev-id = <225>;
+                       ti,sci-rm-range-rchan = <0x21>;
+                       ti,sci-rm-range-tchan = <0x22>;
+                       status = "disabled";
+               };
                cpts@310d0000 {
                        compatible = "ti,j721e-cpts";
                        reg = <0x0 0x310d0000 0x0 0x400>;
@@ -1695,4 +1712,217 @@
                dss_ports: ports {
+       main_r5fss0: r5fss@5c00000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j721s2-r5fss";
+               ti,cluster-mode = <1>;
+               #address-cells = <1>;
+               #size-cells = <1>;
+               ranges = <0x5c00000 0x00 0x5c00000 0x20000>,
+                        <0x5d00000 0x00 0x5d00000 0x20000>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 277 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               main_r5fss0_core0: r5f@5c00000 {
+                       compatible = "ti,j721s2-r5f";
+                       reg = <0x5c00000 0x00010000>,
+                             <0x5c10000 0x00010000>;
+                       reg-names = "atcm", "btcm";
+                       ti,sci = <&sms>;
+                       ti,sci-dev-id = <279>;
+                       ti,sci-proc-ids = <0x06 0xff>;
+                       resets = <&k3_reset 279 1>;
+                       firmware-name = "j721s2-main-r5f0_0-fw";
+                       ti,atcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,btcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,loczrama = <1>;
+               };
+               main_r5fss0_core1: r5f@5d00000 {
+                       compatible = "ti,j721s2-r5f";
+                       reg = <0x5d00000 0x00010000>,
+                             <0x5d10000 0x00010000>;
+                       reg-names = "atcm", "btcm";
+                       ti,sci = <&sms>;
+                       ti,sci-dev-id = <280>;
+                       ti,sci-proc-ids = <0x07 0xff>;
+                       resets = <&k3_reset 280 1>;
+                       firmware-name = "j721s2-main-r5f0_1-fw";
+                       ti,atcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,btcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,loczrama = <1>;
+               };
+       };
+       main_r5fss1: r5fss@5e00000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j721s2-r5fss";
+               ti,cluster-mode = <1>;
+               #address-cells = <1>;
+               #size-cells = <1>;
+               ranges = <0x5e00000 0x00 0x5e00000 0x20000>,
+                        <0x5f00000 0x00 0x5f00000 0x20000>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 278 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               main_r5fss1_core0: r5f@5e00000 {
+                       compatible = "ti,j721s2-r5f";
+                       reg = <0x5e00000 0x00010000>,
+                             <0x5e10000 0x00010000>;
+                       reg-names = "atcm", "btcm";
+                       ti,sci = <&sms>;
+                       ti,sci-dev-id = <281>;
+                       ti,sci-proc-ids = <0x08 0xff>;
+                       resets = <&k3_reset 281 1>;
+                       firmware-name = "j721s2-main-r5f1_0-fw";
+                       ti,atcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,btcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,loczrama = <1>;
+               };
+               main_r5fss1_core1: r5f@5f00000 {
+                       compatible = "ti,j721s2-r5f";
+                       reg = <0x5f00000 0x00010000>,
+                             <0x5f10000 0x00010000>;
+                       reg-names = "atcm", "btcm";
+                       ti,sci = <&sms>;
+                       ti,sci-dev-id = <282>;
+                       ti,sci-proc-ids = <0x09 0xff>;
+                       resets = <&k3_reset 282 1>;
+                       firmware-name = "j721s2-main-r5f1_1-fw";
+                       ti,atcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,btcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,loczrama = <1>;
+               };
+       };
+       c71_0: dsp@64800000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j721s2-c71-dsp";
+               reg = <0x00 0x64800000 0x00 0x00080000>,
+                     <0x00 0x64e00000 0x00 0x0000c000>;
+               reg-names = "l2sram", "l1dram";
+               ti,sci = <&sms>;
+               ti,sci-dev-id = <8>;
+               ti,sci-proc-ids = <0x30 0xff>;
+               resets = <&k3_reset 8 1>;
+               firmware-name = "j721s2-c71_0-fw";
+               status = "disabled";
+       };
+       c71_1: dsp@65800000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j721s2-c71-dsp";
+               reg = <0x00 0x65800000 0x00 0x00080000>,
+                     <0x00 0x65e00000 0x00 0x0000c000>;
+               reg-names = "l2sram", "l1dram";
+               ti,sci = <&sms>;
+               ti,sci-dev-id = <11>;
+               ti,sci-proc-ids = <0x31 0xff>;
+               resets = <&k3_reset 11 1>;
+               firmware-name = "j721s2-c71_1-fw";
+               status = "disabled";
+       };
+       main_esm: esm@700000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j721e-esm";
+               reg = <0x00 0x700000 0x00 0x1000>;
+               ti,esm-pins = <688>, <689>;
+               bootph-pre-ram;
+       };
+       watchdog0: watchdog@2200000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x2200000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 286 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 286 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 286 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 286 5>;
+       };
+       watchdog1: watchdog@2210000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x2210000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 287 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 287 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 287 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 287 5>;
+       };
+       /*
+        * The following RTI instances are coupled with MCU R5Fs, c7x and
+        * GPU so keeping them reserved as these will be used by their
+        * respective firmware
+        */
+       watchdog2: watchdog@22f0000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x22f0000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 290 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 290 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 290 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 290 5>;
+               /* reserved for GPU */
+               status = "reserved";
+       };
+       watchdog3: watchdog@2300000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x2300000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 288 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 288 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 288 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 288 5>;
+               /* reserved for C7X_0 */
+               status = "reserved";
+       };
+       watchdog4: watchdog@2310000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x2310000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 289 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 289 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 289 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 289 5>;
+               /* reserved for C7X_1 */
+               status = "reserved";
+       };
+       watchdog5: watchdog@23c0000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x23c0000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 291 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 291 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 291 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 291 5>;
+               /* reserved for MAIN_R5F0_0 */
+               status = "reserved";
+       };
+       watchdog6: watchdog@23d0000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x23d0000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 292 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 292 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 292 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 292 5>;
+               /* reserved for MAIN_R5F0_1 */
+               status = "reserved";
+       };
+       watchdog7: watchdog@23e0000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x23e0000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 293 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 293 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 293 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 293 5>;
+               /* reserved for MAIN_R5F1_0 */
+               status = "reserved";
+       };
+       watchdog8: watchdog@23f0000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x23f0000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 294 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 294 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 294 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 294 5>;
+               /* reserved for MAIN_R5F1_1 */
+               status = "reserved";
+       };
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-mcu-wakeup.dtsi 
index 2ddad9318554..7254f3bd3634 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-mcu-wakeup.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-mcu-wakeup.dtsi
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
        mcu_navss: bus@28380000 {
-               compatible = "simple-mfd";
+               compatible = "simple-bus";
                #address-cells = <2>;
                #size-cells = <2>;
                ranges = <0x00 0x28380000 0x00 0x28380000 0x00 0x03880000>;
@@ -655,4 +655,84 @@
                power-domains = <&k3_pds 154 TI_SCI_PD_SHARED>;
                #thermal-sensor-cells = <1>;
+       mcu_r5fss0: r5fss@41000000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j721s2-r5fss";
+               ti,cluster-mode = <1>;
+               #address-cells = <1>;
+               #size-cells = <1>;
+               ranges = <0x41000000 0x00 0x41000000 0x20000>,
+                        <0x41400000 0x00 0x41400000 0x20000>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 283 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               mcu_r5fss0_core0: r5f@41000000 {
+                       compatible = "ti,j721s2-r5f";
+                       reg = <0x41000000 0x00010000>,
+                             <0x41010000 0x00010000>;
+                       reg-names = "atcm", "btcm";
+                       ti,sci = <&sms>;
+                       ti,sci-dev-id = <284>;
+                       ti,sci-proc-ids = <0x01 0xff>;
+                       resets = <&k3_reset 284 1>;
+                       firmware-name = "j721s2-mcu-r5f0_0-fw";
+                       ti,atcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,btcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,loczrama = <1>;
+               };
+               mcu_r5fss0_core1: r5f@41400000 {
+                       compatible = "ti,j721s2-r5f";
+                       reg = <0x41400000 0x00010000>,
+                             <0x41410000 0x00010000>;
+                       reg-names = "atcm", "btcm";
+                       ti,sci = <&sms>;
+                       ti,sci-dev-id = <285>;
+                       ti,sci-proc-ids = <0x02 0xff>;
+                       resets = <&k3_reset 285 1>;
+                       firmware-name = "j721s2-mcu-r5f0_1-fw";
+                       ti,atcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,btcm-enable = <1>;
+                       ti,loczrama = <1>;
+               };
+       };
+       mcu_esm: esm@40800000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j721e-esm";
+               reg = <0x00 0x40800000 0x00 0x1000>;
+               ti,esm-pins = <95>;
+               bootph-pre-ram;
+       };
+       wkup_esm: esm@42080000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j721e-esm";
+               reg = <0x00 0x42080000 0x00 0x1000>;
+               ti,esm-pins = <63>;
+               bootph-pre-ram;
+       };
+       /*
+        * The 2 RTI instances are couple with MCU R5Fs so keeping them
+        * reserved as these will be used by their respective firmware
+        */
+       mcu_watchdog0: watchdog@40600000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x40600000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 295 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 295 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 295 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 295 5>;
+               /* reserved for MCU_R5F0_0 */
+               status = "reserved";
+       };
+       mcu_watchdog1: watchdog@40610000 {
+               compatible = "ti,j7-rti-wdt";
+               reg = <0x00 0x40610000 0x00 0x100>;
+               clocks = <&k3_clks 296 1>;
+               power-domains = <&k3_pds 296 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&k3_clks 296 1>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&k3_clks 296 5>;
+               /* reserved for MCU_R5F0_1 */
+               status = "reserved";
+       };
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-som-p0.dtsi 
index a4006f328027..dcad372620b1 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-som-p0.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/k3-j721s2-som-p0.dtsi
@@ -29,6 +29,108 @@
                        alignment = <0x1000>;
+               mcu_r5fss0_core0_dma_memory_region: r5f-dma-memory@a0000000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa0000000 0x00 0x100000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               mcu_r5fss0_core0_memory_region: r5f-memory@a0100000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa0100000 0x00 0xf00000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               mcu_r5fss0_core1_dma_memory_region: r5f-dma-memory@a1000000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa1000000 0x00 0x100000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               mcu_r5fss0_core1_memory_region: r5f-memory@a1100000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa1100000 0x00 0xf00000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               main_r5fss0_core0_dma_memory_region: r5f-dma-memory@a2000000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa2000000 0x00 0x100000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               main_r5fss0_core0_memory_region: r5f-memory@a2100000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa2100000 0x00 0xf00000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               main_r5fss0_core1_dma_memory_region: r5f-dma-memory@a3000000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa3000000 0x00 0x100000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               main_r5fss0_core1_memory_region: r5f-memory@a3100000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa3100000 0x00 0xf00000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               main_r5fss1_core0_dma_memory_region: r5f-dma-memory@a4000000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa4000000 0x00 0x100000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               main_r5fss1_core0_memory_region: r5f-memory@a4100000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa4100000 0x00 0xf00000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               main_r5fss1_core1_dma_memory_region: r5f-dma-memory@a5000000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa5000000 0x00 0x100000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               main_r5fss1_core1_memory_region: r5f-memory@a5100000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa5100000 0x00 0xf00000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               c71_0_dma_memory_region: c71-dma-memory@a6000000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa6000000 0x00 0x100000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               c71_0_memory_region: c71-memory@a6100000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa6100000 0x00 0xf00000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               c71_1_dma_memory_region: c71-dma-memory@a7000000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa7000000 0x00 0x100000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               c71_1_memory_region: c71-memory@a7100000 {
+                       compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa7100000 0x00 0xf00000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
+               rtos_ipc_memory_region: ipc-memories@a8000000 {
+                       reg = <0x00 0xa8000000 0x00 0x01c00000>;
+                       alignment = <0x1000>;
+                       no-map;
+               };
        mux0: mux-controller {
@@ -151,3 +253,109 @@
                cdns,read-delay = <4>;
+&mailbox0_cluster0 {
+       status = "okay";
+       interrupts = <436>;
+       mbox_mcu_r5fss0_core0: mbox-mcu-r5fss0-core0 {
+               ti,mbox-rx = <0 0 0>;
+               ti,mbox-tx = <1 0 0>;
+       };
+       mbox_mcu_r5fss0_core1: mbox-mcu-r5fss0-core1 {
+               ti,mbox-rx = <2 0 0>;
+               ti,mbox-tx = <3 0 0>;
+       };
+&mailbox0_cluster1 {
+       status = "okay";
+       interrupts = <432>;
+       mbox_main_r5fss0_core0: mbox-main-r5fss0-core0 {
+               ti,mbox-rx = <0 0 0>;
+               ti,mbox-tx = <1 0 0>;
+       };
+       mbox_main_r5fss0_core1: mbox-main-r5fss0-core1 {
+               ti,mbox-rx = <2 0 0>;
+               ti,mbox-tx = <3 0 0>;
+       };
+&mailbox0_cluster2 {
+       status = "okay";
+       interrupts = <428>;
+       mbox_main_r5fss1_core0: mbox-main-r5fss1-core0 {
+               ti,mbox-rx = <0 0 0>;
+               ti,mbox-tx = <1 0 0>;
+       };
+       mbox_main_r5fss1_core1: mbox-main-r5fss1-core1 {
+               ti,mbox-rx = <2 0 0>;
+               ti,mbox-tx = <3 0 0>;
+       };
+&mailbox0_cluster4 {
+       status = "okay";
+       interrupts = <420>;
+       mbox_c71_0: mbox-c71-0 {
+               ti,mbox-rx = <0 0 0>;
+               ti,mbox-tx = <1 0 0>;
+       };
+       mbox_c71_1: mbox-c71-1 {
+               ti,mbox-rx = <2 0 0>;
+               ti,mbox-tx = <3 0 0>;
+       };
+&mcu_r5fss0_core0 {
+       mboxes = <&mailbox0_cluster0>, <&mbox_mcu_r5fss0_core0>;
+       memory-region = <&mcu_r5fss0_core0_dma_memory_region>,
+                       <&mcu_r5fss0_core0_memory_region>;
+&mcu_r5fss0_core1 {
+       mboxes = <&mailbox0_cluster0>, <&mbox_mcu_r5fss0_core1>;
+       memory-region = <&mcu_r5fss0_core1_dma_memory_region>,
+                       <&mcu_r5fss0_core1_memory_region>;
+&main_r5fss0_core0 {
+       mboxes = <&mailbox0_cluster1>, <&mbox_main_r5fss0_core0>;
+       memory-region = <&main_r5fss0_core0_dma_memory_region>,
+                       <&main_r5fss0_core0_memory_region>;
+&main_r5fss0_core1 {
+       mboxes = <&mailbox0_cluster1>, <&mbox_main_r5fss0_core1>;
+       memory-region = <&main_r5fss0_core1_dma_memory_region>,
+                       <&main_r5fss0_core1_memory_region>;
+&main_r5fss1_core0 {
+       mboxes = <&mailbox0_cluster2>, <&mbox_main_r5fss1_core0>;
+       memory-region = <&main_r5fss1_core0_dma_memory_region>,
+                       <&main_r5fss1_core0_memory_region>;
+&main_r5fss1_core1 {
+       mboxes = <&mailbox0_cluster2>, <&mbox_main_r5fss1_core1>;
+       memory-region = <&main_r5fss1_core1_dma_memory_region>,
+                       <&main_r5fss1_core1_memory_region>;
+&c71_0 {
+       status = "okay";
+       mboxes = <&mailbox0_cluster4>, <&mbox_c71_0>;
+       memory-region = <&c71_0_dma_memory_region>,
+                       <&c71_0_memory_region>;
+&c71_1 {
+       status = "okay";
+       mboxes = <&mailbox0_cluster4>, <&mbox_c71_1>;
+       memory-region = <&c71_1_dma_memory_region>,
+                       <&c71_1_memory_region>;


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