1. Add name for gpio pinctrl function
2. Add baud rate table
3. Fix ecc ram size
   - ECC ram size
   - Fix wrong place to set dram bank size

4. Modify configs

Jim Liu (4):
  pinctrl: npcm8xx: add name for gpio function
  configs: npcm: support more uart baud rate
  board: nuvuton: arbel: fix incorrect ram size
  configs: nuvoton: npcm8xx: disable CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_USE_4K_SECTORS

 board/nuvoton/arbel_evb/arbel_evb.c       | 36 +++++++++++------------
 configs/arbel_evb_defconfig               |  1 +
 drivers/pinctrl/nuvoton/pinctrl-npcm8xx.c |  1 +
 include/configs/arbel.h                   |  5 +++-
 include/configs/poleg.h                   |  2 ++
 5 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)


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