On 9/1/2023 11:03 PM, Nishanth Menon wrote:
On 22:54-20230901, Kumar, Udit wrote:
+static const struct udevice_id of_k3_j72xx_bandgap_match[] = {
+ {
+ .compatible = "ti,j721e-vtm",
+ .data = (ulong)&k3_j72xx_bandgap_j721e_data,
So what happens to drivers/misc/k3_avs.c ?
Could you help me to understand this comment.
Do you mean, why we can not add this support in AVS driver or
need of this porting ?
How I see, AVS driver to run at SPL/R5 time and this driver
to be probed in Main/A72 u-boot when needed.
you are saying the drivers are mutually exclusive - how about detecting
over-temp scenario at R5 boot? switching on A53 will be a mistake at
that point, no?
Yes these areĀ mutually exclusive.
Let me see, how I can add TSHUT value programming in avs driver to avoid
But in case, temperature reading is needed from u-boot shell, we still
need this code.