This series adds VTM (Voltage and Thermal Manager) driver support
for J72xx SOCs.

Basically this driver is ported from kernel v6.5 to u-boot.
Main purpose of this driver to program thermal shutdown value
and provide SOC temperature.

To use this driver, update in device tree and defconfig are  needed.

Device tree sync is under review with series
Once above DT sync series will be merged, another patch will be posted
to update defconfig.
For now marking DT and defconfig update as donotmerge.

Boot logs:
line 67, u-boot temperature and line 778 temperature reported by OS

Udit Kumar (2):
  thermal: k3-j72xx-bandgap: Add support for vtm
  DONOTMERGE: j7200: device tree and defconfig

 arch/arm/dts/k3-j7200-mcu-wakeup.dtsi |   9 +
 configs/j7200_evm_a72_defconfig       |   3 +
 drivers/thermal/Kconfig               |   6 +
 drivers/thermal/Makefile              |   1 +
 drivers/thermal/k3_j72xx_bandgap.c    | 539 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 558 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 drivers/thermal/k3_j72xx_bandgap.c


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