Dear Tom,

The following changes since commit cb4437e530ec1ff3deae85754010344afab8bcc5:

  Merge branch '2023-05-30-TI-fixes-Apple-M2-support' (2023-05-30
16:23:41 -0400)

are available in the Git repository at:

for you to fetch changes up to 75ebeb4d94bd911ee7884b7beae06f3dec2838a8:

  efi_selftest: LocateHandleBuffer return code (2023-06-02 10:59:15 +0200)

Pull request efi-2023-07-rc4


* man pages for loadb, loadx


* check return value of part_get_info()
* improve unit test for RegisterProtocolNotify()

Gitlab CI did not indicate any problems:

Bin Meng (1):
      doc: android: Fix a typo

Heinrich Schuchardt (5):
      doc: loadb man-page
      doc: loadx man-page
      doc: fix loady man-page
      efi_loader: check return value of part_get_info()
      efi_selftest: LocateHandleBuffer return code

 doc/android/boot-image.rst                      |  2 +-
 doc/usage/cmd/loadb.rst                         | 70
 doc/usage/cmd/loadx.rst                         | 77
 doc/usage/cmd/loady.rst                         |  8 +--
 doc/usage/index.rst                             |  2 +
 lib/efi_loader/efi_device_path.c                |  7 ++-
 lib/efi_selftest/efi_selftest_register_notify.c | 16 +++--
 7 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/usage/cmd/loadb.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/usage/cmd/loadx.rst

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