Hi Ashok,

have you test your patches with 1-4-4 mode?

I think your patches are a nop for 1-1-4 mode and break other modes:

op.dummy.nbytes = (nor->read_dummy * op.dummy.buswidth) / 8;

dummy_bytes = op->dummy.nbytes / op->dummy.buswidth;

=> dummy_bytes = (nor->read_dummy * op.dummy.buswidth) / 8) /
=> dummy_bytes = nor->read_dummy / 8

You changes ignores the bus width and breaks if the addr bus width is not 1!


Am 18.04.2023 um 12:27 schrieb Stefan Herbrechtsmeier:
Hi Ashok,

Am 18.04.2023 um 10:43 schrieb Soma, Ashok Reddy:

-----Original Message-----
From: Simek, Michal <michal.si...@amd.com>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 3:47 PM
To: Stefan Herbrechtsmeier
u-boot@lists.denx.de; Soma, Ashok Reddy <ashok.reddy.s...@amd.com>
Cc: Stefan Herbrechtsmeier <stefan.herbrechtsme...@weidmueller.com>;
Jagan Teki <ja...@amarulasolutions.com>
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Revert "spi: zynq_qspi: Use dummy buswidth in
byte calculation"

On 3/31/23 16:44, Stefan Herbrechtsmeier wrote:
From: Stefan Herbrechtsmeier <stefan.herbrechtsme...@weidmueller.com>

This reverts commit e09784728689de7949d4cdd559a9590e0bfcc702. The
commit wrongly divides the dummy bytes by dummy bus width to calculate
the dummy bytes. The framework already converts the dummy cycles to
the number of bytes and the controller use the SPI flash command to
determine the dummy cycles via the address width.
As per my understanding dummy bus width should be equal to data
buswidth and not equal to address bus width.
Please let me know if this understanding in incorrect.

Why? The kernel use the addr bus width too.

Independent of the correct answer the core should handle this because
it forward the dummy *bytes* to the driver:

    /* convert the dummy cycles to the number of bytes */
    op.dummy.nbytes = (nor->read_dummy * op.dummy.buswidth) / 8;

Furthermore, the driver send the dummy as part of the address:

    /* 1st transfer: opcode + address + dummy cycles */

Based on the above understanding we have changed in Xilinx repo, at
below code

op->dummy.buswidth = spi_nor_get_protocol_addr_nbits(proto);
op->dummy.buswidth = spi_nor_get_protocol_data_nbits(proto);

I have sent the same as RFC. Please see the attached patch.

Currently this patch is present as part of Xilinx repo, and hence
based on this below implementation dymmy_bytes are recalculated.

In this case the patch should be reverted until the other patch is

I have sent controller driver code to upstream but, I have not yet
sent spi-nor-core.c code, which I will be sending soon with some
other changes.

Please let me know your thoughts about this patch and the changes.

It is unclear to me why the dummy should be part of the data. The
current implementation is wrong because it doesn't respects the
address width and send the dummy bytes as part of the addr.


Kommanditgesellschaft - Sitz: Detmold - Amtsgericht Lemgo HRA 2790 -
Komplementärin: Weidmüller Interface Führungsgesellschaft mbH -
Sitz: Detmold - Amtsgericht Lemgo HRB 3924;
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Timo Berger, Volker Bibelhausen, Dr. Sebastian Durst, 
André Sombecki;
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