Hi Vaibhav,

On Tuesday 01 February 2011 12:22 PM, Bedia, Vaibhav wrote:
> Hi Aneesh,
> On Tuesday, February 01, 2011 10:54 AM, Aneesh V wrote:
>> Dear Wolfgang,
>> I had been working on creating an MMC SPL for OMAP4. OMAP boards
>> typically support booting from the FAT partition of a removable
>> SD/MMC card. So, we need to have FAT support in the SPL. But I am
>> having some difficulties in adding FAT support to SPL.
>> BSS footprint of fat.c is very high. It has three buffers each of
>> size 64KB. To workaround this problem I have done something like
>> below(The way x-loader works around this problem today).
> [...]
> I guess you will hit a similar issue with the networking related code is used 
> (I am not sure if SPL uses it). That also requires a decent size of bss.

Luckily we don't need networking related code in SPL.

> Is having a config option to specify the location of bss (like 
> CONFIG_SYS_BSS_ADDR) better/acceptable?

I would prefer to have rest of the BSS in internal RAM itself.

best regards,
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