Hi there As you might already be aware, your organisation has been invited to participate in the exclusive Aspire Property Magazine, for the Spring 2011 edition (and beyond) for advertising and possibly editorial.
As the brainchild of Aspire Estate Agents, SW London, this quarterly magazine features some of the most appealing properties for sale in the SW London region. A well-regarded title, the magazine is now four times annually, and is distributed accordingly, with 8,500 copies per edition hand-delivered to property buyers, accompanying professions (eg surveyors, interior designers, legal firms etc), and plenty of sought-after private and commercial addresses within the SW London region, from Knightsbridge to Chelsea to Wimbledon. Sporting a long 'shelf-life' too, this means it is an outstanding vehicle for you to reach this financially capable AB1/high net worth demographic for your direct sales and marketing, especially too if you have, or would like to have, presence in the area. Regarding your potential participation, we're pleased to tell you that the Special Introductory Rate for advertising booking for the Spring 2011 Edition has been extended by popular request, and until 7th February (copy/artwork deadline) we would like to offer you the improved reduced 'trial' rate of just £925.00 total for a full A4 page advertisement (list price £1250.00 premium position), a half page at just £475.00, or a quarter at £250.00. This will enable you to try the response from this financially capable audience at limited risk to yourselves (media pack and ad specs available through links below). Some editorial on relevant topics may be available free of charge accompanying your advertisement. Once you have seen the effectiveness of this sales and PR channel, we would then, of course, hope that you would choose to to appear regularly in further editions. To book for this attractive trial rate offer, simply reply to this email with the words '[your chosen ad size] - Yes please' no later than 7th February 2011 to begin reaching this high net worth audience for your business and direct sales. Hope to be welcoming you aboard soon! Kind regards Chris Brown for ASPIRE PROPERTY MAGAZINE, LONDON T: +44 (0)845 428 9350 F: +44 (0)207 183 4752 W: www.aspire.co.uk or via Accounts Team on +44 (0) 207 607 0717 Current Edition Aspire Magazine at http://www.aspire.co.uk/newlook/aspire-magazine.php Downloads: Media Kit - http://www.sksassociates.co.uk/aspire/AspireAdRates.pdf AdSpecs - http://www.sksassociates.co.uk/aspire/AspireAdSpec.pdf Contracted exclusively by: SKS Media Trusted UK Agents "Bringing the top drawer to you!" ** You were subscribed to this offer list through one of our extensive, but discerning luxury partner networks. ** If you feel you have received this email in error, simply REPLY and SEND with the subject line intact. Thanks.
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