On 3/31/23 1:36 PM, Tom Rini wrote:
On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 01:23:23PM -0500, Andrew Davis wrote:
On 3/31/23 1:11 PM, Tom Rini wrote:
On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 12:19:14PM -0500, Andrew Davis wrote:
On 3/31/23 12:04 PM, Nishanth Menon wrote:
On 16:06-20230330, Ryan Eatmon wrote:
The oe-core class for assembling the fitImage includes the vendor
sub-directory (with the / changed to _) in the config sections of
the fitImage.  Our env var settings for chosing which section to
boot from needs to be updated to agree with the fitImage.
Signed-off-by: Ryan Eatmon <reat...@ti.com>
    include/configs/am64x_evm.h  | 4 ++--
    include/configs/am65x_evm.h  | 2 +-
    include/configs/j721e_evm.h  | 6 +++---
    include/configs/j721s2_evm.h | 6 +++---
    4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/configs/am64x_evm.h b/include/configs/am64x_evm.h
index 26a7f2521e..456a44730c 100644
--- a/include/configs/am64x_evm.h
+++ b/include/configs/am64x_evm.h
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
    #define EXTRA_ENV_AM642_BOARD_SETTINGS                                      
        "findfdt="                                                    \
                "if test $board_name = am64x_gpevm; then " \
-                       "setenv fdtfile k3-am642-evm.dtb; fi; " \
+                       "setenv fdtfile ti_k3-am642-evm.dtb; fi; " \
                "if test $board_name = am64x_skevm; then " \
-                       "setenv fdtfile k3-am642-sk.dtb; fi;" \
+                       "setenv fdtfile ti_k3-am642-sk.dtb; fi;" \

Kernel.org builds k3-am642-sk.dtb

Nope, kernel.org build ti/k3-am642-sk.dtb

Why would we want to go and fix it with non-standard?

The dtbs need to have their dir prefixed or there could be collisions
The key here is we're talking about what's used in FIT images, and not
just loaded directly. All of the cases where fdtfile is used on arm64
platforms in tree today use "/" because it's loading a literal. In this
case, why again is OE mangling the name, and what are we using it for
again here? In other words, why can't it be treated as "/" to match the
load a file case? And if it _must_ be mangled, must we still use fdtfile
and not something else?

So to match other plats, we should:

setenv fdtfile ti/k3-am642-sk.dtb

That way loading works in the non-FIT case (and we just need to stop moving
all the DTBs out of the ti/ to the root dir (which is probably broken on our
part anyway..))
Yes, this sounds right for the non-FIT case to match other platforms /

Then when we use "fdtfile" in the FIT case, we just mangle ("/"->"_") it
at that point only before use. That work for everyone?
Well, what _is_ the FIT case and how does it go exactly? I still want to
know why we're mangling things and come up with something that'll work
for when someone says "I've got an imx8mm and I'm using a FIT image from
OE and this doesn't work!".

So what happens is when OE is packaging a dtb file into the FIT image
it names the node based on the dtb filename. Node names can't have
/ so it is turned into _ [0]. We select our FIT config using the
"fdtfile" env var so we don't duplicate the above board_name to fdt
logic. Result is fdtfile needs mangled when used to select a config
node from OE made FIT image.



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