Le 24/01/2011 12:39, Daniel Gorsulowski a écrit :
> Hello Reinhard,
> ...
>>> Check that your AT91Bootstrap loads u-boot to a sane address not at the
>>> very end
>>> of DRAM, and that CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE is exactly the address where
>>> AT91Bootstrap
>>> loads u-boot. (I changed AT91Bootstrap to load u-boot to the very begin
>>> of DRAM
>>> for our boards.)
>> I neither change the AT91Bootstrap nor the CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE address,
>> so the problem must be located elsewhere.
>> Today I found out by GPIO debugging, that U-Boot seems to boot but prints
>> its startup messages to wrong USART with proper baudrate. I'll try to
>> find out, why there is no output on DBGU.
> I have to correct myself.
> My board_init() and checkboard() fanctions are executed. But the board
> crashes, before misc_init_r() functions executes.
> (I guess, it crashes somwhere in board_init_f())
> I'll try to find out more infos. But without an appropriate opportunity
> to debug, it will be verry difficult.

Make sure nothing executes under board_init_f() that tries to write to 
BSS (uninitialized) variables: BSS does not actually exist until after 
relocation, and writing to the would-be BSS area will cause corruption 
of the U-boot code. Not sure this is what happens with you but better 
safe than sorry.

> Best regards
> Daniel

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