On Jan 3, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> Dear York Sun,
> In message <1294089991.24386.58.ca...@oslab-l1> you wrote:
>>> Hm... I have no idea whish sort of "buggy code" you are referring to
>>> here, but in this case we shoul start and fix that buggy code, right?
>> Making a buffer in a function's stack and make use of it out of the
>> scope, that's the buggy code I am referring. 
> That is bad indeed, and needs to be fixed.

Where is that happening?

>>> You fail to explain why we should change anything when you "don't need
>>> more than 128 characters for hwconfig" in the first place?
>> I don't need more than 128 characters. However, the stack is trashed by
>> other functions. I have to push the stack deeper to keep the content
>> unchanged. I am not happy with it.
> Now I understand what you mean.
> But we do not need a bigger buffer, or store another copy of the whole
> content of the "hwconfig" variable - we just need room to for the
> return value of hwconfig_parse(), which usually should be (much)
> smaller than the content of the "hwconfig" variable.

I agree with WD, I'm confused.  Can you provide the hwconfig string you are 
using that has issues with 128 but works at 256.

- k
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