On 1. Oct 2022, at 00:21, Christian Kohlschütter <christ...@kohlschutter.com> 
>>> See 
>>> https://github.com/hathach/tinyusb/blob/master/examples/device/cdc_msc/src/usb_descriptors.c
>>>  for an example of such a device. It has one mass storage device and one 
>>> CDC.
>>> Changing the device class to 0x00 breaks support on Linux and macOS (I 
>>> didn't try Windows).
>> The question is -- does the aforementioned device conform to the USB-IF 
>> specification ? I think it does not, but luckily it could be fixed in 
>> software on the tinyusb side.
> I'm not familiar enough with the available USB specs to say what is "right" 
> but I think the problem is that "fixing" it by changing the device class 
> breaks support on major operating systems.

OK, looking through the tinyUSB example source code [1] and USB docs [2], it 
looks like the reason why changing the device class from 0xEF (misc) to 0x00 is 
that the combination deviceClass:0xEF + deviceSubClass:0x02 + 
deviceProtocol:0x01 indicates the presence of an "Interface Association 

    // Use Interface Association Descriptor (IAD) for CDC
    // As required by USB Specs IAD's subclass must be common class (2) and 
protocol must be IAD (1)
    .bDeviceClass = TUSB_CLASS_MISC,
    .bDeviceSubClass = MISC_SUBCLASS_COMMON,
    .bDeviceProtocol = MISC_PROTOCOL_IAD,

So yeah, it looks like it has to be like that.

[2] https://www.usb.org/defined-class-codes

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