On Wed, 3 Aug 2022 at 19:14, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> On Wed, 3 Aug 2022 at 04:05, Martin Bonner <martingreybe...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > I and my colleagues have a number of patches we would like to
> > contribute back to the community, however for various reasons
> > (principally operating inside corporate firewalls), it isn't possible
> > to use `git send-email`, and I haven't been able to create a plain
> > text email which is acceptable to `git am`.
> The workaround here is perhaps to create a gmail address for
> submissions. I think quite a few people do that.

Interesting.  I am using gmail (because I assumed that the corporate email
would mangle stuff), but I can't get it to work.

Surprisingly, I think that Office365 email is actually _more_ compliant
with the way the u-boot process works.

But a firewall that
> blocks 'git send-email' is not really compatible with open source
> collaboration, so I'd encourage you to get the problem resolved.

That's completely impossible.  Corporate IT will let us push patches
upstream if we like, but they absolutely are not going to change their
policies and infrastructure to let that happen.

Be aware that plain text email is no longer something that it is safe to
assume everyone has access to.  Obviously everyone actively involved in the
development of u-boot has, but there are a number of potential developers
who don't, and my sense is that that number is growing.  It won't put off
people who are going to become core developers, but it will put off people
who want to suggest a small improvement here, or fix an obscure bug there.

> >
> > Is it possible to fork u-boot on Git[HL][au]b or similar hosting site,
> > and then send an email to the list pointing at the commit?
> Regards,
> Simon

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