Hi Martin,

On Wed, 3 Aug 2022 at 04:05, Martin Bonner <martingreybe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I and my colleagues have a number of patches we would like to
> contribute back to the community, however for various reasons
> (principally operating inside corporate firewalls), it isn't possible
> to use `git send-email`, and I haven't been able to create a plain
> text email which is acceptable to `git am`.

The workaround here is perhaps to create a gmail address for
submissions. I think quite a few people do that. But a firewall that
blocks 'git send-email' is not really compatible with open source
collaboration, so I'd encourage you to get the problem resolved.

> Is it possible to fork u-boot on Git[HL][au]b or similar hosting site,
> and then send an email to the list pointing at the commit?


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