Dear Sirs,

 I am trying to implement a memory and CPU demanding standalone application
on the beagleboard by hacking U-Boot.

 To my surprise, the U-Boot program is ten times slower than the same
program running under Linux on the beagleboard.

 This test loop when inserted in u-boot/common/main.c.main_loop takes 8.9 s
with caches enabled and 10.1 s with caches disabled:

 Unsigned long *p;

long i, error;

p = 0x81000000;


for (i = 0; i < 25000000; i++) *(p+i) = i;


error = 0;

for (i = 0; i < 25000000; i++)


if (*(p+i) != i)


error = i+1;





 The same loop (with p = malloc( 25000000 * 4) takes less than a second on
Angstrom Linux on the beagleboard.

 The routine cpy_clk_code in lowlevel_init.S that copies the go_to_speed
routine to SRAM is executed at start-up but the go_to_speed code apparently
never gets executed. I have verified this by inserting hang loops in
cpy_clk_code() and go_to_speed().

 Beagleboard version = C4

 U-Boot version = u-boot-2010.09
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