Initial commit of Librem5 phone u-boot and SPL

Using this u-boot the phone can boot from eMMC or USB via SDP.

USB host is also active so the kernel can be loaded from USB storage
or one of the boot methods above.

Signed-off-by: Angus Ainslie <>
Co-developed-by: Sebastian Krzyszkowiak <>
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Krzyszkowiak <>

All of the pre-requisite patches for this board are now upstream or in review.

Changes since v1:

Merged patches into a monolithic board patch
Using DM drivers for devices in u-boot
Added USB storage support for uSD rootfs
Dropped many SPL_BUILD guarded define's
Fixed documentation index

 arch/arm/dts/Makefile                        |    3 +-
 arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5-r4-u-boot.dtsi   |  134 ++
 arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5-r4.dts           |   35 +
 arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5.dtsi             | 1255 +++++++++++++++++
 arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m/Kconfig              |    9 +
 board/purism/librem5/Kconfig                 |   15 +
 board/purism/librem5/MAINTAINERS             |    8 +
 board/purism/librem5/Makefile                |   13 +
 board/purism/librem5/imximage-8mq-lpddr4.cfg |    8 +
 board/purism/librem5/librem5.c               |  483 +++++++
 board/purism/librem5/librem5.h               |  182 +++
 board/purism/librem5/lpddr4_timing.c         | 1324 ++++++++++++++++++
 board/purism/librem5/lpddr4_timing_b0.c      | 1191 ++++++++++++++++
 board/purism/librem5/spl.c                   |  597 ++++++++
 configs/librem5_defconfig                    |  139 ++
 doc/board/index.rst                          |    1 +
 doc/board/purism/index.rst                   |    9 +
 doc/board/purism/librem5.rst                 |   60 +
 include/configs/librem5.h                    |  151 ++
 19 files changed, 5616 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5-r4-u-boot.dtsi
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5-r4.dts
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5.dtsi
 create mode 100644 board/purism/librem5/Kconfig
 create mode 100644 board/purism/librem5/MAINTAINERS
 create mode 100644 board/purism/librem5/Makefile
 create mode 100644 board/purism/librem5/imximage-8mq-lpddr4.cfg
 create mode 100644 board/purism/librem5/librem5.c
 create mode 100644 board/purism/librem5/librem5.h
 create mode 100644 board/purism/librem5/lpddr4_timing.c
 create mode 100644 board/purism/librem5/lpddr4_timing_b0.c
 create mode 100644 board/purism/librem5/spl.c
 create mode 100644 configs/librem5_defconfig
 create mode 100644 doc/board/purism/index.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/board/purism/librem5.rst
 create mode 100644 include/configs/librem5.h

diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/Makefile b/arch/arm/dts/Makefile
index 960f1a9fd4d..c8d5b541109 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/Makefile
@@ -926,7 +926,8 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_IMX8M) += \
        imx8mp-phyboard-pollux-rdk.dtb \
        imx8mp-verdin.dtb \
        imx8mq-pico-pi.dtb \
-       imx8mq-kontron-pitx-imx8m.dtb
+       imx8mq-kontron-pitx-imx8m.dtb \
+       imx8mq-librem5-r4.dtb
 dtb-$(CONFIG_ARCH_IMXRT) += imxrt1050-evk.dtb \
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5-r4-u-boot.dtsi 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3f780ca75b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5-r4-u-boot.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR MIT)
+/ {
+       binman: binman {
+               multiple-images;
+       };
+&binman {
+       u-boot-spl-ddr {
+               filename = "u-boot-spl-ddr.bin";
+               pad-byte = <0xff>;
+               align-size = <4>;
+               align = <4>;
+               u-boot-spl {
+                       align-end = <4>;
+               };
+               blob_1: blob-ext@1 {
+                       filename = "lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_imem.bin";
+                       size = <0x8000>;
+               };
+               blob_2: blob-ext@2 {
+                       filename = "lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_dmem.bin";
+                       size = <0x4000>;
+               };
+               blob_3: blob-ext@3 {
+                       filename = "lpddr4_pmu_train_2d_imem.bin";
+                       size = <0x8000>;
+               };
+               blob_4: blob-ext@4 {
+                       filename = "lpddr4_pmu_train_2d_dmem.bin";
+                       size = <0x4000>;
+               };
+       };
+       spl {
+               filename = "spl.bin";
+               mkimage {
+                       args = "-n spl/u-boot-spl.cfgout -T imx8mimage -e 
+                       blob {
+                               filename = "u-boot-spl-ddr.bin";
+                       };
+               };
+       };
+       itb {
+               filename = "u-boot.itb";
+               fit {
+                       description = "Configuration to load ATF before U-Boot";
+                       #address-cells = <1>;
+                       fit,external-offset = <CONFIG_FIT_EXTERNAL_OFFSET>;
+                       images {
+                               uboot {
+                                       description = "U-Boot (64-bit)";
+                                       type = "standalone";
+                                       arch = "arm64";
+                                       compression = "none";
+                                       load = <CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE>;
+                                       uboot_blob: blob-ext {
+                                               filename = "u-boot-nodtb.bin";
+                                       };
+                               };
+                               atf {
+                                       description = "ARM Trusted Firmware";
+                                       type = "firmware";
+                                       arch = "arm64";
+                                       compression = "none";
+                                       load = <0x910000>;
+                                       entry = <0x910000>;
+                                       atf_blob: blob-ext {
+                                               filename = "bl31.bin";
+                                       };
+                               };
+                               fdt {
+                                       description = "NAME";
+                                       type = "flat_dt";
+                                       compression = "none";
+                                       uboot_fdt_blob: blob-ext {
+                                               filename = "u-boot.dtb";
+                                       };
+                               };
+                       };
+                       configurations {
+                               default = "conf";
+                               conf {
+                                       description = "NAME";
+                                       firmware = "uboot";
+                                       loadables = "atf";
+                                       fdt = "fdt";
+                               };
+                       };
+               };
+       };
+       imx-boot {
+               filename = "flash.bin";
+               pad-byte = <0x00>;
+               spl: blob-ext@1 {
+                       offset = <0x0>;
+                       filename = "spl.bin";
+               };
+               uboot: blob-ext@2 {
+                       offset = <0x57c00>;
+                       filename = "u-boot.itb";
+               };
+       };
+&usdhc1 {
+       mmc-hs400-1_8v;
+&usdhc2 {
+       sd-uhs-sdr104;
+       sd-uhs-ddr50;
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5-r4.dts 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cbfb49aa256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5-r4.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
+// Copyright (C) 2020 Purism SPC <>
+#include "imx8mq-librem5.dtsi"
+/ {
+       model = "Purism Librem 5r4";
+       compatible = "purism,librem5r4", "purism,librem5", "fsl,imx8mq";
+&accel_gyro {
+       mount-matrix =  "1",  "0",  "0",
+                       "0",  "1",  "0",
+                       "0",  "0", "-1";
+&bat {
+       maxim,rsns-microohm = <1667>;
+&bq25895 {
+       ti,battery-regulation-voltage = <4200000>; /* uV */
+       ti,charge-current = <1500000>; /* uA */
+       ti,termination-current = <144000>;  /* uA */
+&led_backlight {
+       led-max-microamp = <25000>;
+&proximity {
+       proximity-near-level = <10>;
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..60d47c71499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,1255 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * Copyright 2018-2020 Purism SPC
+ */
+#include "dt-bindings/input/input.h"
+#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
+#include "dt-bindings/pwm/pwm.h"
+#include "dt-bindings/usb/pd.h"
+#include "imx8mq.dtsi"
+/ {
+       model = "Purism Librem 5";
+       compatible = "purism,librem5", "fsl,imx8mq";
+       backlight_dsi: backlight-dsi {
+               compatible = "led-backlight";
+               leds = <&led_backlight>;
+       };
+       pmic_osc: clock-pmic {
+               compatible = "fixed-clock";
+               #clock-cells = <0>;
+               clock-frequency = <32768>;
+               clock-output-names = "pmic_osc";
+       };
+       chosen {
+               stdout-path = &uart1;
+       };
+       gpio-keys {
+               compatible = "gpio-keys";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_keys>;
+               vol-down {
+                       label = "VOL_DOWN";
+                       gpios = <&gpio1 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+                       linux,code = <KEY_VOLUMEDOWN>;
+                       debounce-interval = <50>;
+               };
+               vol-up {
+                       label = "VOL_UP";
+                       gpios = <&gpio1 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+                       linux,code = <KEY_VOLUMEUP>;
+                       debounce-interval = <50>;
+               };
+       };
+       reg_aud_1v8: regulator-audio-1v8 {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_audiopwr>;
+               regulator-name = "AUDIO_PWR_EN";
+               regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+               regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+               gpio = <&gpio1 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               enable-active-high;
+       };
+       reg_gnss: regulator-gnss {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_gnsspwr>;
+               regulator-name = "GNSS";
+               regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+               gpio = <&gpio3 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               enable-active-high;
+       };
+       reg_hub: regulator-hub {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_hub_pwr>;
+               regulator-name = "HUB";
+               regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+               gpio = <&gpio1 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               enable-active-high;
+       };
+       reg_lcd_1v8: regulator-lcd-1v8 {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_dsien>;
+               regulator-name = "LCD_1V8";
+               regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+               regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+               vin-supply = <&reg_vdd_1v8>;
+               gpio = <&gpio1 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               enable-active-high;
+               /* Otherwise i2c3 is not functional */
+               regulator-always-on;
+       };
+       reg_lcd_3v4: regulator-lcd-3v4 {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               regulator-name = "LCD_3V4";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_dsibiasen>;
+               vin-supply = <&reg_vsys_3v4>;
+               gpio = <&gpio1 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               enable-active-high;
+       };
+       reg_vdd_sen: regulator-vdd-sen {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               regulator-name = "VDD_SEN";
+               regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+       };
+       reg_vdd_1v8: regulator-vdd-1v8 {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               regulator-name = "VDD_1V8";
+               regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+               regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+               vin-supply = <&buck7_reg>;
+       };
+       reg_vdd_3v3: regulator-vdd-3v3 {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               regulator-name = "VDD_3V3";
+               regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+       };
+       reg_vsys_3v4: regulator-vsys-3v4 {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               regulator-name = "VSYS_3V4";
+               regulator-min-microvolt = <3400000>;
+               regulator-max-microvolt = <3400000>;
+               regulator-always-on;
+       };
+       reg_wifi_3v3: regulator-wifi-3v3 {
+               compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_wifi_pwr>;
+               regulator-name = "3V3_WIFI";
+               regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>;
+               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+               gpio = <&gpio3 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               enable-active-high;
+               vin-supply = <&reg_vdd_3v3>;
+       };
+       sound {
+               compatible = "simple-audio-card";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_hp>;
+               simple-audio-card,name = "Librem 5";
+               simple-audio-card,format = "i2s";
+               simple-audio-card,widgets =
+                       "Headphone", "Headphones",
+                       "Microphone", "Headset Mic",
+                       "Microphone", "Digital Mic",
+                       "Speaker", "Speaker";
+               simple-audio-card,routing =
+                       "Headphones", "HPOUTL",
+                       "Headphones", "HPOUTR",
+                       "Speaker", "SPKOUTL",
+                       "Speaker", "SPKOUTR",
+                       "Headset Mic", "MICBIAS",
+                       "IN3R", "Headset Mic",
+                       "DMICDAT", "Digital Mic";
+               simple-audio-card,hp-det-gpio = <&gpio3 9 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               simple-audio-card,cpu {
+                       sound-dai = <&sai2>;
+               };
+               simple-audio-card,codec {
+                       sound-dai = <&codec>;
+                       clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_SAI2_ROOT>;
+                       frame-master;
+                       bitclock-master;
+               };
+       };
+       sound-wwan {
+               compatible = "simple-audio-card";
+               simple-audio-card,name = "Modem";
+               simple-audio-card,format = "i2s";
+               simple-audio-card,cpu {
+                       sound-dai = <&sai6>;
+                       frame-inversion;
+               };
+               simple-audio-card,codec {
+                       sound-dai = <&bm818_codec>;
+                       frame-master;
+                       bitclock-master;
+               };
+       };
+       usdhc2_pwrseq: pwrseq {
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_bt>, <&pinctrl_wifi_disable>;
+               compatible = "mmc-pwrseq-simple";
+               reset-gpios = <&gpio3 25 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,
+                             <&gpio4 29 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+       };
+       bm818_codec: sound-wwan-codec {
+               compatible = "broadmobi,bm818", "option,gtm601";
+               #sound-dai-cells = <0>;
+       };
+       vibrator {
+               compatible = "pwm-vibrator";
+               pwms = <&pwm1 0 1000000000 0>;
+               pwm-names = "enable";
+               vcc-supply = <&reg_vdd_3v3>;
+       };
+&A53_0 {
+       cpu-supply = <&buck2_reg>;
+&A53_1 {
+       cpu-supply = <&buck2_reg>;
+&A53_2 {
+       cpu-supply = <&buck2_reg>;
+&A53_3 {
+       cpu-supply = <&buck2_reg>;
+&ddrc {
+       operating-points-v2 = <&ddrc_opp_table>;
+       ddrc_opp_table: opp-table {
+               compatible = "operating-points-v2";
+               opp-25M {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <25000000>;
+               };
+               opp-100M {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <100000000>;
+               };
+               opp-800M {
+                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <800000000>;
+               };
+       };
+&dphy {
+       status = "okay";
+&ecspi1 {
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_ecspi1>;
+       cs-gpios = <&gpio5 9 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+       #address-cells = <1>;
+       #size-cells = <0>;
+       status = "okay";
+       nor_flash: flash@0 {
+               compatible = "jedec,spi-nor";
+               reg = <0>;
+               spi-max-frequency = <1000000>;
+               #address-cells = <1>;
+               #size-cells = <1>;
+               partition@0 {
+                       label = "protected0";
+                       reg = <0x0 0x30000>;
+                       read-only;
+               };
+               partition@30000 {
+                       label = "protected1";
+                       reg = <0x30000 0x10000>;
+                       read-only;
+               };
+               partition@40000 {
+                       label = "rw";
+                       reg = <0x40000 0x1C0000>;
+               };
+       };
+&gpio1 {
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_pmic_5v>;
+       pmic-5v-hog {
+               gpio-hog;
+               gpios = <1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               input;
+               lane-mapping = "pmic-5v";
+       };
+&iomuxc {
+       pinctrl_audiopwr: audiopwrgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* AUDIO_POWER_EN_3V3 */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO04_GPIO1_IO4       0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_bl: blgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* BACKLINGE_EN */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_NAND_DQS_GPIO3_IO14        0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_bt: btgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* BT_REG_ON */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI5_MCLK_GPIO3_IO25       0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_charger_in: chargeringrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* CHRG_INT */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_NAND_CE2_B_GPIO3_IO3       0x80
+                       /* CHG_STATUS_B */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_NAND_ALE_GPIO3_IO0         0x80
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_dsibiasen: dsibiasengrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* DSI_BIAS_EN */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ENET_TD1_GPIO1_IO20        0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_dsien: dsiengrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* DSI_EN_3V3 */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO05_GPIO1_IO5       0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_dsirst: dsirstgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* DSI_RST */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ENET_RD3_GPIO1_IO29        0x83
+                       /* DSI_TE */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ENET_RD2_GPIO1_IO28        0x83
+                       /* TP_RST */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ENET_RX_CTL_GPIO1_IO24     0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_ecspi1: ecspigrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI1_MOSI_ECSPI1_MOSI    0x83
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI1_MISO_ECSPI1_MISO    0x83
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI1_SS0_GPIO5_IO9       0x19
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI1_SCLK_ECSPI1_SCLK    0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_gauge: gaugegrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* BAT_LOW */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI5_RXC_GPIO3_IO20        0x80
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_gnsspwr: gnsspwrgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* GPS3V3_EN */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_NAND_DATA06_GPIO3_IO12     0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_haptic: hapticgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* MOTO */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SPDIF_EXT_CLK_PWM1_OUT     0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_hp: hpgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* HEADPHONE_DET_1V8 */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_NAND_DATA03_GPIO3_IO9      0x180
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_hub_pwr: hubpwrgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* HUB_PWR_3V3_EN */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO14_GPIO1_IO14      0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_i2c1: i2c1grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C1_SCL_I2C1_SCL          0x40000026
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C1_SDA_I2C1_SDA          0x40000026
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_i2c2: i2c2grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C2_SCL_I2C2_SCL          0x40000026
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C2_SDA_I2C2_SDA          0x40000026
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_i2c3: i2c3grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C3_SCL_I2C3_SCL          0x40000026
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C3_SDA_I2C3_SDA          0x40000026
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_i2c4: i2c4grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C4_SCL_I2C4_SCL          0x40000026
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C4_SDA_I2C4_SDA          0x40000026
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_keys: keysgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* VOL- */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ENET_MDIO_GPIO1_IO17       0x01C0
+                       /* VOL+ */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ENET_MDC_GPIO1_IO16        0x01C0
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_led_b: ledbgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* LED_B */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO13_PWM2_OUT        0x06
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_led_g: ledggrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* LED_G */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI3_MCLK_PWM4_OUT         0x06
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_led_r: ledrgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* LED_R */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SPDIF_TX_PWM3_OUT          0x06
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_mag: maggrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* INT_MAG */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI5_RXD1_GPIO3_IO22       0x80
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_pmic: pmicgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* PMIC_NINT */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO07_GPIO1_IO7       0x80
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_pmic_5v: pmic5vgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* PMIC_5V */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO01_GPIO1_IO1       0x80
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_prox: proxgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* INT_LIGHT */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_NAND_DATA01_GPIO3_IO7      0x80
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_rtc: rtcgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* RTC_INT */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO09_GPIO1_IO9       0x80
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_sai2: sai2grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI2_TXD0_SAI2_TX_DATA0    0xd6
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI2_TXFS_SAI2_TX_SYNC     0xd6
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI2_MCLK_SAI2_MCLK        0xd6
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI2_RXD0_SAI2_RX_DATA0    0xd6
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI2_TXC_SAI2_TX_BCLK      0xd6
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_sai6: sai6grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI1_RXD5_SAI6_RX_DATA0    0xd6
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI1_RXD6_SAI6_RX_SYNC     0xd6
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI1_TXD4_SAI6_RX_BCLK     0xd6
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI1_TXD5_SAI6_TX_DATA0    0xd6
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_tcpc: tcpcgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* TCPC_INT */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO10_GPIO1_IO10      0x01C0
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_touch: touchgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* TP_INT */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ENET_RD1_GPIO1_IO27        0x80
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_typec: typecgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* TYPEC_MUX_EN */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO11_GPIO1_IO11      0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_uart1: uart1grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_UART1_RXD_UART1_DCE_RX     0x49
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_UART1_TXD_UART1_DCE_TX     0x49
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_uart2: uart2grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_UART2_TXD_UART2_DCE_TX     0x49
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_UART2_RXD_UART2_DCE_RX     0x49
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_uart3: uart3grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_UART3_RXD_UART3_DCE_RX     0x49
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_UART3_TXD_UART3_DCE_TX     0x49
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_uart4: uart4grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_SCLK_UART4_DCE_RX           0x49
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_MOSI_UART4_DCE_TX           0x49
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_MISO_UART4_DCE_CTS_B        0x49
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI2_SS0_UART4_DCE_RTS_B         0x49
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_usdhc1: usdhc1grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CLK_USDHC1_CLK                 0x83
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CMD_USDHC1_CMD                 0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA0_USDHC1_DATA0             0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA1_USDHC1_DATA1             0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA2_USDHC1_DATA2             0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA3_USDHC1_DATA3             0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA4_USDHC1_DATA4             0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA5_USDHC1_DATA5             0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA6_USDHC1_DATA6             0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA7_USDHC1_DATA7             0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_STROBE_USDHC1_STROBE           0x83
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_RESET_B_USDHC1_RESET_B         0xc1
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_usdhc1_100mhz: usdhc1grp100mhz {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CLK_USDHC1_CLK                 0x8d
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CMD_USDHC1_CMD                 0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA0_USDHC1_DATA0             0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA1_USDHC1_DATA1             0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA2_USDHC1_DATA2             0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA3_USDHC1_DATA3             0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA4_USDHC1_DATA4             0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA5_USDHC1_DATA5             0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA6_USDHC1_DATA6             0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA7_USDHC1_DATA7             0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_STROBE_USDHC1_STROBE           0x8d
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_RESET_B_USDHC1_RESET_B         0xc1
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_usdhc1_200mhz: usdhc1grp200mhz {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CLK_USDHC1_CLK                 0x9f
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_CMD_USDHC1_CMD                 0xdf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA0_USDHC1_DATA0             0xdf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA1_USDHC1_DATA1             0xdf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA2_USDHC1_DATA2             0xdf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA3_USDHC1_DATA3             0xdf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA4_USDHC1_DATA4             0xdf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA5_USDHC1_DATA5             0xdf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA6_USDHC1_DATA6             0xdf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_DATA7_USDHC1_DATA7             0xdf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_STROBE_USDHC1_STROBE           0x9f
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD1_RESET_B_USDHC1_RESET_B         0xc1
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_usdhc2: usdhc2grp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CD_B_GPIO2_IO12        0x80
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CLK_USDHC2_CLK         0x83
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CMD_USDHC2_CMD         0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA0_USDHC2_DATA0     0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA1_USDHC2_DATA1     0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA2_USDHC2_DATA2     0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA3_USDHC2_DATA3     0xc3
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_RESET_B_USDHC2_RESET_B 0xc1
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_usdhc2_100mhz: usdhc2grp100mhz {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CD_B_GPIO2_IO12        0x80
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CLK_USDHC2_CLK         0x8d
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CMD_USDHC2_CMD         0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA0_USDHC2_DATA0     0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA1_USDHC2_DATA1     0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA2_USDHC2_DATA2     0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA3_USDHC2_DATA3     0xcd
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_RESET_B_USDHC2_RESET_B 0xc1
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_usdhc2_200mhz: usdhc2grp200mhz {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CD_B_GPIO2_IO12        0x80
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CLK_USDHC2_CLK         0x9f
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_CMD_USDHC2_CMD         0xcf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA0_USDHC2_DATA0     0xcf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA1_USDHC2_DATA1     0xcf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA2_USDHC2_DATA2     0xcf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_DATA3_USDHC2_DATA3     0xcf
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SD2_RESET_B_USDHC2_RESET_B 0xc1
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_wifi_disable: wifidisablegrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* WIFI_REG_ON */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_SAI3_RXC_GPIO4_IO29        0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_wifi_pwr: wifipwrgrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* WIFI3V3_EN */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_NAND_DATA04_GPIO3_IO10     0x83
+               >;
+       };
+       pinctrl_wdog: wdoggrp {
+               fsl,pins = <
+                       /* nWDOG */
+                       MX8MQ_IOMUXC_GPIO1_IO02_WDOG1_WDOG_B    0x1f
+               >;
+       };
+&i2c1 {
+       clock-frequency = <387000>;
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c1>;
+       status = "okay";
+       typec_pd: usb-pd@3f {
+               compatible = "ti,tps6598x";
+               reg = <0x3f>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_typec>, <&pinctrl_tcpc>;
+               interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
+               interrupts = <10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+               interrupt-names = "irq";
+               connector {
+                       ports {
+                               #address-cells = <1>;
+                               #size-cells = <0>;
+                               port@0 {
+                                       reg = <0>;
+                                       usb_con_hs: endpoint {
+                                               remote-endpoint = <&typec_hs>;
+                                       };
+                               };
+                               port@1 {
+                                       reg = <1>;
+                                       usb_con_ss: endpoint {
+                                               remote-endpoint = <&typec_ss>;
+                                       };
+                               };
+                       };
+               };
+       };
+       pmic: pmic@4b {
+               compatible = "rohm,bd71837";
+               reg = <0x4b>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_pmic>;
+               clocks = <&pmic_osc>;
+               clock-names = "osc";
+               clock-output-names = "pmic_clk";
+               interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
+               interrupts = <7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+               rohm,reset-snvs-powered;
+               regulators {
+                       buck1_reg: BUCK1 {
+                               regulator-name = "buck1";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <700000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <1300000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-ramp-delay = <1250>;
+                               rohm,dvs-run-voltage = <900000>;
+                               rohm,dvs-idle-voltage = <850000>;
+                               rohm,dvs-suspend-voltage = <800000>;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       buck2_reg: BUCK2 {
+                               regulator-name = "buck2";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <700000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <1300000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-ramp-delay = <1250>;
+                               rohm,dvs-run-voltage = <1000000>;
+                               rohm,dvs-idle-voltage = <900000>;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       buck3_reg: BUCK3 {
+                               regulator-name = "buck3";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <700000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <1300000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               rohm,dvs-run-voltage = <900000>;
+                       };
+                       buck4_reg: BUCK4 {
+                               regulator-name = "buck4";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <700000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <1300000>;
+                               rohm,dvs-run-voltage = <1000000>;
+                       };
+                       buck5_reg: BUCK5 {
+                               regulator-name = "buck5";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <700000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <1350000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       buck6_reg: BUCK6 {
+                               regulator-name = "buck6";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <3000000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       buck7_reg: BUCK7 {
+                               regulator-name = "buck7";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <1605000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <1995000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       buck8_reg: BUCK8 {
+                               regulator-name = "buck8";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <800000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <1400000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       ldo1_reg: LDO1 {
+                               regulator-name = "ldo1";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <3000000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               /* leave on for snvs power button */
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       ldo2_reg: LDO2 {
+                               regulator-name = "ldo2";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <900000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <900000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               /* leave on for snvs power button */
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       ldo3_reg: LDO3 {
+                               regulator-name = "ldo3";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       ldo4_reg: LDO4 {
+                               regulator-name = "ldo4";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <900000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       ldo5_reg: LDO5 {
+                               /* VDD_PHY_0V9 - MIPI and HDMI domains */
+                               regulator-name = "ldo5";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       ldo6_reg: LDO6 {
+                               /* VDD_PHY_0V9 - MIPI, HDMI and USB domains */
+                               regulator-name = "ldo6";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <900000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+                       ldo7_reg: LDO7 {
+                               /* VDD_PHY_3V3 - USB domain */
+                               regulator-name = "ldo7";
+                               regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>;
+                               regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>;
+                               regulator-boot-on;
+                               regulator-always-on;
+                       };
+               };
+       };
+       rtc@68 {
+               compatible = "microcrystal,rv4162";
+               reg = <0x68>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_rtc>;
+               interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
+               interrupts = <9 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+       };
+&i2c2 {
+       clock-frequency = <387000>;
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c2>;
+       status = "okay";
+       magnetometer@1e {
+               compatible = "st,lsm9ds1-magn";
+               reg = <0x1e>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_mag>;
+               interrupt-parent = <&gpio3>;
+               interrupts = <22 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+               vdd-supply = <&reg_vdd_sen>;
+               vddio-supply = <&reg_vdd_1v8>;
+       };
+       regulator@3e {
+               compatible = "tps65132";
+               reg = <0x3e>;
+               reg_lcd_avdd: outp {
+                       regulator-name = "LCD_AVDD";
+                       vin-supply = <&reg_lcd_3v4>;
+               };
+               reg_lcd_avee: outn {
+                       regulator-name = "LCD_AVEE";
+                       vin-supply = <&reg_lcd_3v4>;
+               };
+       };
+       proximity: prox@60 {
+               compatible = "vishay,vcnl4040";
+               reg = <0x60>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_prox>;
+               interrupt-parent = <&gpio3>;
+               interrupts = <7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+       };
+       accel_gyro: accel-gyro@6a       {
+               compatible = "st,lsm9ds1-imu";
+               reg = <0x6a>;
+               vdd-supply = <&reg_vdd_sen>;
+               vddio-supply = <&reg_vdd_1v8>;
+       };
+&i2c3 {
+       clock-frequency = <387000>;
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c3>;
+       status = "okay";
+       codec: audio-codec@1a {
+               compatible = "wlf,wm8962";
+               reg = <0x1a>;
+               clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_SAI2_ROOT>;
+               assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_SAI2>;
+               assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MQ_AUDIO_PLL1_OUT>;
+               assigned-clock-rates = <24576000>;
+               #sound-dai-cells = <0>;
+               mic-cfg = <0x200>;
+               DCVDD-supply = <&reg_aud_1v8>;
+               DBVDD-supply = <&reg_aud_1v8>;
+               AVDD-supply = <&reg_aud_1v8>;
+               CPVDD-supply = <&reg_aud_1v8>;
+               MICVDD-supply = <&reg_aud_1v8>;
+               PLLVDD-supply = <&reg_aud_1v8>;
+               SPKVDD1-supply = <&reg_vsys_3v4>;
+               SPKVDD2-supply = <&reg_vsys_3v4>;
+               gpio-cfg = <
+                       0x0000 /* n/c */
+                       0x0001 /* gpio2, 1: default */
+                       0x0013 /* gpio3, 2: dmicclk */
+                       0x0000 /* n/c, 3: default */
+                       0x8014 /* gpio5, 4: dmic_dat */
+                       0x0000 /* gpio6, 5: default */
+               >;
+       };
+       backlight@36 {
+               compatible = "ti,lm36922";
+               reg = <0x36>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_bl>;
+               #address-cells = <1>;
+               #size-cells = <0>;
+               enable-gpios = <&gpio3 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               vled-supply = <&reg_vsys_3v4>;
+               ti,ovp-microvolt = <25000000>;
+               led_backlight: led@0 {
+                       reg = <0>;
+                       label = ":backlight";
+                       linux,default-trigger = "backlight";
+                       led-max-microamp = <20000>;
+               };
+       };
+       touchscreen@38 {
+               compatible = "edt,edt-ft5506";
+               reg = <0x38>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_touch>;
+               interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
+               interrupts = <27 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
+               touchscreen-size-x = <720>;
+               touchscreen-size-y = <1440>;
+               vcc-supply = <&reg_lcd_1v8>;
+       };
+&i2c4 {
+       clock-frequency = <387000>;
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c4>;
+       status = "okay";
+       bat: fuel-gauge@36 {
+               compatible = "maxim,max17055";
+               reg = <0x36>;
+               interrupt-parent = <&gpio3>;
+               interrupts = <20 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_gauge>;
+               maxim,over-heat-temp = <700>;
+               maxim,over-volt = <4500>;
+               maxim,rsns-microohm = <5000>;
+       };
+       bq25895: charger@6a {
+               compatible = "ti,bq25895", "ti,bq25890";
+               reg = <0x6a>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_charger_in>;
+               interrupt-parent = <&gpio3>;
+               interrupts = <3 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
+               phys = <&usb3_phy0>;
+               ti,precharge-current = <130000>; /* uA */
+               ti,minimum-sys-voltage = <3700000>; /* uV */
+               ti,boost-voltage = <5000000>; /* uV */
+               ti,boost-max-current = <500000>; /* uA */
+               ti,use-vinmin-threshold = <1>; /* enable VINDPM */
+               ti,vinmin-threshold = <3900000>; /* uV */
+               monitored-battery = <&bat>;
+               power-supplies = <&typec_pd>;
+       };
+&lcdif {
+       status = "okay";
+&mipi_dsi {
+       #address-cells = <1>;
+       #size-cells = <0>;
+       status = "okay";
+       lcd_panel: panel@0 {
+               compatible = "mantix,mlaf057we51-x";
+               reg = <0>;
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_dsirst>;
+               avdd-supply = <&reg_lcd_avdd>;
+               avee-supply = <&reg_lcd_avee>;
+               vddi-supply = <&reg_lcd_1v8>;
+               backlight = <&backlight_dsi>;
+               reset-gpios = <&gpio1 29 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+               mantix,tp-rstn-gpios = <&gpio1 24 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+               port {
+                       panel_in: endpoint {
+                               remote-endpoint = <&mipi_dsi_out>;
+                       };
+               };
+       };
+       ports {
+               port@1 {
+                       reg = <1>;
+                       mipi_dsi_out: endpoint {
+                               remote-endpoint = <&panel_in>;
+                       };
+               };
+       };
+&pgc_gpu {
+       power-supply = <&buck3_reg>;
+&pgc_mipi {
+       power-supply = <&ldo5_reg>;
+&pgc_vpu {
+       power-supply = <&buck4_reg>;
+&pwm1 {
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_haptic>;
+       status = "okay";
+&pwm2 {
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_led_b>;
+       status = "okay";
+&pwm3 {
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_led_r>;
+       status = "okay";
+&pwm4 {
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_led_g>;
+       status = "okay";
+&sai2 {
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_sai2>;
+       assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_SAI2>;
+       assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MQ_AUDIO_PLL1_OUT>;
+       assigned-clock-rates = <24576000>;
+       status = "okay";
+&sai6 {
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_sai6>;
+       assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_SAI6>;
+       assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MQ_AUDIO_PLL1_OUT>;
+       assigned-clock-rates = <24576000>;
+       fsl,sai-synchronous-rx;
+       status = "okay";
+&snvs_pwrkey {
+       status = "okay";
+&snvs_rtc {
+       status = "disabled";
+&uart1 { /* console */
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart1>;
+       status = "okay";
+&uart2 { /* TPS - GPS - DEBUG */
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart2>;
+       status = "okay";
+       gnss {
+               compatible = "globaltop,pa6h";
+               vcc-supply = <&reg_gnss>;
+               current-speed = <9600>;
+       };
+&uart3 { /* SMC */
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart3>;
+       status = "okay";
+&uart4 { /* BT */
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart4>;
+       uart-has-rtscts;
+       status = "okay";
+&usb3_phy0 {
+       status = "okay";
+&usb3_phy1 {
+       vbus-supply = <&reg_hub>;
+       status = "okay";
+&usb_dwc3_0 {
+       #address-cells = <1>;
+       #size-cells = <0>;
+       dr_mode = "otg";
+       snps,dis_u3_susphy_quirk;
+       status = "okay";
+       port@0 {
+               reg = <0>;
+               typec_hs: endpoint {
+                       remote-endpoint = <&usb_con_hs>;
+               };
+       };
+       port@1 {
+               reg = <1>;
+               typec_ss: endpoint {
+                       remote-endpoint = <&usb_con_ss>;
+               };
+       };
+&usb_dwc3_1 {
+       dr_mode = "host";
+       status = "okay";
+       #address-cells = <1>;
+       #size-cells = <0>;
+       /* Microchip USB2642 */
+       hub@1 {
+               compatible = "usb424,2640";
+               reg = <1>;
+               #address-cells = <1>;
+               #size-cells = <0>;
+               mass-storage@1 {
+                       compatible = "usb424,4041";
+                       reg = <1>;
+               };
+       };
+&usdhc1 {
+       assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_USDHC1>;
+       assigned-clock-rates = <400000000>;
+       pinctrl-names = "default", "state_100mhz", "state_200mhz";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1>;
+       pinctrl-1 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1_100mhz>;
+       pinctrl-2 = <&pinctrl_usdhc1_200mhz>;
+       bus-width = <8>;
+       vmmc-supply = <&reg_vdd_3v3>;
+       power-supply = <&reg_vdd_1v8>;
+       non-removable;
+       status = "okay";
+&usdhc2 {
+       assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_USDHC2>;
+       assigned-clock-rates = <200000000>;
+       pinctrl-names = "default", "state_100mhz", "state_200mhz";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2>;
+       pinctrl-1 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_100mhz>;
+       pinctrl-2 = <&pinctrl_usdhc2_200mhz>;
+       bus-width = <4>;
+       vmmc-supply = <&reg_wifi_3v3>;
+       mmc-pwrseq = <&usdhc2_pwrseq>;
+       post-power-on-delay-ms = <1000>;
+       cd-gpios = <&gpio2 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+       max-frequency = <50000000>;
+       disable-wp;
+       cap-sdio-irq;
+       keep-power-in-suspend;
+       wakeup-source;
+       status = "okay";
+&wdog1 {
+       pinctrl-names = "default";
+       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_wdog>;
+       fsl,ext-reset-output;
+       status = "okay";
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m/Kconfig b/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m/Kconfig
index fae70499953..4a430a34d99 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m/Kconfig
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8m/Kconfig
@@ -203,6 +203,14 @@ config TARGET_IMX8MP_RSB3720A1_6G
        select IMX8MP
        select SUPPORT_SPL
        select IMX8M_LPDDR4
+       bool "Purism Librem5 Phone"
+       select BINMAN
+       select IMX8MQ
+       select SUPPORT_SPL
+       select IMX8M_LPDDR4
 source "board/advantech/imx8mp_rsb3720a1/Kconfig"
@@ -220,6 +228,7 @@ source "board/kontron/pitx_imx8m/Kconfig"
 source "board/kontron/sl-mx8mm/Kconfig"
 source "board/phytec/phycore_imx8mm/Kconfig"
 source "board/phytec/phycore_imx8mp/Kconfig"
+source "board/purism/librem5/Kconfig"
 source "board/ronetix/imx8mq-cm/Kconfig"
 source "board/technexion/pico-imx8mq/Kconfig"
 source "board/variscite/imx8mn_var_som/Kconfig"
diff --git a/board/purism/librem5/Kconfig b/board/purism/librem5/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cf0f303683e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/purism/librem5/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+config SYS_BOARD
+       default "librem5"
+config SYS_VENDOR
+       default "purism"
+       default "librem5"
+config IMX_CONFIG
+       default "board/purism/librem5/imximage-8mq-lpddr4.cfg"
diff --git a/board/purism/librem5/MAINTAINERS b/board/purism/librem5/MAINTAINERS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09e7f20e33c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/purism/librem5/MAINTAINERS
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+M:     Angus Ainslie <>
+S:     Supported
+F:     arch/arm/dts/imx8mq-librem5*
+F:     board/purism/librem5/
+F:     configs/librem5_defconfig
+F:     include/configs/librem5.h
diff --git a/board/purism/librem5/Makefile b/board/purism/librem5/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..47f25f047b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/purism/librem5/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017 NXP
+# Copyright 2019 Purism
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:      GPL-2.0+
+obj-y += librem5.o
+obj-y += spl.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_IMX8M_LPDDR4) += lpddr4_timing.o lpddr4_timing_b0.o
diff --git a/board/purism/librem5/imximage-8mq-lpddr4.cfg 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..648471028f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/purism/librem5/imximage-8mq-lpddr4.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2021 NXP
+ */
+BOOT_FROM      sd
+SIGNED_HDMI     signed_dp_imx8m.bin
+LOADER         u-boot-spl-ddr.bin      0x7E1000
diff --git a/board/purism/librem5/librem5.c b/board/purism/librem5/librem5.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f302e1fa13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/purism/librem5/librem5.c
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * Copyright 2018 NXP
+ * Copyright 2021 Purism
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <miiphy.h>
+#include <asm/mach-imx/iomux-v3.h>
+#include <asm-generic/gpio.h>
+#include <asm/arch/sys_proto.h>
+#include <fsl_esdhc.h>
+#include <mmc.h>
+#include <asm/arch/imx8mq_pins.h>
+#include <asm/arch/sys_proto.h>
+#include <asm/mach-imx/gpio.h>
+#include <asm/mach-imx/mxc_i2c.h>
+#include <asm/arch/clock.h>
+#include <asm/mach-imx/video.h>
+#include <fuse.h>
+#include <i2c.h>
+#include <spl.h>
+#include <usb.h>
+#include <dwc3-uboot.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/bitfield.h>
+#include <power/regulator.h>
+#include <usb/xhci.h>
+#include "librem5.h"
+int board_early_init_f(void)
+       return 0;
+int ft_board_setup(void *blob, struct bd_info *bd)
+       return 0;
+int board_postclk_init(void)
+       return 0;
+uint board_mmc_get_env_part(struct mmc *mmc)
+       uint part = (mmc->part_config >> 3) & PART_ACCESS_MASK;
+       if (part == 7)
+               part = 0;
+       return part;
+int bq_read_reg(int reg_index)
+       struct udevice *udev, *bus;
+       u8 reg;
+       int ret;
+       ret = uclass_get_device_by_seq(UCLASS_I2C, 3, &bus);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_err("%s: No bus %d\n", __func__, 3);
+               return -ENODEV;
+       }
+       ret = i2c_get_chip(bus, 0x6a, 1, &udev);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_err("%s: setting chip offset failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       dm_i2c_read(udev, reg_index, &reg, 1);
+       return reg;
+int bq_write_reg(int reg_index, u8 val)
+       struct udevice *udev, *bus;
+       int ret;
+       ret = uclass_get_device_by_seq(UCLASS_I2C, 3, &bus);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_err("%s: No bus %d\n", __func__, 3);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       ret = i2c_get_chip(bus, 0x6a, 1, &udev);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_err("%s: setting chip offset failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       dm_i2c_write(udev, reg_index, &val, 1);
+       return 0;
+int read_vbat(void)
+       u8 reg02, reg03, reg0e;
+       int timeout = 1000; // ms
+       /* disable the charger and enable BAT_LOADEN to discharge the decoupling
+        * CAP
+        *
+        */
+       reg03 = bq_read_reg(0x03);
+       bq_write_reg(0x03, (reg03 | 0x80) & ~0x10);
+       mdelay(10);
+       /* force a conversion */
+       reg02 = bq_read_reg(0x02);
+       bq_write_reg(0x02, (reg02 | 0x80) & ~0x40);
+       do {
+               mdelay(10);
+               timeout -= 10;
+       } while ((bq_read_reg(0x02) & 0x80) && (timeout > 0));
+       reg0e = bq_read_reg(0x0e);
+       /* return the charger to it's original state */
+       bq_write_reg(0x03, reg03);
+       bq_write_reg(0x02, reg02);
+       return (reg0e & 0x7f) * 20 + 2304;
+int tps65982_wait_for_app(int timeout, int timeout_step)
+       int ret;
+       char response[6];
+       struct udevice *udev, *bus;
+       log_debug("%s: starting\n", __func__);
+       /* Set the i2c bus */
+       ret = uclass_get_device_by_seq(UCLASS_I2C, 0, &bus);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_err("%s: No bus %d\n", __func__, 0);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       ret = i2c_get_chip(bus, 0x3f, 1, &udev);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_err("%s: setting chip offset failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       while (timeout > 0) {
+               ret = dm_i2c_read(udev, 0x03, (u8 *)response, 5);
+               log_debug("tps65982 mode %s\n", response);
+               if (response[1] == 'A')
+                       return 0;
+               mdelay(timeout_step);
+               timeout -= timeout_step;
+               log_debug("tps65982 waited %d ms %c\n", timeout_step, 
+       }
+       return 1;
+#define TPS_PDO_CONTRACT_TYPE(x)       FIELD_GET(GENMASK(31, 30), x)
+#define TPS_TYPEC_PWR_MODE_1_5A        1
+#define TPS_TYPEC_PWR_MODE_3_0A        2
* 50)
+int tps65982_get_max_current(void)
+       int ret;
+       u8 buf[7];
+       u8 pwr_status;
+       u32 contract;
+       int type, mode;
+       struct udevice *udev, *bus;
+       log_debug("%s: starting\n", __func__);
+       /* Set the i2c bus */
+       ret = uclass_get_device_by_seq(UCLASS_I2C, 0, &bus);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_debug("%s: No bus %d\n", __func__, 0);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       ret = i2c_get_chip(bus, 0x3f, 1, &udev);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_debug("%s: setting chip offset failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       ret = dm_i2c_read(udev, 0x3f, buf, 3);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_debug("%s: reading pwr_status failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       pwr_status = buf[1];
+       if (!(pwr_status & 1))
+               return 0;
+       mode = TPS_POWER_STATUS_PWROPMODE(pwr_status);
+       switch (mode) {
+       case TPS_TYPEC_PWR_MODE_1_5A:
+               return 1500;
+       case TPS_TYPEC_PWR_MODE_3_0A:
+               return 3000;
+       case TPS_TYPEC_PWR_MODE_PD:
+               ret = dm_i2c_read(udev, 0x34, buf, 7);
+               if (ret) {
+                       log_debug("%s: reading active contract failed %d\n", 
__func__, ret);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               contract = buf[1] + (buf[2] << 8) + (buf[3] << 16) + (buf[4] << 
+               type = TPS_PDO_CONTRACT_TYPE(contract);
+               switch (type) {
+               case TPS_PDO_CONTRACT_FIXED:
+                       return TPS_PDO_FIXED_CONTRACT_MAX_CURRENT(contract);
+               case TPS_PDO_CONTRACT_BATTERY:
+                       return 1000 * TPS_PDO_BAT_CONTRACT_MAX_POWER(contract)
+                               / TPS_PDO_BAT_CONTRACT_MAX_VOLTAGE(contract);
+               case TPS_PDO_CONTRACT_VARIABLE:
+                       return TPS_PDO_VAR_CONTRACT_MAX_CURRENT(contract);
+               default:
+                       log_debug("Unknown contract type: %d\n", type);
+                       return -1;
+               }
+       case TPS_TYPEC_PWR_MODE_USB:
+               return 500;
+       default:
+               log_debug("Unknown power mode: %d\n", mode);
+               return -1;
+       }
+int init_tps65982(void)
+       int vbat;
+       log_debug("%s: starting\n", __func__);
+       if (tps65982_wait_for_app(500, 100)) {
+               /* check that VBAT is present and greater than 3000 mV. 
resetting the
+                * tps65982 disconnects VBUS so we need a different power 
+                * Battery voltage greater than 4.15V likely means the battery 
is not
+                * present.
+                */
+               vbat = read_vbat();
+               log_err("tps65982 APP boot failed %d mV\n", vbat);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       log_info("tps65982 boot successful\n");
+       return 0;
+int bq25896_set_iinlim(int current)
+       u8 val, iinlim;
+       int ret;
+       struct udevice *udev, *bus;
+       /* Set the i2c bus */
+       ret = uclass_get_device_by_seq(UCLASS_I2C, 3, &bus);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_err("%s: No bus 3\n", __func__);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       ret = i2c_get_chip(bus, 0x6a, 1, &udev);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_err("%s: setting chip offset failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       if (current > 3250)
+               current = 3250;
+       if (current < 100)
+               current = 100;
+       val = dm_i2c_reg_read(udev, 0x00);
+       iinlim = ((current - 100) / 50) & 0x3f;
+       val = (val & 0xc0) | iinlim;
+       dm_i2c_reg_write(udev, 0x00, val);
+       log_debug("REG00 0x%x\n", val);
+       return 0;
+ * set some safe defaults for the battery charger
+ */
+int init_charger_bq25896(void)
+       u8 val;
+       int iinlim, vbat, ret;
+       struct udevice *udev, *bus;
+       /* Set the i2c bus */
+       ret = uclass_get_device_by_seq(UCLASS_I2C, 3, &bus);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_debug("%s: No bus 3\n", __func__);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       ret = i2c_get_chip(bus, 0x6a, 1, &udev);
+       if (ret) {
+               log_debug("%s: setting chip offset failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       /* enable automatic DC conversions */
+       val = dm_i2c_reg_read(udev, 0x02);
+       log_debug("REG0B 0x%x\n", val);
+       val = (val & ~0xc0) | 0x40;
+       dm_i2c_reg_write(udev, 0x02, val);
+       /* check VBUS good */
+       val = dm_i2c_reg_read(udev, 0x11);
+       log_debug("VBUS good %d\n", (val >> 7) & 1);
+       log_debug("VBUS mV %d\n", (val & 0x7f) * 100 + 2600);
+       val = dm_i2c_reg_read(udev, 0x0b);
+       log_debug("REG0B 0x%x\n", val);
+       log_debug("VBUS_STAT 0x%x\n", val >> 5);
+       switch (val >> 5) {
+       case 0:
+               log_debug("VBUS not detected\n");
+               break;
+       case 1:
+               log_debug("USB SDP IINLIM 500mA\n");
+               break;
+       case 2:
+               log_debug("USB CDP IINLIM 1500mA\n");
+               break;
+       case 3:
+               log_debug("USB DCP IINLIM 3500mA\n");
+               break;
+       case 4:
+               log_debug("MAXCHARGE IINLIM 1500mA\n");
+               break;
+       case 5:
+               log_debug("Unknown IINLIM 500mA\n");
+               break;
+       case 6:
+               log_debug("DIVIDER IINLIM > 1000mA\n");
+               break;
+       case 7:
+               log_debug("OTG\n");
+               break;
+       };
+       log_debug("CHRG_STAT 0x%x\n", (val >> 3) & 0x3);
+       log_debug("PG_STAT 0x%x\n", (val >> 2) & 1);
+       log_debug("SDP_STAT 0x%x\n", (val >> 1) & 1);
+       log_debug("VSYS_STAT 0x%x\n", val & 1);
+       val = dm_i2c_reg_read(udev, 0x00);
+       log_debug("REG00 0x%x\n", val);
+       iinlim = 100 + (val & 0x3f) * 50;
+       log_debug("IINLIM %d mA\n", iinlim);
+       log_debug("EN_HIZ 0x%x\n", (val >> 7) & 1);
+       log_debug("EN_ILIM 0x%x\n", (val >> 6) & 1);
+       /* check VBAT */
+       vbat = read_vbat();
+       log_debug("VBAT mV %d\n", vbat);
+       if (vbat < 2800 && iinlim <= 500) {
+               /* battery voltage too low and
+                * insufficient current to boot linux.
+                */
+               log_err("%s: voltage and current too low linux probably won't 
boot\n", __func__);
+       }
+       /* set 1.6A charge limit */
+       dm_i2c_reg_write(udev, 0x04, 0x19);
+       /* re-enable charger */
+       val = dm_i2c_reg_read(udev, 0x03);
+       val = val | 0x10;
+       dm_i2c_reg_write(udev, 0x03, val);
+       /* limit the VINDPM to 3.9V  */
+       dm_i2c_reg_write(udev, 0x0d, 0x8d);
+       /* set the max voltage to 4.192V */
+       val = dm_i2c_reg_read(udev, 0x6);
+       val = (val & ~0xFC) | 0x16 << 2;
+       dm_i2c_reg_write(udev, 0x6, val);
+       /* set the SYS_MIN to 3.7V */
+       val = dm_i2c_reg_read(udev, 0x3);
+       val = val | 0xE;
+       dm_i2c_reg_write(udev, 0x3, val);
+       return 0;
+int board_init(void)
+       struct udevice *dev;
+       int tps_ret;
+       log_debug("%s: initializing USB clk\n", __func__);
+       /* init_usb_clk won't enable the second clock if it's a USB boot */
+       if (is_usb_boot()) {
+               imx8m_usb_power(1, true);
+               clock_enable(CCGR_USB_CTRL2, 1);
+               clock_enable(CCGR_USB_PHY2, 1);
+       }
+       printf("Enabling regulator-hub\n");
+       if (!regulator_get_by_devname("regulator-hub", &dev)) {
+               if (regulator_set_enable(dev, true))
+                       printf("Failed to enable regulator-hub\n");
+       }
+       tps_ret = init_tps65982();
+       init_charger_bq25896();
+       if (!tps_ret) {
+               int current = tps65982_get_max_current();
+               if (current > 500)
+                       bq25896_set_iinlim(current);
+       }
+       return 0;
+int board_late_init(void)
+       u32 rev;
+       char rev_str[3];
+       env_set("board_name", "librem5");
+       if (fuse_read(9, 0, &rev)) {
+               env_set("board_rev", BOARD_REV_ERROR);
+       } else if (rev == 0) {
+               env_set("board_rev", BOARD_REV_UNKNOWN);
+       } else if (rev > 0) {
+               sprintf(rev_str, "%u", rev);
+               env_set("board_rev", rev_str);
+       }
+       printf("Board name: %s\n", env_get("board_name"));
+       printf("Board rev:  %s\n", env_get("board_rev"));
+       if (is_usb_boot()) {
+               puts("USB Boot\n");
+               env_set("bootcmd", "fastboot 0");
+       }
+       return 0;
diff --git a/board/purism/librem5/librem5.h b/board/purism/librem5/librem5.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e0c0a8d00ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/purism/librem5/librem5.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2021 Purism
+ */
+#ifndef __LIBREM5_H__
+#define __LIBREM5_H__
+#define CAMERA_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 0)
+#define SD_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 3)
+#define AUDIO_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 4)
+#define DSI_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 5)
+#define SMC_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 6)
+#define TYPEC_MUX_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 11)
+#define HUB_NRESET IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 12)
+#define HUB_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 14)
+#define VOL_UP IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 16)
+#define VOL_DOWN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 17)
+#define DSI_BIAS_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 20)
+#define FLASH_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 23)
+#define WWAN_NRESET IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 1)
+#define CHG_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 2)
+#define CHG_OTG_OUT_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 4)
+#define WIFI_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 10)
+#define GPS_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 12)
+#define BL_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 14)
+#define WWAN_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 18)
+#define NFC_EN IMX_GPIO_NR(4, 28)
+#define LED_G IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 2)
+#define LED_R IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 3)
+#define LED_B IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 13)
+#define MOTO IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 5)
+#define SPI1_SCLK IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 6)
+#define SPI1_MOSI IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 7)
+#define SPI1_MISO IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 8)
+#define SPI1_SS0 IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 9)
+#define UART1_TX IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 23)
+#define UART1_RX IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 22)
+#define UART2_TX IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 25)
+#define UART2_RX IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 24)
+#define UART3_TX IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 27)
+#define UART3_RX IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 26)
+#define UART4_TX IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 11)
+#define UART4_RX IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 10)
+#define TPS_RESET IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 24)
+#define PURISM_VID     0x316d
+#define PURISM_PID     0x4c05
+#define BOARD_REV_ERROR                "unknown"
+#define BOARD_REV_BIRCH                "1"
+#define BOARD_REV_CHESTNUT     "2"
+#define BOARD_REV_DOGWOOD      "3"
+#define BOARD_REV_EVERGREEN    "4"
+/* Could be ASPEN, BIRCH or CHESTNUT. assume CHESTNUT */
+static const iomux_v3_cfg_t configure_pads[] = {
+static inline void init_pinmux(void)
+       imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(configure_pads, 
+       gpio_request(LED_R, "LED_R");
+       gpio_request(LED_G, "LED_G");
+       gpio_request(LED_B, "LED_B");
+       gpio_request(VOL_UP, "VOL_UP");
+       gpio_request(VOL_DOWN, "VOL_DOWN");
+       gpio_request(NFC_EN, "NFC_EN");
+       gpio_request(CHG_EN, "CHG_EN");
+       gpio_request(CHG_OTG_OUT_EN, "CHG_OTG_OUT_EN");
+       gpio_request(TYPEC_MUX_EN, "TYPEC_MUX_EN");
+       gpio_request(TPS_RESET, "TPS_RESET");
+       gpio_request(WWAN_EN, "WWAN_EN");
+       gpio_request(WWAN_NRESET, "WWAN_NRESET");
+       gpio_request(HUB_EN, "HUB_EN");
+       gpio_request(HUB_NRESET, "HUB_NRESET");
+       gpio_request(SD_EN, "SD_EN");
+       gpio_request(AUDIO_EN, "AUDIO_EN");
+       gpio_request(DSI_EN, "DSI_EN");
+       gpio_request(SMC_EN, "SMC_EN");
+       gpio_request(CAMERA_EN, "CAMERA_EN");
+       gpio_request(FLASH_EN, "FLASH_EN");
+       gpio_request(DSI_BIAS_EN, "DSI_BIAS_EN");
+       gpio_request(GPS_EN, "GPS_EN");
+       gpio_request(BL_EN, "BL_EN");
+       gpio_request(WIFI_EN, "WIFI_EN");
+       gpio_direction_output(WIFI_EN, 0);
+#endif /* CONSOLE_ON_UART4 */
+       gpio_direction_input(VOL_UP);
+       gpio_direction_input(VOL_DOWN);
+       /* ensure charger is in the automated mode */
+       gpio_direction_output(NFC_EN, 0);
+       gpio_direction_output(CHG_EN, 0);
+       gpio_direction_output(CHG_OTG_OUT_EN, 0);
+       gpio_direction_input(TYPEC_MUX_EN);
+       gpio_direction_output(TPS_RESET, 0);
+       gpio_direction_output(WWAN_EN, 0);
+       gpio_direction_output(WWAN_NRESET, 1);
+       gpio_direction_output(HUB_EN, 1);
+       gpio_direction_output(HUB_NRESET, 1);
+       mdelay(10);
+       gpio_direction_output(SD_EN, 1);
+       gpio_direction_output(SMC_EN, 0);
+       gpio_direction_output(CAMERA_EN, 0);
+       gpio_direction_output(FLASH_EN, 0);
+       gpio_direction_output(DSI_BIAS_EN, 0);
+       gpio_direction_output(GPS_EN, 0);
+       gpio_direction_output(BL_EN, 0);
+       /* turn these on for i2c busses */
+       gpio_direction_output(AUDIO_EN, 1);
+       gpio_direction_output(DSI_EN, 1);
+#endif /* CONFIG_SPL_BUILD */
+#define USB1_BASE_ADDR         0x38100000
+#define USB2_BASE_ADDR         0x38200000
+#define USB1_PHY_BASE_ADDR     0x381F0000
+#define USB2_PHY_BASE_ADDR     0x382F0000
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL0                  0xF0040
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL0_REF_SSP_EN       BIT(2)
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL0_SSC_RANGE_4003PPM        (0x2 << 21)
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL1                  0xF0044
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL1_RESET            BIT(0)
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL1_COMMONONN                BIT(1)
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL1_ATERESET         BIT(3)
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL1_VDATSRCENB0      BIT(19)
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL1_VDATDETENB0      BIT(20)
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL2                  0xF0048
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL2_TXENABLEN0       BIT(8)
+#define USB_PHY_CTRL6                  0x18
+extern struct dram_timing_info dram_timing_b0;
+extern int board_ecspi_init(void);
diff --git a/board/purism/librem5/lpddr4_timing.c 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..46bc7f8591c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/purism/librem5/lpddr4_timing.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1324 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * Copyright 2018 NXP
+ */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/arch/ddr.h>
+#include <asm/arch/lpddr4_define.h>
+#define WR_POST_EXT_3200       /* recommened to define */
+struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_ddrc_cfg[] = {
+       /* Start to config, default 3200mbps */
+       { DDRC_DBG1(0), 0x00000001 },
+       { DDRC_PWRCTL(0), 0x00000001 },
+       { DDRC_MSTR(0), 0xa3080020 },
+       { DDRC_MSTR2(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_RFSHTMG(0), 0x006100E0 },
+       { DDRC_INIT0(0), 0xC003061B },
+       { DDRC_INIT1(0), 0x009D0000 },
+       { DDRC_INIT3(0), 0x00D4002D },
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { DDRC_INIT4(0), 0x00330008 },
+       { DDRC_INIT4(0), 0x00310008 },
+       { DDRC_INIT6(0), 0x0066004a },
+       { DDRC_INIT7(0), 0x0006004a },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG0(0), 0x1A201B22 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG1(0), 0x00060633 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG3(0), 0x00C0C000 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG4(0), 0x0F04080F },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG5(0), 0x02040C0C },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG6(0), 0x01010007 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG7(0), 0x00000401 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG12(0), 0x00020600 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG13(0), 0x0C100002 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG14(0), 0x000000E6 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG17(0), 0x00A00050 },
+       { DDRC_ZQCTL0(0), 0x03200018 },
+       { DDRC_ZQCTL1(0), 0x028061A8 },
+       { DDRC_ZQCTL2(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_DFITMG0(0), 0x0497820A },
+       { DDRC_DFITMG1(0), 0x00080303 },
+       { DDRC_DFIUPD0(0), 0xE0400018 },
+       { DDRC_DFIUPD1(0), 0x00DF00E4 },
+       { DDRC_DFIUPD2(0), 0x80000000 },
+       { DDRC_DFIMISC(0), 0x00000011 },
+       { DDRC_DFITMG2(0), 0x0000170A },
+       { DDRC_DBICTL(0), 0x00000001 },
+       { DDRC_DFIPHYMSTR(0), 0x00000001 },
+       { DDRC_RANKCTL(0), 0x00000c99 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG2(0), 0x070E171a },
+       /* address mapping */
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP0(0), 0x00000015 },
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP3(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP4(0), 0x00001F1F },
+       /* bank interleave */
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP1(0), 0x00080808 },
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP5(0), 0x07070707 },
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP6(0), 0x08080707 },
+       /* performance setting */
+       { DDRC_ODTCFG(0), 0x0b060908 },
+       { DDRC_ODTMAP(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_SCHED(0), 0x29511505 },
+       { DDRC_SCHED1(0), 0x0000002c },
+       { DDRC_PERFHPR1(0), 0x5900575b },
+       /* 150T starve and 0x90 max tran len */
+       { DDRC_PERFLPR1(0), 0x90000096 },
+       /* 300T starve and 0x10 max tran len */
+       { DDRC_PERFWR1(0), 0x1000012c },
+       { DDRC_DBG0(0), 0x00000016 },
+       { DDRC_DBG1(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_DBGCMD(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_SWCTL(0), 0x00000001 },
+       { DDRC_POISONCFG(0), 0x00000011 },
+       { DDRC_PCCFG(0), 0x00000111 },
+       { DDRC_PCFGR_0(0), 0x000010f3 },
+       { DDRC_PCFGW_0(0), 0x000072ff },
+       { DDRC_PCTRL_0(0), 0x00000001 },
+       /* disable Read Qos*/
+       { DDRC_PCFGQOS0_0(0), 0x00000e00 },
+       { DDRC_PCFGQOS1_0(0), 0x0062ffff },
+       /* disable Write Qos*/
+       { DDRC_PCFGWQOS0_0(0), 0x00000e00 },
+       { DDRC_PCFGWQOS1_0(0), 0x0000ffff },
+       /* Frequency 1: 400mbps */
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG0(0), 0x0d0b010c },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG1(0), 0x00030410 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG2(0), 0x0305090c },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG3(0), 0x00505006 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG4(0), 0x05040305 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG5(0), 0x0d0e0504 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG6(0), 0x0a060004 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG7(0), 0x0000090e },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG14(0), 0x00000032 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG15(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG17(0), 0x0036001b },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DERATEINT(0), 0x7e9fbeb1 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DFITMG0(0), 0x03818200 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DFITMG2(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_RFSHTMG(0), 0x000C001c },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_INIT3(0), 0x00840000 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_INIT4(0), 0x00310008 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_INIT6(0), 0x0066004a },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_INIT7(0), 0x0006004a },
+       /* Frequency 2: 100mbps */
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG0(0), 0x0d0b010c },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG1(0), 0x00030410 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG2(0), 0x0305090c },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG3(0), 0x00505006 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG4(0), 0x05040305 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG5(0), 0x0d0e0504 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG6(0), 0x0a060004 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG7(0), 0x0000090e },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG14(0), 0x00000032 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DRAMTMG17(0), 0x0036001b },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DERATEINT(0), 0x7e9fbeb1 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DFITMG0(0), 0x03818200 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_DFITMG2(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_RFSHTMG(0), 0x00030007 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_INIT3(0), 0x00840000 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_INIT4(0), 0x00310008 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_INIT6(0), 0x0066004a },
+       { DDRC_FREQ2_INIT7(0), 0x0006004a },
+/* PHY Initialize Configuration */
+struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_ddrphy_cfg[] = {
+       { 0x20110, 0x02 },
+       { 0x20111, 0x03 },
+       { 0x20112, 0x04 },
+       { 0x20113, 0x05 },
+       { 0x20114, 0x00 },
+       { 0x20115, 0x01 },
+       { 0x1005f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1015f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1105f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1115f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1205f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1215f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1305f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1315f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11005f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11015f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11105f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11115f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11205f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11215f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11305f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11315f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21005f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21015f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21105f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21115f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21205f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21215f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21305f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21315f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x55, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x2055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x3055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x4055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x5055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x6055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x7055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x8055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x9055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x200c5, 0x19 },
+       { 0x1200c5, 0x7 },
+       { 0x2200c5, 0x7 },
+       { 0x2002e, 0x2 },
+       { 0x12002e, 0x2 },
+       { 0x22002e, 0x2 },
+       { 0x90204, 0x0 },
+       { 0x190204, 0x0 },
+       { 0x290204, 0x0 },
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { 0x20024, 0xeb },
+       { 0x20024, 0xab },
+       { 0x2003a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x120024, 0xab },
+       { 0x2003a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x220024, 0xab },
+       { 0x2003a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x20056, 0x3 },
+       { 0x120056, 0xa },
+       { 0x220056, 0xa },
+       { 0x1004d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1014d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1104d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1114d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1204d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1214d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1304d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1314d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11004d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11014d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11104d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11114d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11204d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11214d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11304d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11314d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21004d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21014d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21104d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21114d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21204d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21214d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21304d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21314d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x10049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x10149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x11049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x11149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x12049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x12149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x13049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x13149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x110049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x110149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x111049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x111149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x112049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x112149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x113049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x113149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x210049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x210149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x211049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x211149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x212049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x212149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x213049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x213149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x43, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x1043, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x2043, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x3043, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x4043, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x5043, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x6043, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x7043, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x8043, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x9043, ((LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON << 5) | LPDDR4_PHY_ADDR_RON) },
+       { 0x20018, 0x3 },
+       { 0x20075, 0x4 },
+       { 0x20050, 0x0 },
+       { 0x20008, 0x320 },
+       { 0x120008, 0x64 },
+       { 0x220008, 0x19 },
+       { 0x20088, 0x9 },
+       { 0x200b2, 0x104 },
+       { 0x10043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x10143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x11043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x11143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x12043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x12143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x13043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x13143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x1200b2, 0x104 },
+       { 0x110043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x110143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x111043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x111143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x112043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x112143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x113043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x113143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x2200b2, 0x104 },
+       { 0x210043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x210143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x211043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x211143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x212043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x212143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x213043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x213143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x200fa, 0x1 },
+       { 0x1200fa, 0x1 },
+       { 0x2200fa, 0x1 },
+       { 0x20019, 0x1 },
+       { 0x120019, 0x1 },
+       { 0x220019, 0x1 },
+       { 0x200f0, 0x660 },
+       { 0x200f1, 0x0 },
+       { 0x200f2, 0x4444 },
+       { 0x200f3, 0x8888 },
+       { 0x200f4, 0x5665 },
+       { 0x200f5, 0x0 },
+       { 0x200f6, 0x0 },
+       { 0x200f7, 0xf000 },
+       { 0x20025, 0x0 },
+       { 0x2002d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x12002d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x22002d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x200c7, 0x80 },
+       { 0x1200c7, 0x80 },
+       { 0x2200c7, 0x80 },
+       { 0x200ca, 0x106 },
+       { 0x1200ca, 0x106 },
+       { 0x2200ca, 0x106 },
+/* P0 message block paremeter for training firmware */
+struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_fsp0_cfg[] = {
+       { 0xd0000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54001, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54002, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54003, 0xc80 },
+       { 0x54004, 0x2 },
+       { 0x54005, ((LPDDR4_PHY_RON << 8) | LPDDR4_PHY_RTT) }, /* PHY Ron/Rtt */
+       { 0x54006, LPDDR4_PHY_VREF_VALUE },
+       { 0x54007, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54008, 0x131f },
+       { 0x54009, LPDDR4_HDT_CTL_3200_1D },
+       { 0x5400a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400b, 0x2 },
+       { 0x5400c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400d, (LPDDR4_CATRAIN_3200_1d << 8) },
+       { 0x5400e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54010, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54011, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54012, 0x310 },
+       { 0x54013, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54014, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54015, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54016, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54017, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54018, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54019, 0x2dd4 },
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { 0x5401a, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) },
+       { 0x5401a, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) },
+       { 0x5401b, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x5401c, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x5401d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5401e, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 },
+       { 0x5401f, 0x2dd4 },
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { 0x54020, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) },
+       { 0x54020, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) },
+       { 0x54021, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x54022, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x54023, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54024, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 },
+       { 0x54025, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54026, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54027, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54028, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54029, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402b, 0x1000 },
+       { 0x5402c, 0x3 },
+       { 0x5402d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54030, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54031, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54032, 0xd400 },
+       /* MR3/MR2 */
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { 0x54033, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) << 8) | 0x2d /*0x312d*/ },
+       { 0x54033, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x2d/*0x312d*/ },
+       /* MR11/MR4 */
+       { 0x54034, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       /* self:0x284d//MR13/MR12 */
+       { 0x54035, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA)/*0x084d*/ },
+       /* MR16/MR14*/
+       { 0x54036, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0/*0x4d*/ },
+       { 0x54037, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 << 8)/*0x500*/ },
+       /* MR1 */
+       { 0x54038, 0xd400 },
+       /* MR3/MR2 */
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { 0x54039, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) << 8) | 0x2d/*0x312d*/ },
+       { 0x54039, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x2d/*0x312d*/ },
+       /* MR11/MR4 */
+       { 0x5403a, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       /* self:0x284d//MR13/MR12 */
+       { 0x5403b, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA)/*0x084d*/ },
+       /* MR16/MR14 */
+       { 0x5403c, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1/*0x4d*/ },
+       { 0x5403d, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 << 8)/*0x500*/ },
+       /* { 0x5403d, 0x500 } */
+       { 0x5403d, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 << 8)/*0x500*/ },
+       { 0x5403e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5403f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54040, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54041, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54042, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54043, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54044, 0x0 },
+       { 0xd0000, 0x1 },
+/* P1 message block paremeter for training firmware */
+struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_fsp1_cfg[] = {
+       { 0xd0000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54001, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54002, 0x101 },
+       { 0x54003, 0x190 },
+       { 0x54004, 0x2 },
+       /* PHY Ron/Rtt */
+       { 0x54005, ((LPDDR4_PHY_RON << 8) | LPDDR4_PHY_RTT)/*0x2828*/ },
+       { 0x54006, LPDDR4_PHY_VREF_VALUE },
+       { 0x54007, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54008, LPDDR4_TRAIN_SEQ_400 },
+       { 0x54009, LPDDR4_HDT_CTL_400_1D },
+       { 0x5400a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400b, 0x2 },
+       { 0x5400c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400d, (LPDDR4_CATRAIN_400 << 8) },
+       { 0x5400e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54010, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54011, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54012, 0x310 },
+       { 0x54013, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54014, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54015, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54016, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54017, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54018, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54019, 0x84 },
+       /* MR4/MR3 */
+       { 0x5401a, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1)/*0x31*/ },
+       /* MR12/MR11 */
+       { 0x5401b, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) | (LPDDR4_RTT_CA << 4) |
+                   LPDDR4_RTT_DQ)/*0x4d46*/ },
+       /* self:0x4d28//MR14/MR13 */
+       { 0x5401c, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 << 8) | 0x08)/*0x4d08*/ },
+       { 0x5401d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5401e, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0/*0x5*/ },
+       { 0x5401f, 0x84 },
+       { 0x54020, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1)/*0x31*/ }, /* MR4/MR3 */
+       { 0x54021, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) | (LPDDR4_RTT_CA << 4) |
+                   LPDDR4_RTT_DQ)/*0x4d46*/ },/* MR12/MR11 */
+       /* self:0x4d28//MR14/MR13 */
+       { 0x54022, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 << 8) | 0x08)/*0x4d08*/ },
+       { 0x54023, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54024, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 },
+       { 0x54025, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54026, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54027, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54028, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54029, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402b, 0x1000 },
+       { 0x5402c, 0x3 },
+       { 0x5402d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54030, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54031, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54032, 0x8400 },
+       { 0x54033, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x00 },
+       { 0x54034, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x54035, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x54036, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 },
+       { 0x54037, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 << 8) },
+       { 0x54038, 0x8400 },
+       { 0x54039, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x00 },
+       { 0x5403a, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x5403b, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x5403c, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 },
+       { 0x5403d, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 << 8) },
+       { 0x5403e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5403f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54040, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54041, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54042, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54043, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54044, 0x0 },
+       { 0xd0000, 0x1 },
+/* P2 message block paremeter for training firmware */
+struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_fsp2_cfg[] = {
+       { 0xd0000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54001, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54002, 0x102 },
+       { 0x54003, 0x64 },
+       { 0x54004, 0x2 },
+       { 0x54005, ((LPDDR4_PHY_RON << 8) | LPDDR4_PHY_RTT) },
+       { 0x54006, LPDDR4_PHY_VREF_VALUE },
+       { 0x54007, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54008, LPDDR4_TRAIN_SEQ_100 },
+       { 0x54009, LPDDR4_HDT_CTL_100_1D },
+       { 0x5400a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400b, 0x2 },
+       { 0x5400c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400d, (LPDDR4_CATRAIN_100 << 8) },
+       { 0x5400e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54010, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54011, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54012, 0x310 },
+       { 0x54013, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54014, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54015, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54016, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54017, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54018, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54019, 0x84 },
+       { 0x5401a, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) },
+       { 0x5401b, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) | (LPDDR4_RTT_CA << 4) |
+                   LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x5401c, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x5401d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5401e, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 },
+       { 0x5401f, 0x84 },
+       { 0x54020, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) },
+       { 0x54021, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) | (LPDDR4_RTT_CA << 4) |
+                   LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x54022, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x54023, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54024, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 },
+       { 0x54025, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54026, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54027, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54028, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54029, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402b, 0x1000 },
+       { 0x5402c, 0x3 },
+       { 0x5402d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54030, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54031, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54032, 0x8400 },
+       { 0x54033, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x00 },
+       { 0x54034, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x54035, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x54036, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 },
+       { 0x54037, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 << 8) },
+       { 0x54038, 0x8400 },
+       { 0x54039, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x00 },
+       { 0x5403a, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x5403b, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x5403c, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 },
+       { 0x5403d, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 << 8) },
+       { 0x5403e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5403f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54040, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54041, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54042, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54043, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54044, 0x0 },
+       { 0xd0000, 0x1 },
+/* P0 2D message block paremeter for training firmware */
+struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_fsp0_2d_cfg[] = {
+       { 0xd0000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54001, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54002, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54003, 0xc80 },
+       { 0x54004, 0x2 },
+       { 0x54005, ((LPDDR4_PHY_RON << 8) | LPDDR4_PHY_RTT) },
+       { 0x54006, LPDDR4_PHY_VREF_VALUE },
+       { 0x54007, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54008, 0x61 },
+       { 0x54009, LPDDR4_HDT_CTL_2D },
+       { 0x5400a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400b, 0x2 },
+       { 0x5400c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400d, (LPDDR4_CATRAIN_3200_2d << 8) },
+       { 0x5400e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400f, (LPDDR4_2D_SHARE << 8) | 0x00 },
+       { 0x54010, LPDDR4_2D_WEIGHT },
+       { 0x54011, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54012, 0x310 },
+       { 0x54013, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54014, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54015, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54016, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54017, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54018, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54019, 0x2dd4 },
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { 0x5401a, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) },
+       { 0x5401a, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) },
+       { 0x5401b, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x5401c, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x5401d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5401e, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 },
+       { 0x5401f, 0x2dd4 },
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { 0x54020, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) },
+       { 0x54020, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) },
+       { 0x54021, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x54022, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x54023, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54024, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 },
+       { 0x54025, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54026, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54027, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54028, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54029, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402b, 0x1000 },
+       { 0x5402c, 0x3 },
+       { 0x5402d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54030, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54031, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54032, 0xd400 },
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { 0x54033, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) << 8) | 0x2d },
+       { 0x54033, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x2d },
+       { 0x54034, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x54035, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x54036, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 },
+       { 0x54037, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 << 8) },
+       { 0x54038, 0xd400 },
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200
+       { 0x54039, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) << 8) | 0x2d },
+       { 0x54039, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x2d },
+       { 0x5403a, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x5403b, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x5403c, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 },
+       { 0x5403d, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 << 8) },
+       { 0x5403e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5403f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54040, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54041, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54042, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54043, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54044, 0x0 },
+       { 0xd0000, 0x1 },
+/* DRAM PHY init engine image */
+struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_phy_pie[] = {
+       { 0xd0000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90000, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90001, 0x400 },
+       { 0x90002, 0x10e },
+       { 0x90003, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90004, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90005, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90029, 0xb },
+       { 0x9002a, 0x480 },
+       { 0x9002b, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9002c, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9002d, 0x448 },
+       { 0x9002e, 0x139 },
+       { 0x9002f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90030, 0x478 },
+       { 0x90031, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90032, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90033, 0xe8 },
+       { 0x90034, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90035, 0x2 },
+       { 0x90036, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90037, 0x139 },
+       { 0x90038, 0xf },
+       { 0x90039, 0x7c0 },
+       { 0x9003a, 0x139 },
+       { 0x9003b, 0x44 },
+       { 0x9003c, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9003d, 0x159 },
+       { 0x9003e, 0x14f },
+       { 0x9003f, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90040, 0x159 },
+       { 0x90041, 0x47 },
+       { 0x90042, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90043, 0x149 },
+       { 0x90044, 0x4f },
+       { 0x90045, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90046, 0x179 },
+       { 0x90047, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90048, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x90049, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9004a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9004b, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x9004c, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9004d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9004e, 0x1 },
+       { 0x9004f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90050, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90051, 0x45a },
+       { 0x90052, 0x9 },
+       { 0x90053, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90054, 0x448 },
+       { 0x90055, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90056, 0x40 },
+       { 0x90057, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90058, 0x179 },
+       { 0x90059, 0x1 },
+       { 0x9005a, 0x618 },
+       { 0x9005b, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9005c, 0x40c0 },
+       { 0x9005d, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9005e, 0x149 },
+       { 0x9005f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90060, 0x4 },
+       { 0x90061, 0x48 },
+       { 0x90062, 0x4040 },
+       { 0x90063, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90064, 0x149 },
+       { 0x90065, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90066, 0x4 },
+       { 0x90067, 0x48 },
+       { 0x90068, 0x40 },
+       { 0x90069, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9006a, 0x149 },
+       { 0x9006b, 0x10 },
+       { 0x9006c, 0x4 },
+       { 0x9006d, 0x18 },
+       { 0x9006e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9006f, 0x4 },
+       { 0x90070, 0x78 },
+       { 0x90071, 0x549 },
+       { 0x90072, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90073, 0x159 },
+       { 0x90074, 0xd49 },
+       { 0x90075, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90076, 0x159 },
+       { 0x90077, 0x94a },
+       { 0x90078, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90079, 0x159 },
+       { 0x9007a, 0x441 },
+       { 0x9007b, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9007c, 0x149 },
+       { 0x9007d, 0x42 },
+       { 0x9007e, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9007f, 0x149 },
+       { 0x90080, 0x1 },
+       { 0x90081, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90082, 0x149 },
+       { 0x90083, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90084, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x90085, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90086, 0xa },
+       { 0x90087, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90088, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90089, 0x9 },
+       { 0x9008a, 0x3c0 },
+       { 0x9008b, 0x149 },
+       { 0x9008c, 0x9 },
+       { 0x9008d, 0x3c0 },
+       { 0x9008e, 0x159 },
+       { 0x9008f, 0x18 },
+       { 0x90090, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90091, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90092, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90093, 0x3c0 },
+       { 0x90094, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90095, 0x18 },
+       { 0x90096, 0x4 },
+       { 0x90097, 0x48 },
+       { 0x90098, 0x18 },
+       { 0x90099, 0x4 },
+       { 0x9009a, 0x58 },
+       { 0x9009b, 0xa },
+       { 0x9009c, 0x10 },
+       { 0x9009d, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9009e, 0x2 },
+       { 0x9009f, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900a0, 0x109 },
+       { 0x900a1, 0x5 },
+       { 0x900a2, 0x7c0 },
+       { 0x900a3, 0x109 },
+       { 0x900a4, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900a5, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900a6, 0x109 },
+       { 0x40000, 0x811 },
+       { 0x40020, 0x880 },
+       { 0x40040, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40060, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40001, 0x4008 },
+       { 0x40021, 0x83 },
+       { 0x40041, 0x4f },
+       { 0x40061, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40002, 0x4040 },
+       { 0x40022, 0x83 },
+       { 0x40042, 0x51 },
+       { 0x40062, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40003, 0x811 },
+       { 0x40023, 0x880 },
+       { 0x40043, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40063, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40004, 0x720 },
+       { 0x40024, 0xf },
+       { 0x40044, 0x1740 },
+       { 0x40064, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40005, 0x16 },
+       { 0x40025, 0x83 },
+       { 0x40045, 0x4b },
+       { 0x40065, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40006, 0x716 },
+       { 0x40026, 0xf },
+       { 0x40046, 0x2001 },
+       { 0x40066, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40007, 0x716 },
+       { 0x40027, 0xf },
+       { 0x40047, 0x2800 },
+       { 0x40067, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40008, 0x716 },
+       { 0x40028, 0xf },
+       { 0x40048, 0xf00 },
+       { 0x40068, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40009, 0x720 },
+       { 0x40029, 0xf },
+       { 0x40049, 0x1400 },
+       { 0x40069, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000a, 0xe08 },
+       { 0x4002a, 0xc15 },
+       { 0x4004a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000b, 0x623 },
+       { 0x4002b, 0x15 },
+       { 0x4004b, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006b, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000c, 0x4028 },
+       { 0x4002c, 0x80 },
+       { 0x4004c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000d, 0xe08 },
+       { 0x4002d, 0xc1a },
+       { 0x4004d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000e, 0x623 },
+       { 0x4002e, 0x1a },
+       { 0x4004e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000f, 0x4040 },
+       { 0x4002f, 0x80 },
+       { 0x4004f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40010, 0x2604 },
+       { 0x40030, 0x15 },
+       { 0x40050, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40070, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40011, 0x708 },
+       { 0x40031, 0x5 },
+       { 0x40051, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40071, 0x2002 },
+       { 0x40012, 0x8 },
+       { 0x40032, 0x80 },
+       { 0x40052, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40072, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40013, 0x2604 },
+       { 0x40033, 0x1a },
+       { 0x40053, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40073, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40014, 0x708 },
+       { 0x40034, 0xa },
+       { 0x40054, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40074, 0x2002 },
+       { 0x40015, 0x4040 },
+       { 0x40035, 0x80 },
+       { 0x40055, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40075, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40016, 0x60a },
+       { 0x40036, 0x15 },
+       { 0x40056, 0x1200 },
+       { 0x40076, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40017, 0x61a },
+       { 0x40037, 0x15 },
+       { 0x40057, 0x1300 },
+       { 0x40077, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40018, 0x60a },
+       { 0x40038, 0x1a },
+       { 0x40058, 0x1200 },
+       { 0x40078, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40019, 0x642 },
+       { 0x40039, 0x1a },
+       { 0x40059, 0x1300 },
+       { 0x40079, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4001a, 0x4808 },
+       { 0x4003a, 0x880 },
+       { 0x4005a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4007a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900a7, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900a8, 0x790 },
+       { 0x900a9, 0x11a },
+       { 0x900aa, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900ab, 0x7aa },
+       { 0x900ac, 0x2a },
+       { 0x900ad, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900ae, 0x7b2 },
+       { 0x900af, 0x2a },
+       { 0x900b0, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900b1, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x900b2, 0x109 },
+       { 0x900b3, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900b4, 0x2a8 },
+       { 0x900b5, 0x129 },
+       { 0x900b6, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900b7, 0x370 },
+       { 0x900b8, 0x129 },
+       { 0x900b9, 0xa },
+       { 0x900ba, 0x3c8 },
+       { 0x900bb, 0x1a9 },
+       { 0x900bc, 0xc },
+       { 0x900bd, 0x408 },
+       { 0x900be, 0x199 },
+       { 0x900bf, 0x14 },
+       { 0x900c0, 0x790 },
+       { 0x900c1, 0x11a },
+       { 0x900c2, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900c3, 0x4 },
+       { 0x900c4, 0x18 },
+       { 0x900c5, 0xe },
+       { 0x900c6, 0x408 },
+       { 0x900c7, 0x199 },
+       { 0x900c8, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900c9, 0x8568 },
+       { 0x900ca, 0x108 },
+       { 0x900cb, 0x18 },
+       { 0x900cc, 0x790 },
+       { 0x900cd, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900ce, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900cf, 0x1d8 },
+       { 0x900d0, 0x169 },
+       { 0x900d1, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900d2, 0x8558 },
+       { 0x900d3, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900d4, 0x70 },
+       { 0x900d5, 0x788 },
+       { 0x900d6, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900d7, 0x1ff8 },
+       { 0x900d8, 0x85a8 },
+       { 0x900d9, 0x1e8 },
+       { 0x900da, 0x50 },
+       { 0x900db, 0x798 },
+       { 0x900dc, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900dd, 0x60 },
+       { 0x900de, 0x7a0 },
+       { 0x900df, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900e0, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900e1, 0x8310 },
+       { 0x900e2, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900e3, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900e4, 0xa310 },
+       { 0x900e5, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900e6, 0xa },
+       { 0x900e7, 0x408 },
+       { 0x900e8, 0x169 },
+       { 0x900e9, 0x6e },
+       { 0x900ea, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900eb, 0x68 },
+       { 0x900ec, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900ed, 0x408 },
+       { 0x900ee, 0x169 },
+       { 0x900ef, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900f0, 0x8310 },
+       { 0x900f1, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900f2, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900f3, 0xa310 },
+       { 0x900f4, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900f5, 0x1ff8 },
+       { 0x900f6, 0x85a8 },
+       { 0x900f7, 0x1e8 },
+       { 0x900f8, 0x68 },
+       { 0x900f9, 0x798 },
+       { 0x900fa, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900fb, 0x78 },
+       { 0x900fc, 0x7a0 },
+       { 0x900fd, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900fe, 0x68 },
+       { 0x900ff, 0x790 },
+       { 0x90100, 0x16a },
+       { 0x90101, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90102, 0x8b10 },
+       { 0x90103, 0x168 },
+       { 0x90104, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90105, 0xab10 },
+       { 0x90106, 0x168 },
+       { 0x90107, 0xa },
+       { 0x90108, 0x408 },
+       { 0x90109, 0x169 },
+       { 0x9010a, 0x58 },
+       { 0x9010b, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9010c, 0x68 },
+       { 0x9010d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9010e, 0x408 },
+       { 0x9010f, 0x169 },
+       { 0x90110, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90111, 0x8b10 },
+       { 0x90112, 0x168 },
+       { 0x90113, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90114, 0xab10 },
+       { 0x90115, 0x168 },
+       { 0x90116, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90117, 0x1d8 },
+       { 0x90118, 0x169 },
+       { 0x90119, 0x80 },
+       { 0x9011a, 0x790 },
+       { 0x9011b, 0x16a },
+       { 0x9011c, 0x18 },
+       { 0x9011d, 0x7aa },
+       { 0x9011e, 0x6a },
+       { 0x9011f, 0xa },
+       { 0x90120, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90121, 0x1e9 },
+       { 0x90122, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90123, 0x8080 },
+       { 0x90124, 0x108 },
+       { 0x90125, 0xf },
+       { 0x90126, 0x408 },
+       { 0x90127, 0x169 },
+       { 0x90128, 0xc },
+       { 0x90129, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9012a, 0x68 },
+       { 0x9012b, 0x9 },
+       { 0x9012c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9012d, 0x1a9 },
+       { 0x9012e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9012f, 0x408 },
+       { 0x90130, 0x169 },
+       { 0x90131, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90132, 0x8080 },
+       { 0x90133, 0x108 },
+       { 0x90134, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90135, 0x7aa },
+       { 0x90136, 0x6a },
+       { 0x90137, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90138, 0x8568 },
+       { 0x90139, 0x108 },
+       { 0x9013a, 0xb7 },
+       { 0x9013b, 0x790 },
+       { 0x9013c, 0x16a },
+       { 0x9013d, 0x1f },
+       { 0x9013e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9013f, 0x68 },
+       { 0x90140, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90141, 0x8558 },
+       { 0x90142, 0x168 },
+       { 0x90143, 0xf },
+       { 0x90144, 0x408 },
+       { 0x90145, 0x169 },
+       { 0x90146, 0xc },
+       { 0x90147, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90148, 0x68 },
+       { 0x90149, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9014a, 0x408 },
+       { 0x9014b, 0x169 },
+       { 0x9014c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9014d, 0x8558 },
+       { 0x9014e, 0x168 },
+       { 0x9014f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90150, 0x3c8 },
+       { 0x90151, 0x1a9 },
+       { 0x90152, 0x3 },
+       { 0x90153, 0x370 },
+       { 0x90154, 0x129 },
+       { 0x90155, 0x20 },
+       { 0x90156, 0x2aa },
+       { 0x90157, 0x9 },
+       { 0x90158, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90159, 0x400 },
+       { 0x9015a, 0x10e },
+       { 0x9015b, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9015c, 0xe8 },
+       { 0x9015d, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9015e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9015f, 0x8140 },
+       { 0x90160, 0x10c },
+       { 0x90161, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90162, 0x8138 },
+       { 0x90163, 0x10c },
+       { 0x90164, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90165, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x90166, 0x101 },
+       { 0x90167, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90168, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90169, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9016a, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9016b, 0x448 },
+       { 0x9016c, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9016d, 0xf },
+       { 0x9016e, 0x7c0 },
+       { 0x9016f, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90170, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90171, 0xe8 },
+       { 0x90172, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90173, 0x47 },
+       { 0x90174, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90175, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90176, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90177, 0x618 },
+       { 0x90178, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90179, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9017a, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x9017b, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9017c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9017d, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x9017e, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9017f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90180, 0x8140 },
+       { 0x90181, 0x10c },
+       { 0x90182, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90183, 0x1 },
+       { 0x90184, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90185, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90186, 0x4 },
+       { 0x90187, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90188, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90189, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x9018a, 0x101 },
+       { 0x90006, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90007, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90008, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90009, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9000a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9000b, 0x0 },
+       { 0xd00e7, 0x400 },
+       { 0x90017, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9001f, 0x2a },
+       { 0x90026, 0x6a },
+       { 0x400d0, 0x0 },
+       { 0x400d1, 0x101 },
+       { 0x400d2, 0x105 },
+       { 0x400d3, 0x107 },
+       { 0x400d4, 0x10f },
+       { 0x400d5, 0x202 },
+       { 0x400d6, 0x20a },
+       { 0x400d7, 0x20b },
+       { 0x2003a, 0x2 },
+       { 0x2000b, 0x64 },
+       { 0x2000c, 0xc8 },
+       { 0x2000d, 0x7d0 },
+       { 0x2000e, 0x2c },
+       { 0x12000b, 0xc },
+       { 0x12000c, 0x19 },
+       { 0x12000d, 0xfa },
+       { 0x12000e, 0x10 },
+       { 0x22000b, 0x3 },
+       { 0x22000c, 0x6 },
+       { 0x22000d, 0x3e },
+       { 0x22000e, 0x10 },
+       { 0x9000c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9000d, 0x173 },
+       { 0x9000e, 0x60 },
+       { 0x9000f, 0x6110 },
+       { 0x90010, 0x2152 },
+       { 0x90011, 0xdfbd },
+       { 0x90012, 0x60 },
+       { 0x90013, 0x6152 },
+       { 0x20010, 0x5a },
+       { 0x20011, 0x3 },
+       { 0x40080, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x40081, 0x12 },
+       { 0x40082, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x40083, 0x12 },
+       { 0x40084, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x40085, 0x12 },
+       { 0x140080, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x140081, 0x12 },
+       { 0x140082, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x140083, 0x12 },
+       { 0x140084, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x140085, 0x12 },
+       { 0x240080, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x240081, 0x12 },
+       { 0x240082, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x240083, 0x12 },
+       { 0x240084, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x240085, 0x12 },
+       { 0x400fd, 0xf },
+       { 0x10011, 0x1 },
+       { 0x10012, 0x1 },
+       { 0x10013, 0x180 },
+       { 0x10018, 0x1 },
+       { 0x10002, 0x6209 },
+       { 0x100b2, 0x1 },
+       { 0x101b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x102b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x103b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x104b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x105b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x106b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x107b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x108b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x11011, 0x1 },
+       { 0x11012, 0x1 },
+       { 0x11013, 0x180 },
+       { 0x11018, 0x1 },
+       { 0x11002, 0x6209 },
+       { 0x110b2, 0x1 },
+       { 0x111b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x112b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x113b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x114b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x115b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x116b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x117b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x118b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x12011, 0x1 },
+       { 0x12012, 0x1 },
+       { 0x12013, 0x180 },
+       { 0x12018, 0x1 },
+       { 0x12002, 0x6209 },
+       { 0x120b2, 0x1 },
+       { 0x121b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x122b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x123b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x124b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x125b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x126b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x127b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x128b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x13011, 0x1 },
+       { 0x13012, 0x1 },
+       { 0x13013, 0x180 },
+       { 0x13018, 0x1 },
+       { 0x13002, 0x6209 },
+       { 0x130b2, 0x1 },
+       { 0x131b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x132b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x133b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x134b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x135b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x136b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x137b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x138b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x2003a, 0x2 },
+       { 0xc0080, 0x2 },
+       { 0xd0000, 0x1 },
+struct dram_fsp_msg lpddr4_dram_fsp_msg[] = {
+       {
+               /* P0 3200mts 1D */
+               .drate = 3200,
+               .fw_type = FW_1D_IMAGE,
+               .fsp_cfg = lpddr4_fsp0_cfg,
+               .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_fsp0_cfg),
+       },
+       {
+               /* P1 400mts 1D */
+               .drate = 400,
+               .fw_type = FW_1D_IMAGE,
+               .fsp_cfg = lpddr4_fsp1_cfg,
+               .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_fsp1_cfg),
+       },
+       {
+               /* P1 100mts 1D */
+               .drate = 100,
+               .fw_type = FW_1D_IMAGE,
+               .fsp_cfg = lpddr4_fsp2_cfg,
+               .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_fsp2_cfg),
+       },
+       {
+               /* P0 3200mts 2D */
+               .drate = 3200,
+               .fw_type = FW_2D_IMAGE,
+               .fsp_cfg = lpddr4_fsp0_2d_cfg,
+               .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_fsp0_2d_cfg),
+       },
+/* lpddr4 timing config params on EVK board */
+struct dram_timing_info dram_timing = {
+       .ddrc_cfg = lpddr4_ddrc_cfg,
+       .ddrc_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_ddrc_cfg),
+       .ddrphy_cfg = lpddr4_ddrphy_cfg,
+       .ddrphy_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_ddrphy_cfg),
+       .fsp_msg = lpddr4_dram_fsp_msg,
+       .fsp_msg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_dram_fsp_msg),
+       .ddrphy_pie = lpddr4_phy_pie,
+       .ddrphy_pie_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_phy_pie),
+       .fsp_table = { 3200, 400, 100, },
diff --git a/board/purism/librem5/lpddr4_timing_b0.c 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec68edaf690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/purism/librem5/lpddr4_timing_b0.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1191 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * Copyright 2018 NXP
+ */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/arch/ddr.h>
+#include <asm/arch/lpddr4_define.h>
+#define WR_POST_EXT_3200  /* recommened to define */
+static struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_ddrc_cfg[] = {
+       /* Start to config, default 3200mbps */
+       /* dis_dq=1, indicates no reads or writes are issued to SDRAM */
+       { DDRC_DBG1(0), 0x00000001 },
+       /* selfref_en=1, SDRAM enter self-refresh state */
+       { DDRC_PWRCTL(0), 0x00000001 },
+       { DDRC_MSTR(0), 0xa3080020 },
+       { DDRC_MSTR2(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_RFSHTMG(0), 0x006100E0 },
+       { DDRC_INIT0(0), 0xC003061B },
+       { DDRC_INIT1(0), 0x009D0000 },
+       { DDRC_INIT3(0), 0x00D4002D },
+#ifdef WR_POST_EXT_3200  /* recommened to define */
+       { DDRC_INIT4(0), 0x00330008 },
+       { DDRC_INIT4(0), 0x00310008 },
+       { DDRC_INIT6(0), 0x0066004a },
+       { DDRC_INIT7(0), 0x0006004a },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG0(0), 0x1A201B22 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG1(0), 0x00060633 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG3(0), 0x00C0C000 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG4(0), 0x0F04080F },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG5(0), 0x02040C0C },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG6(0), 0x01010007 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG7(0), 0x00000401 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG12(0), 0x00020600 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG13(0), 0x0C100002 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG14(0), 0x000000E6 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG17(0), 0x00A00050 },
+       { DDRC_ZQCTL0(0), 0x03200018 },
+       { DDRC_ZQCTL1(0), 0x028061A8 },
+       { DDRC_ZQCTL2(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_DFITMG0(0), 0x0497820A },
+       { DDRC_DFITMG1(0), 0x00080303 },
+       { DDRC_DFIUPD0(0), 0xE0400018 },
+       { DDRC_DFIUPD1(0), 0x00DF00E4 },
+       { DDRC_DFIUPD2(0), 0x80000000 },
+       { DDRC_DFIMISC(0), 0x00000011 },
+       { DDRC_DFITMG2(0), 0x0000170A },
+       { DDRC_DBICTL(0), 0x00000001 },
+       { DDRC_DFIPHYMSTR(0), 0x00000001 },
+       /* need be refined by ddrphy trained value */
+       { DDRC_RANKCTL(0), 0x00000c99 },
+       { DDRC_DRAMTMG2(0), 0x070E171a },
+       /* address mapping */
+       /* Address map is from MSB 29: r15, r14, cs, r13-r0, b2-b0, c9-c0 */
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP0(0), 0x00000015 },
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP3(0), 0x00000000 },
+       /* addrmap_col_b10 addrmap_col_b11 set to de-activated (5-bit width) */
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP4(0), 0x00001F1F },
+       /* bank interleave */
+       /* addrmap_bank_b2, addrmap_bank_b1, addrmap_bank_b0 */
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP1(0), 0x00080808 },
+       /* addrmap_row_b11 addrmap_row_b10_b2 addrmap_row_b1 addrmap_row_b0 */
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP5(0), 0x07070707 },
+       /* addrmap_row_b15 addrmap_row_b14 addrmap_row_b13 addrmap_row_b12 */
+       { DDRC_ADDRMAP6(0), 0x08080707 },
+       /* 667mts frequency setting */
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DERATEEN(0), 0x0000000 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DERATEINT(0), 0x0800000 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_RFSHCTL0(0), 0x0210000 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_RFSHTMG(0), 0x014001E },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_INIT3(0), 0x0140009 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_INIT4(0), 0x00310008 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_INIT6(0), 0x0066004a },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_INIT7(0), 0x0006004a },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG0(0), 0xB070A07 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG1(0), 0x003040A },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG2(0), 0x305080C },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG3(0), 0x0505000 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG4(0), 0x3040203 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG5(0), 0x2030303 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG6(0), 0x2020004 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG7(0), 0x0000302 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG12(0), 0x0020310 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG13(0), 0xA100002 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG14(0), 0x0000020 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DRAMTMG17(0), 0x0220011 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_ZQCTL0(0), 0x0A70005 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DFITMG0(0), 0x3858202 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DFITMG1(0), 0x0000404 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DFITMG2(0), 0x0000502 },
+       /* performance setting */
+       { DDRC_ODTCFG(0), 0x0b060908 },
+       { DDRC_ODTMAP(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_SCHED(0), 0x29511505 },
+       { DDRC_SCHED1(0), 0x0000002c },
+       { DDRC_PERFHPR1(0), 0x5900575b },
+       /* 150T starve and 0x90 max tran len */
+       { DDRC_PERFLPR1(0), 0x90000096 },
+       /* 300T starve and 0x10 max tran len */
+       { DDRC_PERFWR1(0), 0x1000012c },
+       { DDRC_DBG0(0), 0x00000016 },
+       { DDRC_DBG1(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_DBGCMD(0), 0x00000000 },
+       { DDRC_SWCTL(0), 0x00000001 },
+       { DDRC_POISONCFG(0), 0x00000011 },
+       { DDRC_PCCFG(0), 0x00000111 },
+       { DDRC_PCFGR_0(0), 0x000010f3 },
+       { DDRC_PCFGW_0(0), 0x000072ff },
+       { DDRC_PCTRL_0(0), 0x00000001 },
+       /* disable Read Qos*/
+       { DDRC_PCFGQOS0_0(0), 0x00000e00 },
+       { DDRC_PCFGQOS1_0(0), 0x0062ffff },
+       /* disable Write Qos*/
+       { DDRC_PCFGWQOS0_0(0), 0x00000e00 },
+       { DDRC_PCFGWQOS1_0(0), 0x0000ffff },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DERATEEN(0), 0x00000202 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_DERATEINT(0), 0xec78f4b5 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_RFSHCTL0(0), 0x00618040 },
+       { DDRC_FREQ1_RFSHTMG(0), 0x00610090 },
+/* PHY Initialize Configuration */
+static struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_ddrphy_cfg[] = {
+       { 0x20110, 0x02 }, /* MapCAB0toDFI */
+       { 0x20111, 0x03 }, /* MapCAB1toDFI */
+       { 0x20112, 0x04 }, /* MapCAB2toDFI */
+       { 0x20113, 0x05 }, /* MapCAB3toDFI */
+       { 0x20114, 0x00 }, /* MapCAB4toDFI */
+       { 0x20115, 0x01 }, /* MapCAB5toDFI */
+       /* Initialize PHY Configuration */
+       { 0x1005f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1015f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1105f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1115f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1205f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1215f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1305f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1315f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11005f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11015f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11105f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11115f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11205f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11215f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11305f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x11315f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21005f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21015f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21105f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21115f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21205f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21215f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21305f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x21315f, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x55, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x1055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x2055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x3055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x4055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x5055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x6055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x7055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x8055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x9055, 0x1ff },
+       { 0x200c5, 0x19 },
+       { 0x1200c5, 0x7 },
+       { 0x2200c5, 0x7 },
+       { 0x2002e, 0x2 },
+       { 0x12002e, 0x1 },
+       { 0x22002e, 0x2 },
+       { 0x90204, 0x0 },
+       { 0x190204, 0x0 },
+       { 0x290204, 0x0 },
+       { 0x20024, 0xe3 },
+       { 0x2003a, 0x2 },
+       { 0x120024, 0xa3 },
+       { 0x2003a, 0x2 },
+       { 0x220024, 0xa3 },
+       { 0x2003a, 0x2 },
+       { 0x20056, 0x3 },
+       { 0x120056, 0xa },
+       { 0x220056, 0xa },
+       { 0x1004d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1014d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1104d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1114d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1204d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1214d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1304d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x1314d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11004d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11014d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11104d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11114d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11204d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11214d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11304d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x11314d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21004d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21014d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21104d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21114d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21204d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21214d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21304d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x21314d, 0xe00 },
+       { 0x10049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x10149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x11049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x11149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x12049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x12149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x13049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x13149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x110049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x110149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x111049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x111149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x112049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x112149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x113049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x113149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x210049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x210149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x211049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x211149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x212049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x212149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x213049, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x213149, 0xfbe },
+       { 0x43, 0x63 },
+       { 0x1043, 0x63 },
+       { 0x2043, 0x63 },
+       { 0x3043, 0x63 },
+       { 0x4043, 0x63 },
+       { 0x5043, 0x63 },
+       { 0x6043, 0x63 },
+       { 0x7043, 0x63 },
+       { 0x8043, 0x63 },
+       { 0x9043, 0x63 },
+       { 0x20018, 0x3 },
+       { 0x20075, 0x4 },
+       { 0x20050, 0x0 },
+       { 0x20008, 0x320 },
+       { 0x120008, 0xa7 },
+       { 0x220008, 0x19 },
+       { 0x20088, 0x9 },
+       { 0x200b2, 0x104 },
+       { 0x10043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x10143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x11043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x11143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x12043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x12143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x13043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x13143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x1200b2, 0x104 },
+       { 0x110043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x110143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x111043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x111143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x112043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x112143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x113043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x113143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x2200b2, 0x104 },
+       { 0x210043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x210143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x211043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x211143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x212043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x212143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x213043, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x213143, 0x5a1 },
+       { 0x200fa, 0x1 },
+       { 0x1200fa, 0x1 },
+       { 0x2200fa, 0x1 },
+       { 0x20019, 0x1 },
+       { 0x120019, 0x1 },
+       { 0x220019, 0x1 },
+       { 0x200f0, 0x600 },
+       { 0x200f1, 0x0 },
+       { 0x200f2, 0x4444 },
+       { 0x200f3, 0x8888 },
+       { 0x200f4, 0x5655 },
+       { 0x200f5, 0x0 },
+       { 0x200f6, 0x0 },
+       { 0x200f7, 0xf000 },
+       { 0x20025, 0x0 },
+       { 0x2002d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x12002d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x22002d, 0x0 },
+/* P0 message block paremeter for training firmware */
+static struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_fsp0_cfg[] = {
+       { 0xd0000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54001, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54002, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54003, 0xc80 },
+       { 0x54004, 0x2 },
+       { 0x54005, ((LPDDR4_PHY_RON << 8) | LPDDR4_PHY_RTT) },
+       { 0x54006, LPDDR4_PHY_VREF_VALUE },
+       { 0x54007, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54008, 0x131f },
+       { 0x54009, LPDDR4_HDT_CTL_3200_1D },
+       { 0x5400a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400b, 0x2 },
+       { 0x5400c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400d, (LPDDR4_CATRAIN_3200_1d << 8) },
+       { 0x5400e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54010, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54011, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54012, 0x310 },
+       { 0x54013, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54014, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54015, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54016, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54017, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54018, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54019, 0x2dd4 },
+       { 0x5401a, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) },
+       { 0x5401b, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x5401c, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x5401d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5401e, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 },
+       { 0x5401f, 0x2dd4 },
+       { 0x54020, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) },
+       { 0x54021, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x54022, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x54023, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54024, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 },
+       { 0x54025, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54026, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54027, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54028, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54029, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402b, 0x1000 },
+       { 0x5402c, 0x3 },
+       { 0x5402d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54030, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54031, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54032, 0xd400 },
+       { 0x54033, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) << 8) | 0x2d },
+       { 0x54034, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x54035, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x54036, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 },
+       { 0x54037, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 << 8) },
+       { 0x54038, 0xd400 },
+       { 0x54039, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) << 8) | 0x2d },
+       { 0x5403a, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x5403b, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x5403c, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 },
+       { 0x5403d, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 << 8) },
+       { 0x5403d, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 << 8) },
+       { 0x5403e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5403f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54040, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54041, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54042, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54043, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54044, 0x0 },
+       { 0xd0000, 0x1 },
+/* P1 message block paremeter for training firmware */
+static struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_fsp1_cfg[] = {
+       { 0xd0000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54001, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54002, 0x1 },
+       { 0x54003, 0x29c },
+       { 0x54004, 0x2 },
+       { 0x54005, ((LPDDR4_PHY_RON << 8) | LPDDR4_PHY_RTT) },
+       { 0x54006, LPDDR4_PHY_VREF_VALUE },
+       { 0x54007, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54008, 0x121f },
+       { 0x54009, 0xc8 },
+       { 0x5400a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400b, 0x2 },
+       { 0x5400c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54010, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54011, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54012, 0x310 },
+       { 0x54013, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54014, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54015, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54016, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54017, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54018, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54019, 0x914 },
+       { 0x5401a, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) },
+       { 0x5401b, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x5401c, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x5401e, 0x6 },
+       { 0x5401f, 0x914 },
+       { 0x54020, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) },
+       { 0x54021, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x54022, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x54023, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54024, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 },
+       { 0x54025, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54026, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54027, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54028, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54029, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402b, 0x1000 },
+       { 0x5402c, 0x3 },
+       { 0x5402d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54030, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54031, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54032, 0x1400 },
+       { 0x54033, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x09 },
+       { 0x54034, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x54035, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x54036, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 },
+       { 0x54037, 0x600 },
+       { 0x54038, 0x1400 },
+       { 0x54039, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x1) << 8) | 0x09 },
+       { 0x5403a, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x5403b, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x5403c, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 },
+       { 0x5403d, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 << 8) },
+       { 0x5403e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5403f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54040, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54041, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54042, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54043, 0x0 },
+       { 0xd0000, 0x1 },
+/* P0 2D message block paremeter for training firmware */
+static struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_fsp0_2d_cfg[] = {
+       { 0xd0000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54001, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54002, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54003, 0xc80 },
+       { 0x54004, 0x2 },
+       { 0x54005, ((LPDDR4_PHY_RON << 8) | LPDDR4_PHY_RTT) },
+       { 0x54006, LPDDR4_PHY_VREF_VALUE },
+       { 0x54007, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54008, 0x61 },
+       { 0x54009, LPDDR4_HDT_CTL_2D },
+       { 0x5400a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400b, 0x2 },
+       { 0x5400c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400d, (LPDDR4_CATRAIN_3200_2d << 8) },
+       { 0x5400e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5400f, (LPDDR4_2D_SHARE << 8) | 0x00 },
+       { 0x54010, LPDDR4_2D_WEIGHT },
+       { 0x54011, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54012, 0x310 },
+       { 0x54013, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54014, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54015, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54016, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54017, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54018, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54024, 0x5 },
+       { 0x54019, 0x2dd4 },
+       { 0x5401a, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) },
+       { 0x5401b, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x5401c, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x5401d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5401e, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 },
+       { 0x5401f, 0x2dd4 },
+       { 0x54020, (((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) },
+       { 0x54021, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA << 8) |
+                   (LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) },
+       { 0x54022, ((LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 << 8) | 0x08) },
+       { 0x54023, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54024, LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 },
+       { 0x54025, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54026, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54027, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54028, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54029, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402b, 0x1000 },
+       { 0x5402c, 0x3 },
+       { 0x5402d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5402f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54030, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54031, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54032, 0xd400 },
+       { 0x54033, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) << 8) | 0x2d },
+       { 0x54034, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK0 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x54035, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x54036, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK0 },
+       { 0x54037, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK0 << 8) },
+       { 0x54038, 0xd400 },
+       { 0x54039, ((((LPDDR4_RON) << 3) | 0x3) << 8) | 0x2d },
+       { 0x5403a, (((LPDDR4_RTT_CA_BANK1 << 4) | LPDDR4_RTT_DQ) << 8) },
+       { 0x5403b, (0x0800 | LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_CA) },
+       { 0x5403c, LPDDR4_VREF_VALUE_DQ_RANK1 },
+       { 0x5403d, (LPDDR4_MR22_RANK1 << 8) },
+       { 0x5403e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x5403f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54040, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54041, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54042, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54043, 0x0 },
+       { 0x54044, 0x0 },
+       { 0xd0000, 0x1 },
+/* DRAM PHY init engine image */
+static struct dram_cfg_param lpddr4_phy_pie[] = {
+       { 0xd0000, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90000, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90001, 0x400 },
+       { 0x90002, 0x10e },
+       { 0x90003, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90004, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90005, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90029, 0xb },
+       { 0x9002a, 0x480 },
+       { 0x9002b, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9002c, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9002d, 0x448 },
+       { 0x9002e, 0x139 },
+       { 0x9002f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90030, 0x478 },
+       { 0x90031, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90032, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90033, 0xe8 },
+       { 0x90034, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90035, 0x2 },
+       { 0x90036, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90037, 0x139 },
+       { 0x90038, 0xb },
+       { 0x90039, 0x7c0 },
+       { 0x9003a, 0x139 },
+       { 0x9003b, 0x44 },
+       { 0x9003c, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9003d, 0x159 },
+       { 0x9003e, 0x14f },
+       { 0x9003f, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90040, 0x159 },
+       { 0x90041, 0x47 },
+       { 0x90042, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90043, 0x149 },
+       { 0x90044, 0x4f },
+       { 0x90045, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90046, 0x179 },
+       { 0x90047, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90048, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x90049, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9004a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9004b, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x9004c, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9004d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9004e, 0x1 },
+       { 0x9004f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90050, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90051, 0x45a },
+       { 0x90052, 0x9 },
+       { 0x90053, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90054, 0x448 },
+       { 0x90055, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90056, 0x40 },
+       { 0x90057, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90058, 0x179 },
+       { 0x90059, 0x1 },
+       { 0x9005a, 0x618 },
+       { 0x9005b, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9005c, 0x40c0 },
+       { 0x9005d, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9005e, 0x149 },
+       { 0x9005f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90060, 0x4 },
+       { 0x90061, 0x48 },
+       { 0x90062, 0x4040 },
+       { 0x90063, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90064, 0x149 },
+       { 0x90065, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90066, 0x4 },
+       { 0x90067, 0x48 },
+       { 0x90068, 0x40 },
+       { 0x90069, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9006a, 0x149 },
+       { 0x9006b, 0x10 },
+       { 0x9006c, 0x4 },
+       { 0x9006d, 0x18 },
+       { 0x9006e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9006f, 0x4 },
+       { 0x90070, 0x78 },
+       { 0x90071, 0x549 },
+       { 0x90072, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90073, 0x159 },
+       { 0x90074, 0xd49 },
+       { 0x90075, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90076, 0x159 },
+       { 0x90077, 0x94a },
+       { 0x90078, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90079, 0x159 },
+       { 0x9007a, 0x441 },
+       { 0x9007b, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9007c, 0x149 },
+       { 0x9007d, 0x42 },
+       { 0x9007e, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9007f, 0x149 },
+       { 0x90080, 0x1 },
+       { 0x90081, 0x630 },
+       { 0x90082, 0x149 },
+       { 0x90083, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90084, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x90085, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90086, 0xa },
+       { 0x90087, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90088, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90089, 0x9 },
+       { 0x9008a, 0x3c0 },
+       { 0x9008b, 0x149 },
+       { 0x9008c, 0x9 },
+       { 0x9008d, 0x3c0 },
+       { 0x9008e, 0x159 },
+       { 0x9008f, 0x18 },
+       { 0x90090, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90091, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90092, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90093, 0x3c0 },
+       { 0x90094, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90095, 0x18 },
+       { 0x90096, 0x4 },
+       { 0x90097, 0x48 },
+       { 0x90098, 0x18 },
+       { 0x90099, 0x4 },
+       { 0x9009a, 0x58 },
+       { 0x9009b, 0xa },
+       { 0x9009c, 0x10 },
+       { 0x9009d, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9009e, 0x2 },
+       { 0x9009f, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900a0, 0x109 },
+       { 0x900a1, 0x5 },
+       { 0x900a2, 0x7c0 },
+       { 0x900a3, 0x109 },
+       { 0x900a4, 0xd },
+       { 0x900a5, 0x7c0 },
+       { 0x900a6, 0x109 },
+       { 0x900a7, 0x4 },
+       { 0x900a8, 0x7c0 },
+       { 0x900a9, 0x109 },
+       { 0x40000, 0x811 },
+       { 0x40020, 0x880 },
+       { 0x40040, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40060, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40001, 0x4008 },
+       { 0x40021, 0x83 },
+       { 0x40041, 0x4f },
+       { 0x40061, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40002, 0x4040 },
+       { 0x40022, 0x83 },
+       { 0x40042, 0x51 },
+       { 0x40062, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40003, 0x811 },
+       { 0x40023, 0x880 },
+       { 0x40043, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40063, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40004, 0x720 },
+       { 0x40024, 0xf },
+       { 0x40044, 0x1740 },
+       { 0x40064, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40005, 0x16 },
+       { 0x40025, 0x83 },
+       { 0x40045, 0x4b },
+       { 0x40065, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40006, 0x716 },
+       { 0x40026, 0xf },
+       { 0x40046, 0x2001 },
+       { 0x40066, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40007, 0x716 },
+       { 0x40027, 0xf },
+       { 0x40047, 0x2800 },
+       { 0x40067, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40008, 0x716 },
+       { 0x40028, 0xf },
+       { 0x40048, 0xf00 },
+       { 0x40068, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40009, 0x720 },
+       { 0x40029, 0xf },
+       { 0x40049, 0x1400 },
+       { 0x40069, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000a, 0xe08 },
+       { 0x4002a, 0xc15 },
+       { 0x4004a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000b, 0x623 },
+       { 0x4002b, 0x15 },
+       { 0x4004b, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006b, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000c, 0x4028 },
+       { 0x4002c, 0x80 },
+       { 0x4004c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000d, 0xe08 },
+       { 0x4002d, 0xc1a },
+       { 0x4004d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000e, 0x623 },
+       { 0x4002e, 0x1a },
+       { 0x4004e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4000f, 0x4040 },
+       { 0x4002f, 0x80 },
+       { 0x4004f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4006f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40010, 0x2604 },
+       { 0x40030, 0x15 },
+       { 0x40050, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40070, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40011, 0x708 },
+       { 0x40031, 0x5 },
+       { 0x40051, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40071, 0x2002 },
+       { 0x40012, 0x8 },
+       { 0x40032, 0x80 },
+       { 0x40052, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40072, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40013, 0x2604 },
+       { 0x40033, 0x1a },
+       { 0x40053, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40073, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40014, 0x708 },
+       { 0x40034, 0xa },
+       { 0x40054, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40074, 0x2002 },
+       { 0x40015, 0x4040 },
+       { 0x40035, 0x80 },
+       { 0x40055, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40075, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40016, 0x60a },
+       { 0x40036, 0x15 },
+       { 0x40056, 0x1200 },
+       { 0x40076, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40017, 0x61a },
+       { 0x40037, 0x15 },
+       { 0x40057, 0x1300 },
+       { 0x40077, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40018, 0x60a },
+       { 0x40038, 0x1a },
+       { 0x40058, 0x1200 },
+       { 0x40078, 0x0 },
+       { 0x40019, 0x642 },
+       { 0x40039, 0x1a },
+       { 0x40059, 0x1300 },
+       { 0x40079, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4001a, 0x4808 },
+       { 0x4003a, 0x880 },
+       { 0x4005a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x4007a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900aa, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900ab, 0x790 },
+       { 0x900ac, 0x11a },
+       { 0x900ad, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900ae, 0x7aa },
+       { 0x900af, 0x2a },
+       { 0x900b0, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900b1, 0x7b2 },
+       { 0x900b2, 0x2a },
+       { 0x900b3, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900b4, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x900b5, 0x109 },
+       { 0x900b6, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900b7, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900b8, 0x109 },
+       { 0x900b9, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900ba, 0x2a8 },
+       { 0x900bb, 0x129 },
+       { 0x900bc, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900bd, 0x370 },
+       { 0x900be, 0x129 },
+       { 0x900bf, 0xa },
+       { 0x900c0, 0x3c8 },
+       { 0x900c1, 0x1a9 },
+       { 0x900c2, 0xc },
+       { 0x900c3, 0x408 },
+       { 0x900c4, 0x199 },
+       { 0x900c5, 0x14 },
+       { 0x900c6, 0x790 },
+       { 0x900c7, 0x11a },
+       { 0x900c8, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900c9, 0x4 },
+       { 0x900ca, 0x18 },
+       { 0x900cb, 0xe },
+       { 0x900cc, 0x408 },
+       { 0x900cd, 0x199 },
+       { 0x900ce, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900cf, 0x8568 },
+       { 0x900d0, 0x108 },
+       { 0x900d1, 0x18 },
+       { 0x900d2, 0x790 },
+       { 0x900d3, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900d4, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900d5, 0x1d8 },
+       { 0x900d6, 0x169 },
+       { 0x900d7, 0x10 },
+       { 0x900d8, 0x8558 },
+       { 0x900d9, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900da, 0x70 },
+       { 0x900db, 0x788 },
+       { 0x900dc, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900dd, 0x1ff8 },
+       { 0x900de, 0x85a8 },
+       { 0x900df, 0x1e8 },
+       { 0x900e0, 0x50 },
+       { 0x900e1, 0x798 },
+       { 0x900e2, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900e3, 0x60 },
+       { 0x900e4, 0x7a0 },
+       { 0x900e5, 0x16a },
+       { 0x900e6, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900e7, 0x8310 },
+       { 0x900e8, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900e9, 0x8 },
+       { 0x900ea, 0xa310 },
+       { 0x900eb, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900ec, 0xa },
+       { 0x900ed, 0x408 },
+       { 0x900ee, 0x169 },
+       { 0x900ef, 0x6e },
+       { 0x900f0, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900f1, 0x68 },
+       { 0x900f2, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900f3, 0x408 },
+       { 0x900f4, 0x169 },
+       { 0x900f5, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900f6, 0x8310 },
+       { 0x900f7, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900f8, 0x0 },
+       { 0x900f9, 0xa310 },
+       { 0x900fa, 0x168 },
+       { 0x900fb, 0x1ff8 },
+       { 0x900fc, 0x85a8 },
+       { 0x900fd, 0x1e8 },
+       { 0x900fe, 0x68 },
+       { 0x900ff, 0x798 },
+       { 0x90100, 0x16a },
+       { 0x90101, 0x78 },
+       { 0x90102, 0x7a0 },
+       { 0x90103, 0x16a },
+       { 0x90104, 0x68 },
+       { 0x90105, 0x790 },
+       { 0x90106, 0x16a },
+       { 0x90107, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90108, 0x8b10 },
+       { 0x90109, 0x168 },
+       { 0x9010a, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9010b, 0xab10 },
+       { 0x9010c, 0x168 },
+       { 0x9010d, 0xa },
+       { 0x9010e, 0x408 },
+       { 0x9010f, 0x169 },
+       { 0x90110, 0x58 },
+       { 0x90111, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90112, 0x68 },
+       { 0x90113, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90114, 0x408 },
+       { 0x90115, 0x169 },
+       { 0x90116, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90117, 0x8b10 },
+       { 0x90118, 0x168 },
+       { 0x90119, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9011a, 0xab10 },
+       { 0x9011b, 0x168 },
+       { 0x9011c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9011d, 0x1d8 },
+       { 0x9011e, 0x169 },
+       { 0x9011f, 0x80 },
+       { 0x90120, 0x790 },
+       { 0x90121, 0x16a },
+       { 0x90122, 0x18 },
+       { 0x90123, 0x7aa },
+       { 0x90124, 0x6a },
+       { 0x90125, 0xa },
+       { 0x90126, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90127, 0x1e9 },
+       { 0x90128, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90129, 0x8080 },
+       { 0x9012a, 0x108 },
+       { 0x9012b, 0xf },
+       { 0x9012c, 0x408 },
+       { 0x9012d, 0x169 },
+       { 0x9012e, 0xc },
+       { 0x9012f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90130, 0x68 },
+       { 0x90131, 0x9 },
+       { 0x90132, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90133, 0x1a9 },
+       { 0x90134, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90135, 0x408 },
+       { 0x90136, 0x169 },
+       { 0x90137, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90138, 0x8080 },
+       { 0x90139, 0x108 },
+       { 0x9013a, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9013b, 0x7aa },
+       { 0x9013c, 0x6a },
+       { 0x9013d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9013e, 0x8568 },
+       { 0x9013f, 0x108 },
+       { 0x90140, 0xb7 },
+       { 0x90141, 0x790 },
+       { 0x90142, 0x16a },
+       { 0x90143, 0x1f },
+       { 0x90144, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90145, 0x68 },
+       { 0x90146, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90147, 0x8558 },
+       { 0x90148, 0x168 },
+       { 0x90149, 0xf },
+       { 0x9014a, 0x408 },
+       { 0x9014b, 0x169 },
+       { 0x9014c, 0xc },
+       { 0x9014d, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9014e, 0x68 },
+       { 0x9014f, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90150, 0x408 },
+       { 0x90151, 0x169 },
+       { 0x90152, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90153, 0x8558 },
+       { 0x90154, 0x168 },
+       { 0x90155, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90156, 0x3c8 },
+       { 0x90157, 0x1a9 },
+       { 0x90158, 0x3 },
+       { 0x90159, 0x370 },
+       { 0x9015a, 0x129 },
+       { 0x9015b, 0x20 },
+       { 0x9015c, 0x2aa },
+       { 0x9015d, 0x9 },
+       { 0x9015e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9015f, 0x400 },
+       { 0x90160, 0x10e },
+       { 0x90161, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90162, 0xe8 },
+       { 0x90163, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90164, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90165, 0x8140 },
+       { 0x90166, 0x10c },
+       { 0x90167, 0x10 },
+       { 0x90168, 0x8138 },
+       { 0x90169, 0x10c },
+       { 0x9016a, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9016b, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x9016c, 0x101 },
+       { 0x9016d, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9016e, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9016f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90170, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90171, 0x448 },
+       { 0x90172, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90173, 0xf },
+       { 0x90174, 0x7c0 },
+       { 0x90175, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90176, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90177, 0xe8 },
+       { 0x90178, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90179, 0x47 },
+       { 0x9017a, 0x630 },
+       { 0x9017b, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9017c, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9017d, 0x618 },
+       { 0x9017e, 0x109 },
+       { 0x9017f, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90180, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x90181, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90182, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90183, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x90184, 0x109 },
+       { 0x90185, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90186, 0x8140 },
+       { 0x90187, 0x10c },
+       { 0x90188, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90189, 0x1 },
+       { 0x9018a, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9018b, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9018c, 0x4 },
+       { 0x9018d, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9018e, 0x8 },
+       { 0x9018f, 0x7c8 },
+       { 0x90190, 0x101 },
+       { 0x90006, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90007, 0x0 },
+       { 0x90008, 0x8 },
+       { 0x90009, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9000a, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9000b, 0x0 },
+       { 0xd00e7, 0x400 },
+       { 0x90017, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9001f, 0x2b },
+       { 0x90026, 0x6c },
+       { 0x400d0, 0x0 },
+       { 0x400d1, 0x101 },
+       { 0x400d2, 0x105 },
+       { 0x400d3, 0x107 },
+       { 0x400d4, 0x10f },
+       { 0x400d5, 0x202 },
+       { 0x400d6, 0x20a },
+       { 0x400d7, 0x20b },
+       { 0x2003a, 0x2 },
+       { 0x2000b, 0x64 },
+       { 0x2000c, 0xc8 },
+       { 0x2000d, 0x7d0 },
+       { 0x2000e, 0x2c },
+       { 0x12000b, 0x14 },
+       { 0x12000c, 0x29 },
+       { 0x12000d, 0x1a1 },
+       { 0x12000e, 0x10 },
+       { 0x22000b, 0x3 },
+       { 0x22000c, 0x6 },
+       { 0x22000d, 0x3e },
+       { 0x22000e, 0x10 },
+       { 0x9000c, 0x0 },
+       { 0x9000d, 0x173 },
+       { 0x9000e, 0x60 },
+       { 0x9000f, 0x6110 },
+       { 0x90010, 0x2152 },
+       { 0x90011, 0xdfbd },
+       { 0x90012, 0x60 },
+       { 0x90013, 0x6152 },
+       { 0x20010, 0x5a },
+       { 0x20011, 0x3 },
+       { 0x40080, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x40081, 0x12 },
+       { 0x40082, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x40083, 0x12 },
+       { 0x40084, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x40085, 0x12 },
+       { 0x140080, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x140081, 0x12 },
+       { 0x140082, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x140083, 0x12 },
+       { 0x140084, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x140085, 0x12 },
+       { 0x240080, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x240081, 0x12 },
+       { 0x240082, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x240083, 0x12 },
+       { 0x240084, 0xe0 },
+       { 0x240085, 0x12 },
+       { 0x400fd, 0xf },
+       { 0x10011, 0x1 },
+       { 0x10012, 0x1 },
+       { 0x10013, 0x180 },
+       { 0x10018, 0x1 },
+       { 0x10002, 0x6209 },
+       { 0x100b2, 0x1 },
+       { 0x101b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x102b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x103b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x104b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x105b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x106b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x107b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x108b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x11011, 0x1 },
+       { 0x11012, 0x1 },
+       { 0x11013, 0x180 },
+       { 0x11018, 0x1 },
+       { 0x11002, 0x6209 },
+       { 0x110b2, 0x1 },
+       { 0x111b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x112b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x113b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x114b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x115b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x116b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x117b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x118b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x12011, 0x1 },
+       { 0x12012, 0x1 },
+       { 0x12013, 0x180 },
+       { 0x12018, 0x1 },
+       { 0x12002, 0x6209 },
+       { 0x120b2, 0x1 },
+       { 0x121b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x122b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x123b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x124b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x125b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x126b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x127b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x128b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x13011, 0x1 },
+       { 0x13012, 0x1 },
+       { 0x13013, 0x180 },
+       { 0x13018, 0x1 },
+       { 0x13002, 0x6209 },
+       { 0x130b2, 0x1 },
+       { 0x131b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x132b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x133b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x134b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x135b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x136b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x137b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x138b4, 0x1 },
+       { 0x20089, 0x1 },
+       { 0x20088, 0x19 },
+       { 0xc0080, 0x2 },
+       { 0xd0000, 0x1 },
+static struct dram_fsp_msg lpddr4_dram_fsp_msg[] = {
+       {
+               /* P0 3200mts 1D */
+               .drate = 3200,
+               .fw_type = FW_1D_IMAGE,
+               .fsp_cfg = lpddr4_fsp0_cfg,
+               .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_fsp0_cfg),
+       },
+       {
+               /* P1 667mts 1D */
+               .drate = 667,
+               .fw_type = FW_1D_IMAGE,
+               .fsp_cfg = lpddr4_fsp1_cfg,
+               .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_fsp1_cfg),
+       },
+       {
+               /* P0 3200mts 2D */
+               .drate = 3200,
+               .fw_type = FW_2D_IMAGE,
+               .fsp_cfg = lpddr4_fsp0_2d_cfg,
+               .fsp_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_fsp0_2d_cfg),
+       },
+/* lpddr4 timing config params on EVK board */
+struct dram_timing_info dram_timing_b0 = {
+       .ddrc_cfg = lpddr4_ddrc_cfg,
+       .ddrc_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_ddrc_cfg),
+       .ddrphy_cfg = lpddr4_ddrphy_cfg,
+       .ddrphy_cfg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_ddrphy_cfg),
+       .fsp_msg = lpddr4_dram_fsp_msg,
+       .fsp_msg_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_dram_fsp_msg),
+       .ddrphy_pie = lpddr4_phy_pie,
+       .ddrphy_pie_num = ARRAY_SIZE(lpddr4_phy_pie),
+       /*
+        * this table must be initialized if DDRPHY bypass mode is
+        * not used: all fsp drate > 666MTS.
+        */
+       .fsp_table = { 3200, 667, },
diff --git a/board/purism/librem5/spl.c b/board/purism/librem5/spl.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e8b2f473fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/purism/librem5/spl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * Copyright 2018 NXP
+ * Copyright 2021 Purism
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/arch/ddr.h>
+#include <asm/arch/imx8mq_pins.h>
+#include <asm/arch/sys_proto.h>
+#include <asm/arch/clock.h>
+#include <asm/mach-imx/boot_mode.h>
+#include <asm/mach-imx/iomux-v3.h>
+#include <asm/mach-imx/gpio.h>
+#include <asm/mach-imx/mxc_i2c.h>
+#include <fsl_esdhc_imx.h>
+#include <mmc.h>
+#include <power/pmic.h>
+#include <power/bd71837.h>
+#include <hang.h>
+#include <init.h>
+#include <spl.h>
+#include <usb.h>
+#include <dwc3-uboot.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include "librem5.h"
+void spl_dram_init(void)
+       /* ddr init */
+       if ((get_cpu_rev() & 0xfff) == CHIP_REV_2_1)
+               ddr_init(&dram_timing);
+       else
+               ddr_init(&dram_timing_b0);
+int spl_board_boot_device(enum boot_device boot_dev_spl)
+       log_debug("%s : starting\n", __func__);
+       switch (boot_dev_spl) {
+       case SD1_BOOT:
+       case MMC1_BOOT:
+               return BOOT_DEVICE_MMC1;
+       case USB_BOOT:
+               return BOOT_DEVICE_BOARD;
+       default:
+               return BOOT_DEVICE_NONE;
+       }
+static const iomux_v3_cfg_t ecspi_pads[] = {
+int board_ecspi_init(void)
+       imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(ecspi_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(ecspi_pads));
+       return 0;
+int board_spi_cs_gpio(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs)
+       return (bus == 0 && cs == 0) ? (SPI1_SS0) : -1;
+struct i2c_pads_info i2c_pad_info1 = {
+       .scl = {
+               .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C1_SCL__I2C1_SCL | PC,
+               .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C1_SCL__GPIO5_IO14 | PC,
+               .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 14),
+       },
+       .sda = {
+               .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C1_SDA__I2C1_SDA | PC,
+               .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C1_SDA__GPIO5_IO15 | PC,
+               .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 15),
+       },
+struct i2c_pads_info i2c_pad_info2 = {
+       .scl = {
+               .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C2_SCL__I2C2_SCL | PC,
+               .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C2_SCL__GPIO5_IO16 | PC,
+               .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 16),
+       },
+       .sda = {
+               .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C2_SDA__I2C2_SDA | PC,
+               .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C2_SDA__GPIO5_IO17 | PC,
+               .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 17),
+       },
+struct i2c_pads_info i2c_pad_info3 = {
+       .scl = {
+               .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C3_SCL__I2C3_SCL | PC,
+               .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C3_SCL__GPIO5_IO18 | PC,
+               .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 18),
+       },
+       .sda = {
+               .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C3_SDA__I2C3_SDA | PC,
+               .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C3_SDA__GPIO5_IO19 | PC,
+               .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 19),
+       },
+struct i2c_pads_info i2c_pad_info4 = {
+       .scl = {
+               .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C4_SCL__I2C4_SCL | PC,
+               .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C4_SCL__GPIO5_IO20 | PC,
+               .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 20),
+       },
+       .sda = {
+               .i2c_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C4_SDA__I2C4_SDA | PC,
+               .gpio_mode = IMX8MQ_PAD_I2C4_SDA__GPIO5_IO21 | PC,
+               .gp = IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 21),
+       },
+static const iomux_v3_cfg_t uart_pads[] = {
+#define USDHC1_PWR_GPIO IMX_GPIO_NR(2, 10)
+#define USDHC2_PWR_GPIO IMX_GPIO_NR(2, 19)
+int board_mmc_getcd(struct mmc *mmc)
+       struct fsl_esdhc_cfg *cfg = (struct fsl_esdhc_cfg *)mmc->priv;
+       int ret = 0;
+       switch (cfg->esdhc_base) {
+       case USDHC1_BASE_ADDR:
+               ret = 1;
+               break;
+       case USDHC2_BASE_ADDR:
+               ret = 1;
+               break;
+       }
+       return ret;
+                        PAD_CTL_FSEL1)
+static const iomux_v3_cfg_t usdhc1_pads[] = {
+static const iomux_v3_cfg_t usdhc2_pads[] = {
0xd6 */
0xd6 */
0x16 */
0xd6 */
+static struct fsl_esdhc_cfg usdhc_cfg[2] = {
+       {USDHC1_BASE_ADDR, 0, 8},
+       {USDHC2_BASE_ADDR, 0, 4},
+int board_mmc_init(struct bd_info *bis)
+       int i, ret;
+       /*
+        * According to the board_mmc_init() the following map is done:
+        * (U-Boot device node)    (Physical Port)
+        * mmc0                    USDHC1
+        * mmc1                    USDHC2
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USDHC_NUM; i++) {
+               log_debug("Initializing FSL USDHC port %d\n", i);
+               switch (i) {
+               case 0:
+                       init_clk_usdhc(0);
+                       usdhc_cfg[0].sdhc_clk = mxc_get_clock(USDHC1_CLK_ROOT);
+                       imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(usdhc1_pads,
+                       gpio_request(USDHC1_PWR_GPIO, "usdhc1_reset");
+                       gpio_direction_output(USDHC1_PWR_GPIO, 0);
+                       udelay(500);
+                       gpio_direction_output(USDHC1_PWR_GPIO, 1);
+                       break;
+               case 1:
+                       init_clk_usdhc(1);
+                       usdhc_cfg[1].sdhc_clk = mxc_get_clock(USDHC2_CLK_ROOT);
+                       imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(usdhc2_pads,
+                       gpio_request(USDHC2_PWR_GPIO, "usdhc2_reset");
+                       gpio_direction_output(USDHC2_PWR_GPIO, 0);
+                       udelay(500);
+                       gpio_direction_output(USDHC2_PWR_GPIO, 1);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       log_err("Warning: USDHC controller(%d) not 
supported\n", i + 1);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               ret = fsl_esdhc_initialize(bis, &usdhc_cfg[i]);
+               if (ret)
+                       return ret;
+       }
+       return 0;
+#define LDO_VOLT_EN                     BIT(6)
+ * Disable the charger - it will be re-enabled in u-boot
+ */
+void disable_charger_bq25896(void)
+       u8 val;
+       int timeout = 1000; // ms
+       /* Set the i2c bus */
+       i2c_set_bus_num(3);
+       /* disable ship mode if BATFET_DLY is set */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x09);
+       log_debug("REG09 0x%x\n", val);
+       if (val & 0x28) {
+               val = val & ~0x28;
+               i2c_reg_write(0x6a, 0x09, val);
+       }
+       /* disable and trigger DPDM, ICO, HVDCP and MaxCharge */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x02);
+       log_debug("REG02 0x%x\n", val);
+       val &= 0xe0;
+       i2c_reg_write(0x6a, 0x02, val);
+       /* disable charger and enable BAT_LOADEN */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x03);
+       log_debug("REG03 0x%x\n", val);
+       val = (val | 0x80) & ~0x10;
+       i2c_reg_write(0x6a, 0x03, val);
+       mdelay(10);
+       /* force ADC conversions */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x02);
+       log_debug("REG02 0x%x\n", val);
+       val = (val | 0x80) & ~0x40;
+       i2c_reg_write(0x6a, 0x02, val);
+       do {
+               mdelay(10);
+               timeout -= 10;
+       } while ((i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x02) & 0x80) && (timeout > 0));
+       /* enable STAT pin */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x07);
+       log_debug("REG07 0x%x\n", val);
+       val = val & ~0x40;
+       i2c_reg_write(0x6a, 0x07, val);
+       /* check VBUS */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x11);
+       log_debug("VBUS good %d\n", (val >> 7) & 1);
+       log_debug("VBUS mV %d\n", (val & 0x7f) * 100 + 2600);
+       /* check VBAT */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x0e);
+       log_debug("VBAT mV %d\n", (val & 0x7f) * 20 + 2304);
+       /* limit the VINDPM to 3.9V  */
+       i2c_reg_write(0x6a, 0x0d, 0x8d);
+       /* set the max voltage to 4.192V */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x6);
+       val = (val & ~0xFC) | 0x16 << 2;
+       i2c_reg_write(0x6a, 0x6, val);
+       /* set the SYS_MIN to 3.7V */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x3);
+       val = val | 0xE;
+       i2c_reg_write(0x6a, 0x3, val);
+       /* disable BAT_LOADEN */
+       val = i2c_reg_read(0x6a, 0x03);
+       log_debug("REG03 0x%x\n", val);
+       val = val & ~0x80;
+       i2c_reg_write(0x6a, 0x03, val);
+#define I2C_PMIC       0
+int power_bd71837_init(unsigned char bus)
+       static const char name[] = BD718XX_REGULATOR_DRIVER;
+       struct pmic *p = pmic_alloc();
+       if (!p) {
+               log_err("%s: POWER allocation error!\n", __func__);
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       p->name = name;
+       p->interface = I2C_PMIC;
+       p->number_of_regs = BD718XX_MAX_REGISTER;
+       p->hw.i2c.addr = CONFIG_POWER_BD71837_I2C_ADDR;
+       p->hw.i2c.tx_num = 1;
+       p->bus = bus;
+       return 0;
+int power_init_board(void)
+       struct pmic *p;
+       int ldo[] = {BD718XX_LDO5_VOLT, BD718XX_LDO6_VOLT,
+                    BD71837_LDO7_VOLT};
+       u32 val;
+       int i, rv;
+       /* Set the i2c bus */
+       setup_i2c(0, CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED, 0x7f, &i2c_pad_info1);
+       /*
+        * Init PMIC
+        */
+       rv = power_bd71837_init(CONFIG_POWER_BD71837_I2C_BUS);
+       if (rv) {
+               log_err("%s: power_bd71837_init(%d) error %d\n", __func__,
+                       CONFIG_POWER_BD71837_I2C_BUS, rv);
+               goto out;
+       }
+       p = pmic_get(BD718XX_REGULATOR_DRIVER);
+       if (!p) {
+               log_err("%s: pmic_get(%s) failed\n", __func__, 
+               rv = -ENODEV;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       rv = pmic_probe(p);
+       if (rv) {
+               log_err("%s: pmic_probe() error %d\n", __func__, rv);
+               goto out;
+       }
+       /*
+        * Unlock all regs
+        */
+       pmic_reg_write(p, BD718XX_REGLOCK, 0);
+       /* find the reset cause */
+       pmic_reg_read(p, 0x29, &val);
+       log_debug("%s: reset cause %d\n", __func__, val);
+       /*
+        * Reconfigure default voltages and disable:
+        * - BUCK3: VDD_GPU_0V9 (1.00 -> 0.90)
+        * - BUCK4: VDD_VPU_0V9 (1.00 -> 0.90)
+        */
+       pmic_reg_write(p, BD71837_BUCK3_VOLT_RUN, 0x14);
+       pmic_reg_write(p, BD71837_BUCK4_VOLT_RUN, 0x14);
+       /*
+        * Enable PHYs voltages: LDO5-7
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ldo); i++) {
+               rv = pmic_reg_read(p, ldo[i], &val);
+               if (rv) {
+                       log_err("%s: pmic_read(%x) error %d\n", __func__,
+                               ldo[i], rv);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               pmic_reg_write(p, ldo[i], val | LDO_VOLT_EN);
+       }
+       udelay(500);
+       rv = 0;
+       return rv;
+int usb_gadget_handle_interrupts(void)
+       dwc3_uboot_handle_interrupt(0);
+       return 0;
+static void dwc3_nxp_usb_phy_init(struct dwc3_device *dwc3)
+       u32 RegData;
+       RegData = readl(dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL1);
+                       USB_PHY_CTRL1_COMMONONN);
+       writel(RegData, dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL1);
+       RegData = readl(dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL0);
+       RegData |= USB_PHY_CTRL0_REF_SSP_EN;
+       RegData &= ~USB_PHY_CTRL0_SSC_RANGE_MASK;
+       RegData |= USB_PHY_CTRL0_SSC_RANGE_4003PPM;
+       writel(RegData, dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL0);
+       RegData = readl(dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL2);
+       RegData |= USB_PHY_CTRL2_TXENABLEN0;
+       writel(RegData, dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL2);
+       RegData = readl(dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL1);
+       writel(RegData, dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL1);
+       /* Disable rx term override */
+       RegData = readl(dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL6);
+       writel(RegData, dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL6);
+static struct dwc3_device dwc3_device0_data = {
+       .maximum_speed = USB_SPEED_HIGH,
+       .base = USB1_BASE_ADDR,
+       .dr_mode = USB_DR_MODE_PERIPHERAL,
+       .index = 0,
+static struct dwc3_device dwc3_device1_data = {
+       .maximum_speed = USB_SPEED_HIGH,
+       .base = USB2_BASE_ADDR,
+       .dr_mode = USB_DR_MODE_HOST,
+       .index = 1,
+int board_usb_init(int index, enum usb_init_type init)
+       int ret = 0;
+       printf("%s : index %d type %d\n", __func__, index, init);
+       imx8m_usb_power(index, true);
+       if (index == 0 && init == USB_INIT_DEVICE) {
+               dwc3_nxp_usb_phy_init(&dwc3_device0_data);
+               ret = dwc3_uboot_init(&dwc3_device0_data);
+       }
+       if (index == 1 && init == USB_INIT_HOST) {
+               dwc3_nxp_usb_phy_init(&dwc3_device1_data);
+               ret = dwc3_uboot_init(&dwc3_device1_data);
+       }
+       return ret;
+int board_usb_cleanup(int index, enum usb_init_type init)
+       u32 RegData;
+       struct dwc3_device *dwc3;
+       printf("%s : %d\n", __func__, index);
+       if (index == 0 && init == USB_INIT_DEVICE)
+               dwc3 = &dwc3_device0_data;
+       if (index == 1 && init == USB_INIT_HOST)
+               dwc3 = &dwc3_device1_data;
+       dwc3_uboot_exit(index);
+       /* reset the phy */
+       RegData = readl(dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL1);
+                       USB_PHY_CTRL1_COMMONONN);
+       writel(RegData, dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL1);
+       /* enable rx term override */
+       RegData = readl(dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL6);
+       writel(RegData, dwc3->base + USB_PHY_CTRL6);
+       imx8m_usb_power(index, false);
+       return 0;
+void spl_board_init(void)
+       if (is_usb_boot())
+               puts("USB Boot\n");
+       else
+               puts("Normal Boot\n");
+void board_boot_order(u32 *spl_boot_list)
+       if (is_usb_boot())
+               spl_boot_list[0] = BOOT_DEVICE_BOARD;
+       else
+               spl_boot_list[0] = BOOT_DEVICE_MMC1;
+static const iomux_v3_cfg_t wdog_pads[] = {
+void board_init_f(ulong dummy)
+       int ret;
+       struct wdog_regs *wdog = (struct wdog_regs *)WDOG1_BASE_ADDR;
+       arch_cpu_init();
+       imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(wdog_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(wdog_pads));
+       set_wdog_reset(wdog);
+       init_uart_clk(CONSOLE_UART_CLK);
+       imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(uart_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(uart_pads));
+       gpio_request(WIFI_EN, "WIFI_EN");
+       gpio_direction_output(WIFI_EN, 1);
+       board_early_init_f();
+       timer_init();
+       preloader_console_init();
+       ret = spl_init();
+       if (ret) {
+               log_err("spl_init() failed: %d\n", ret);
+               hang();
+       }
+       enable_tzc380();
+       printf("Initializing pinmux\n");
+       init_pinmux();
+       gpio_direction_output(LED_G, 1);
+       gpio_direction_output(MOTO, 1);
+       mdelay(50);
+       gpio_direction_output(MOTO, 0);
+       /* Enable and configure i2c buses not used below */
+       setup_i2c(1, CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED, 0x7f, &i2c_pad_info2);
+       setup_i2c(2, CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED, 0x7f, &i2c_pad_info3);
+       setup_i2c(3, CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED, 0x7f, &i2c_pad_info4);
+       power_init_board();
+       disable_charger_bq25896();
+       /* initialize this for M4 even if u-boot doesn't have SF_CMD */
+       printf("Initializing ECSPI\n");
+       board_ecspi_init();
+       /* DDR initialization */
+       printf("Initializing DRAM\n");
+       spl_dram_init();
diff --git a/configs/librem5_defconfig b/configs/librem5_defconfig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6153a9b90a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/librem5_defconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# CONFIG_SPL_BLK is not set
+# CONFIG_SPL_DM_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_SPL_DM_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SPL_DM_MMC is not set
diff --git a/doc/board/index.rst b/doc/board/index.rst
index be9ba4de4d0..c64a4f519b1 100644
--- a/doc/board/index.rst
+++ b/doc/board/index.rst
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Board-specific doc
+   purism/index
diff --git a/doc/board/purism/index.rst b/doc/board/purism/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a9cdc312d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/board/purism/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+Purism SPC
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   librem5
diff --git a/doc/board/purism/librem5.rst b/doc/board/purism/librem5.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..193a0c08f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/board/purism/librem5.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+U-Boot for the Purism Librem5 phone
+Quick Start
+- Build the ARM Trusted firmware binary
+- Get ddr and hdmi firmware
+- Build U-Boot
+Get and Build the ARM Trusted firmware
+Note: srctree is U-Boot source directory
+Get ATF from:
+branch: librem5
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ make PLAT=imx8mq CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- bl31
+   $ cp build/imx8mq/release/bl31.bin $(builddir)
+Get the ddr and hdmi firmware
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ wget
+   $ chmod +x firmware-imx-8.10.bin
+   $ ./firmware-imx-8.10.bin
+   $ cp firmware-imx-8.10/firmware/hdmi/cadence/signed_hdmi_imx8m.bin 
+   $ cp firmware-imx-8.10/firmware/ddr/synopsys/lpddr4*.bin $(builddir)
+Build U-Boot
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
+   $ make librem5_defconfig
+   $ make ARCH=arm
+Burn the flash.bin
+Use uuu to burn flash.bin. Power on the phone while holding vol+ to get it
+into uuu mode.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   $ git clone
+   $ cd librem5-devkit-tools
+   $ cp $(builddir)/flash.bin files/u-boot-librem5.imx
+   $ uuu uuu_scripts/u-boot_flash_librem5.lst
+Reboot the phone.
diff --git a/include/configs/librem5.h b/include/configs/librem5.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c44032d5287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/configs/librem5.h
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2017 NXP
+ * Copyright 2018 Emcraft Systems
+ * Copyright 2019 Purism
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __LIBREM5_H
+#define __LIBREM5_H
+/* #define DEBUG */
+#include <version.h>
+#include <linux/sizes.h>
+#include <asm/arch/imx-regs.h>
+#define CONFIG_CSF_SIZE                        0x2000 /* 8K region */
+#define CONFIG_SPL_MAX_SIZE            (148 * 1024)
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_LEN         (512 * 1024)
+#define CONFIG_SPL_LDSCRIPT            "arch/arm/cpu/armv8/"
+#define CONFIG_SPL_STACK               0x187FF0
+#define CONFIG_SPL_BSS_START_ADDR      0x00180000
+#define CONFIG_SPL_BSS_MAX_SIZE        0x2000  /* 8 KB */
+#define CONFIG_SPL_STACK_R_ADDR                0x42300000
+#define CONFIG_SYS_SPL_MALLOC_START    0x42200000
+#define CONFIG_SYS_SPL_MALLOC_SIZE     0x80000 /* 512 KB */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_F_LEN                0x2000
+#define CONFIG_MALLOC_F_ADDR           0x182000 /* malloc f used before 
+#define CONFIG_SPL_ABORT_ON_RAW_IMAGE /* For RAW image gives a error info not 
panic */
+#define CONFIG_POWER_BD71837
+#define CONFIG_POWER_BD71837_I2C_BUS   0
+#define CONFIG_POWER_BD71837_I2C_ADDR  0x4B
+#endif /* CONFIG_SPL_BUILD*/
+#define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_USDHC_NUM       2
+#define CONFIG_BAUDRATE                        115200
+#define CONSOLE_UART_CLK               0
+#define CONSOLE                "ttymxc0"
+#elif defined(CONSOLE_ON_UART2)
+#define CONSOLE_UART_CLK               1
+#define CONSOLE                "ttymxc1"
+#elif defined(CONSOLE_ON_UART3)
+#define CONSOLE_UART_CLK               2
+#define CONSOLE                "ttymxc2"
+#elif defined(CONSOLE_ON_UART4)
+#define CONSOLE_UART_CLK               3
+#define CONSOLE                "ttymxc3"
+#define CONSOLE_UART_CLK               0
+#define CONSOLE                "ttymxc0"
+/* Flat Device Tree Definitions */
+#define BOOT_TARGET_DEVICES(func) \
+       func(MMC, mmc, 0) \
+       func(USB, usb, 0) \
+       func(DHCP, dhcp, na)
+#include <config_distro_bootcmd.h>
+#define BOOTENV
+/* Initial environment variables */
+#define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS              \
+       "scriptaddr=0x80000000\0" \
+       "pxefile_addr_r=0x80100000\0" \
+       "kernel_addr_r=0x80800000\0" \
+       "fdt_addr_r=0x83000000\0" \
+       "ramdisk_addr_r=0x83800000\0" \
+       "console=" CONSOLE ",115200\0" \
+       "bootargs=u_boot_version=" PLAIN_VERSION "\0" \
+       "stdin=usbacm,serial\0" \
+       "stdout=usbacm,serial\0" \
+       "stderr=usbacm,serial\0" \
+       BOOTENV
+/* Link Definitions */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE           0x40200000
+#define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_ADDR        0x40000000
+#define CONFIG_SYS_INIT_RAM_SIZE        0x80000
+#define CONFIG_MMCROOT                 "/dev/mmcblk0p2"  /* USDHC1 */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE           0x40000000
+#define PHYS_SDRAM                      0x40000000
+#define PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE                        0xc0000000 /* 3GB LPDDR4 one 
Rank */
+/* Monitor Command Prompt */
+#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT              "u-boot=> "
+#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT_HUSH_PS2     "> "
+#define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE              1024
+#define CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS             64
+#define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE              (CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE + \
+                                       sizeof(CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT) + 16)
+#define CONFIG_SYS_FSL_ESDHC_ADDR       0

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