Add a new function to add a string list.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

 tools/dtoc/      | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 tools/dtoc/ |  8 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/dtoc/ b/tools/dtoc/
index 32a7aa9829..e7197f8f12 100644
--- a/tools/dtoc/
+++ b/tools/dtoc/
@@ -501,6 +501,24 @@ class Node:
         val = bytes(val, 'utf-8')
         return self.AddData(prop_name, val + b'\0')
+    def AddStringList(self, prop_name, val):
+        """Add a new string-list property to a node
+        The device tree is marked dirty so that the value will be written to
+        the blob on the next sync.
+        Args:
+            prop_name: Name of property to add
+            val (list of str): List of strings to add
+        Returns:
+            Prop added
+        """
+        out = b''
+        for string in val:
+            out += bytes(string, 'utf-8') + b'\0'
+        return self.AddData(prop_name, out)
     def AddInt(self, prop_name, val):
         """Add a new integer property to a node
diff --git a/tools/dtoc/ b/tools/dtoc/
index 55b70e9876..1a7e73ffce 100755
--- a/tools/dtoc/
+++ b/tools/dtoc/
@@ -531,6 +531,14 @@ class TestProp(unittest.TestCase):
         self.node.AddData('data', tools.GetBytes(65, 20000))
+    def test_string_list(self):
+        """Test adding string-list property to a node"""
+        val = ['123', '456']
+        self.node.AddStringList('stringlist', val)
+        self.dtb.Sync(auto_resize=True)
+        data = self.fdt.getprop(self.node.Offset(), 'stringlist')
+        self.assertEqual(b'123\x00456\0', data)
     def testFromData(self):
         dtb2 = fdt.Fdt.FromData(self.dtb.GetContents())
         self.assertEqual(dtb2.GetContents(), self.dtb.GetContents())

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