Hi Jorge and Oleksandr,

Thank you for sharing all the links. I found there a lot of inspiration to meet my target of using encrypted bitfiles.

I have also shared with the community a patch, on top of your changes, adding encrypted bitfile support in u-boot.



On 19.01.2022 18:48, Oleksandr Suvorov wrote:
Hi Adrian,

On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 7:23 PM Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries
<jo...@foundries.io> wrote:
On 19/01/22, Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries wrote:
On 19/01/22, Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries wrote:
On 19/01/22, Adrian Fiergolski wrote:
Hi Jorge,
hi Adrian,

Have you succeeded to enable secure boot on ZynqMP with SPL (not Xilinx's
FSBL)? Is it documented somewhere? Any configuration files/yocto recipes?
somewhere there:

Have you managed to resolve problem of the bitstream loaded in such a case
by SPL?

Yes. I wrote the docs here below:

this might help you as well if you use OP-TEE and require RPMB access.


forgot to add, the PR to load the bistream was followed up by Oleksandr (in 
but not totally sure if it was merged yet as Simon asked for tests and those 
might be pending.
You can try this solution for the Xilinx u-boot 2020.07
or this one for the mainline u-boot:

I need to use an encrypted bitstream. However, it required the use of
DeviceKeys in post-boot state which eventually requires secure boot.

hope that helps


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