On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 1:13 PM Harm Berntsen <harm.bernt...@nedap.com> wrote:

> I did not check the manual assignment of bit 30 in the dts, I now see
> that it is used more often than I thought.
> I'm using an imx8mn on U-Boot 2021.10. It was as simple as setting the
> pinctrl as you described and in the same way as Angus has done. I don't
> see why it does not work for him. He has an imx8mq so maybe that chip
> behaves differently?

After reading Angus' thread again, maybe there is an issue with his dts,
where he uses pinctrl_hog1 and pinctrl_hog3.

I suspect that these pinctrl groups are not getting initialized at all.

To confirm that I would suggest Angus look at the IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD
registers contents and verify whether the SION bit is set or not.

Another suggestion is to group all hog pins into pinctrl_hog instead.

> Just for completeness, some snippets from my device tree:
> #define IMX_PAD_SION   0x40000000
> &gpio3 {
>         pinctrl-names = "default";
>         pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_misc_gpio3>;
> };
> pinctrl_misc_gpio3: misc-gpio3 {
>         fsl,pins = <
>                 MX8MN_IOMUXC_SAI5_RXD2_GPIO3_IO23       IMX_PAD_SION
>                 MX8MN_IOMUXC_SAI5_RXD3_GPIO3_IO24       IMX_PAD_SION
>         >;
> };

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