Hi Harm,

Adding Angus, who submitted a similar patch:

On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 12:55 PM Harm Berntsen <harm.bernt...@nedap.com> wrote:

> > Could this issue be fixed by setting the SION bit mode?
> SION works! I did not know about it :). I see the imxrt1020-evk,

Ok, great!

> imxrt1050-evk and imx53-kp use it in their device tree. To make this
> feature available, I had to ensure the IMX_PAD_SION was available in my
> dts by adding a define:
> #define IMX_PAD_SION   0x40000000
> I could then configure the pinmux in my dts file. It would be nice to
> make this define available by default.
> To conclude, I would now need to enable SION in order to remove the
> 'Warning: value of pin is still 0' text in my serial output. I'm fine
> with that.

Actually, there are several i.MX dts files that set bit 30 (SION bit):

For example, the I2C pins in imx8mq-evk.dts look like this:

MX8MQ_IOMUXC_I2C1_SCL_I2C1_SCL 0x4000007f

Does it work if you just set bit 30 in your device tree? Which SoC are
you using?

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