2010/11/17 Stefano Babic <sba...@denx.de>:
> On 11/17/2010 03:22 AM, Jason Liu wrote:
>> It's OK, I think. But there will change a lot of code for the platform
>> other than i.mx51.
> You have already posted changes for the whole i.MX family we currently
> support.
> However, I understand you do not want to specify the whole layout for
> all processors, that means more effort. At least you must specify in the
> structure where we cann access the mac address.
> You could do in this way
> typedef union fuse_bank {
>        struct {
>                u32 fuses_0[..]
>                u32 mac_addr[6];
>                u32 other_fuses[...];
>                u32 reserved_filled[..]; /* to fill the 0x80-0xFF*/
>        };
>        /*
>         * If we do not want to set now the layout, we can distinguish
>         * only between real register and reserved addresses
>         * as you already did
>         */
>         struct {
>                u32 fuse_regs[0x20];
>                u32 reserved[0xe0];
>        }
>  }
> This still allows to have an array of fuse_banks in the iim structure.

what about the following code snip which consider you and Wolfgang's proposal.

+struct fuse_bank {
+       u32     used[0x20];
+       u32     resv[0xe0];
+struct fuse_bank1 {
+       u32     fuse_prot;
+       u32     srk_hash;
+       u32     sjc_resp[7];
+       u32     mac_addr[6];
+       u32     other_fuse[...]
+       u32     reserved_filled[...];
+struct iim_regs {
+       u32     stat;
+       u32     statm;
+       u32     err;
+       u32     emask;
+       u32     fctl;
+       u32     ua;
+       u32     la;
+       u32     sdat;
+       u32     prev;
+       u32     srev;
+       u32     preg_p;
+       u32     scs0;
+       u32     scs1;
+       u32     scs2;
+       u32     scs3;
+       u32     res0[0x1f1];
+       struct  fuse_bank fuse_banks[4];

> When someone will implement functions to manage the fuses, he will
> change the fuse_bank structure naming all fields as specified in the
> i.MX manuals.

OK, agree.

>> In fact, the rule of my every commit patch is to solve one problem or
>> add one feature with the minimum code change to the exist code  base.
> To solve one single problem, yes. With minimum code change, no. This
> rule does not apply. Changing code searching for the best solution, yes.
> Even if we have to change much more code.

This is different with my working style. OK, I will take care later.

>> If need some code clean-up or restructure, then use another commit to
>> fix it. This will give us a clear track of the code change. If you
>> insist on changing it in this patch, I will follow your rule to change
>> it.
> Check my proposal. I think you need to change slightly the code.

OK, thanks for your proposal.

> Best regards,
> Stefano Babic
> --
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