Hi! What is the Best Known Method to enable NetConsole over USB ethernet gadget on DWC3?
Currently I have a "blinking" type of network interface (from the host side) and it's too hard to understand all the mysterious ways of this setup. I have set std* to "nc,serial" (*) to be able to have the network console be set up and running. *) "serial" is just for the initial boot strap, this is a product ready Android tablet that users are not supposed to solder wires on its PCB. No need to say that I have another similar device (https://lore.kernel.org/u-boot/cahp75vdptu-ththi3erid7rd_tc90fc66aiuvzmnof2ky0j...@mail.gmail.com/T/#u) that has no serial interface at all, and I can't do anything about it due to lack of support from U-Boot. Unfortunately it goes this direction (in net_loop() call) net_init(); if (eth_is_on_demand_init()) { eth_halt(); eth_set_current(); ret = eth_init(); if (ret < 0) { eth_halt(); return ret; } The problem here is that the gadget timeouts for some reason and of course for the default 3 seconds I may not have enough time to set up the network on the host side. Moreover, if by luck I manage to achieve that, it still doesn't work. --- net_loop Entry Trying usb_ether 0 - 0 'dwc3' - found using dwc3-gadget, OUT ep2out IN ep2in STATUS ep3in MAC de:ad:be:ef:00:01 HOST MAC de:ad:be:ef:00:00 ... dwc3-generic-peripheral dwc3: Transfer Not Ready while ep0out in state 'Data Phase'dwc3-generic-peripheral dwc3: Transfer Complete while ep0out in state 'Status Phase'The remote end did not respond in time.eth_reset_config dwc3-generic-peripheral dwc3: request 36561380 from ep3in completed 0/8 ===> -108 event 00 --> -108 eth_unbind... FAIL ...and repeat... Conclusion it is not working at all. Expectations: the USB gadget leaves UDC in state that the host would be able to set up the link and the netconsole would be able to send data to it. How to achieve that? Alternative: serial function of the composite device. As of today not an option — it simply does not exist in the U-Boot. Anybody is working on that? -- With Best Regards, Andy Shevchenko