Dear Alexander Holler,
> Am 28.10.2010 10:39, schrieb Wolfgang Denk:
>> Dear Heiko Schocher,
>> In message<>  you wrote:
>>> Hmm.. I think the question is, is CONFIG_SKIP_RELOCATE_UBOOT not
>>> obsolete?
>> sorry for a stupid question - how are CONFIG_SKIP_RELOCATE_UBOOT and
>> CONFIG_SYS_ARM_WITHOUT_RELOC related to each other?
> I've got confused by that too. Currently there are 3 defines in regard 
> to relocation:

Introduced by Heiko as a try to unbreak old boards that are not converted to
relocation yet. Basically it #else's between the old code and the new code.
As far as I understand that define won't work anymore because of several other
changes in u-boot that necessitate fixing the affected boards.


Not needed for ARM when ELF relocation is used. I don't know whether other
architectures still need it. Do NOT set it on ARM or you get in trouble by
some addresses being relocated twice.


The old way in ARM before ELF relocation was introduced. A misnomer because it 
skipped the *COPY* of the image from whereever it was loaded to the TEXT_BASE
location. There was no real *RELOCATION* done there. This define probably does 
not work
anymore. It was set on ARM boards where a preloader did load u-boot to the
TEXT_BASE address.

In an up to date ARM system all those defines MUST NOT be set.

Best Regards,

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