
On 7/14/21 9:37 AM, Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries wrote:
> On 13/07/21, Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries wrote:
>> On 13/07/21, Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries wrote:
>>> On 13/07/21, Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries wrote:
>>>> On 13/07/21, Michal Simek wrote:
>>>>> On 7/13/21 11:25 AM, Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries wrote:
>>>>>> On 13/07/21, Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries wrote:
>>>>>>> On 13/07/21, Michal Simek wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> On 7/12/21 7:40 PM, Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Foundries wrote:
>>>>>>>>> hi Michal,
>>>>>>>>> Would you have some sample/reference code to generate a SPL boot image
>>>>>>>>> using zynqmpbif instead of zynqmpimage? I cant find any documentation
>>>>>>>>> and I see no option to enable it (I was expecting to find some config
>>>>>>>>> in Makefile.spl but I see none).
>>>>>>>>> What is the expected way of building these images?
>>>>>>>> Alex implemented it for Xilinx bif format after origin zynqmpimage
>>>>>>>> format. But usage is just like this.
>>>>>>>> [u-boot](debian-sent)$ ./tools/mkimage -T zynqmpbif -d /tmp/bif
>>>>>>>> /tmp/boot.bin
>>>>>>>> Image Type   : Xilinx ZynqMP Boot Image support
>>>>>>>> Image Offset : 0x000009c0
>>>>>>>> Image Size   : 147216 bytes (147216 bytes packed)
>>>>>>>> PMUFW Size   : 129792 bytes (129792 bytes packed)
>>>>>>>> Image Load   : 0xfffc0000
>>>>>>>> Checksum     : 0xfd15d661
>>>>>>>> [u-boot](debian-sent)$ cat /tmp/bif
>>>>>>>> image : {
>>>>>>>>        [pmufw_image, load=0xffdc0000] 
>>>>>>>> /mnt/disk/u-boot-bins/zynqmp/pmu.elf
>>>>>>>>        [destination_cpu=a53-0, load=0xfffc0000, bootloader] 
>>>>>>>> spl/u-boot-spl.bin
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> awesome, exactly what I needed to start with.
>>>>>> So I can boot using the steps you mentioned above.
>>>>>> But shouldnt the same bif work with bootgen?
>>>>>> ****** Xilinx Bootgen v2019.2
>>>>>>   **** Build date : Oct 23 2019-22:59:42
>>>>>>     ** Copyright 1986-2019 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
>>>>>> [TRACE]  : Command Line parsing started
>>>>>> [TRACE]  : Command: -arch zynqmp -image ./bif -w -o bootbif.bin -log 
>>>>>> trace
>>>>>> [INFO]   : Command line parsing completed successfully
>>>>>> [TRACE]  : BIF File: ./bif
>>>>>> [TRACE]  : BIF file parsing started
>>>>>> [TRACE]  : Setting PMU FW Image file as pmu.elf
>>>>>> [INFO]   : BIF file parsing completed successfully
>>>>>> [INFO]   : Parsing Partition Data to Image
>>>>>> [INFO]   : Building image - image
>>>>>> [INFO]   : Building the Partition Header Table
>>>>>> [INFO]   : After build
>>>>>>            -- Dump of Binary Image ----
>>>>>>            00000000 Len: 000008b8 Res: 00000000 "BootHeader"
>>>>>>            00000000 Len: 00000040 Res: 00000000 "ImageHeaderTable"
>>>>>>            00000000 Len: 00000024 Res: 00000800 "ImageHeader 
>>>>>> u-boot-spl.bin"
>>>>>>            00000000 Len: 00000040 Res: 00000000 "PartitionHeader 
>>>>>> u-boot-spl.bin.0"
>>>>>>            00000000 Len: 00000040 Res: 000016c0 "PartitionHeader Null"
>>>>>>            00000000 Len: 00020574 Res: 00000000 "u-boot-spl.bin.0"
>>>>>>            -- End of Dump
>>>>>> [INFO]   : After align
>>>>>>            -- Dump of Binary Image ----
>>>>>>            00000000 Len: 000008b8 Res: 00000000 "BootHeader"
>>>>>>            000008c0 Len: 00000040 Res: 00000000 "ImageHeaderTable"
>>>>>>            00000900 Len: 00000024 Res: 00000800 "ImageHeader 
>>>>>> u-boot-spl.bin"
>>>>>>            00001100 Len: 00000040 Res: 00000000 "PartitionHeader 
>>>>>> u-boot-spl.bin.0"
>>>>>>            00001140 Len: 00000040 Res: 000016c0 "PartitionHeader Null"
>>>>>>            00002800 Len: 00020574 Res: 00000000 "u-boot-spl.bin.0"
>>>>>>            -- End of Dump
>>>>>> [INFO]   : Partition Information:
>>>>>> [INFO]   : Image: u-boot-spl.bin
>>>>>> [INFO]   :        Partition 0: u-boot-spl.bin.0,  Size: 132467
>>>>>> [INFO]   : After Link
>>>>>>            -- Dump of Binary Image ----
>>>>>>            00000000 Len: 000008b8 Res: 00000000 "BootHeader"
>>>>>>            000008c0 Len: 00000040 Res: 00000000 "ImageHeaderTable"
>>>>>>            00000900 Len: 00000024 Res: 00000800 "ImageHeader 
>>>>>> u-boot-spl.bin"
>>>>>>            00001100 Len: 00000040 Res: 00000000 "PartitionHeader 
>>>>>> u-boot-spl.bin.0"
>>>>>>            00001140 Len: 00000040 Res: 000016c0 "PartitionHeader Null"
>>>>>>            00002800 Len: 00020574 Res: 00000000 "u-boot-spl.bin.0"
>>>>>>            -- End of Dump
>>>>>> however when I boot and inspect the processor state, xsdb returns "APU
>>>>>> L2 cache is held in reset"
>>>>>> Since the functionality to support RSA authentication is missing from
>>>>>> mkimage (I'll have to add that), I would first like to see it
>>>>>> functional with SPL using bootgen.
>>>>>> However the same bif doesnt even boot - is this to be expected?
>>>>>> also the layouts generated from the bif using mkimage and bootgen are
>>>>>> completely different (it seems that naively I expected them to be the
>>>>>> same); is there any information on the different layouts used for the
>>>>>> bootrom? 
>>>>> I tested it and it works fine for me. Take a look at the code what
>>>>> exactly is
>>>>> [u-boot]$ cat /tmp/bif
>>>>> image : {
>>>>>   [pmufw_image] /mnt/disk/u-boot-bins/zynqmp/pmu.bin
>>>>>   [destination_cpu=a53-0, load=0xfffc0000, bootloader]
>>>>> spl/u-boot-spl-align.bin
>>>>> }
>>>>> Didn't try the latest bootgen but format is changing over years but none
>>>>> is updating this tool. Feel free to take a look at it.
>>>> weird, I can not boot the bin when using bootgen 2019 nor 2021.
>>>> please can you send me the output of the following command so I can 
>>>> compare?
>>>> vivado@trex:~/deploy/bootgen_bif$ bootgen -read boot.bin 
>>>> also, are you booting from QSPI?
>>>> thanks a lot!
>>> just for reference:
>>> $ cat bif
>>> the_ROM_image:
>>> {
>>>       [pmufw_image, load=0xffdc0000] pmu.elf
>>>       [destination_cpu=a53-1, load=0xfffc0000, bootloader] 
>>> u-boot-spl-align.bin
>>> }
>>> ========
>>> $./bootgen -arch zynqmp -image ./bif -w -o bootbif.bin
>>> will generate this image:
>>> $ ./bootgen -read bootbif.bin
>>> ****** Xilinx Bootgen v2021.1
>>>   **** Build date : Jun 18 2021-09:23:50
>>>     ** Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>         boot_vectors (0x00) : 
>>> 0x1400000014000000140000001400000014000000140000001400000014000000
>>>      width_detection (0x20) : 0xaa995566
>>>             image_id (0x24) : 0x584c4e58
>>>  encryption_keystore (0x28) : 0x00000000
>>>       header_version (0x2c) : 0x00000000
>>>    fsbl_sourceoffset (0x30) : 0x00002800
>>>          fsbl_length (0x34) : 0x00000000
>>>    fsbl_load_address (0x38) : 0x00000000
>>>    fsbl_exec_address (0x3C) : 0x00000000
>>>    fsbl_total_length (0x40) : 0x00000000
>>>     qspi_config-word (0x44) : 0x00000800
>>>             checksum (0x48) : 0xfd1a2c41
>>>           iht_offset (0x98) : 0x000008c0
>>>           pht_offset (0x9c) : 0x00001100
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>              version (0x00) : 0x01020000        total_images (0x04) : 
>>> 0x00000001
>>>           pht_offset (0x08) : 0x00001100           ih_offset (0x0c) : 
>>> 0x00000900
>>>        hdr_ac_offset (0x10) : 0x00000000
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>    IMAGE HEADER (u-boot-spl-align.bin)
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>           next_ih(W) (0x00) : 0x00000000
>>>          next_pht(W) (0x04) : 0x00000440
>>>     total_partitions (0x08) : 0x00000000
>>>     total_partitions (0x0c) : 0x00000001
>>>                 name (0x10) : u-boot-spl-align.bin
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>    PARTITION HEADER TABLE (u-boot-spl-align.bin.0)
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>     encrypted_length (0x00) : 0x0000815d  unencrypted_length (0x04) : 
>>> 0x0000815d
>>>         total_length (0x08) : 0x0000815d           load_addr (0x0c) : 
>>> 0x00000000
>>>            exec_addr (0x10) : 0x00000000    partition_offset (0x14) : 
>>> 0x00000000
>>>           attributes (0x18) : 0xfffc0000       section_count (0x1C) : 
>>> 0x00000000
>>>      checksum_offset (0x20) : 0x00000a00          iht_offset (0x24) : 
>>> 0x00000216
>>>            ac_offset (0x28) : 0x00000001            checksum (0x3c) : 
>>> 0x00026d91
>>>  attribute list -
>>>                trustzone [non-secure]            el [el-0]         
>>>               exec_state [aarch-64]     dest_device [none]         
>>>               encryption [no]                  core [none]         
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>    AUTHENTICATION CERTIFICATE (u-boot-spl-align.bin.0)
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> which will NOT boot (the fsbl information in the bootheader seems a
>>> source of concern but I dont know...hence why I was asking before
>>> about the one it worked for you)
>>> ========
>>> Using mkimage - as you indicated- we can generate an image that will
>>> boot from QSPI
>>> ./mkimage -T zynqmpbif -d bif bootbif.bin
>>> Image Type   : Xilinx ZynqMP Boot Image support
>>> Image Offset : 0x000009c0 
>>> Image Size   : 132468 bytes (132468 bytes packed)
>>> PMUFW Size   : 129792 bytes (129792 bytes packed)
>>> Image Load   : 0xfffc0000
>>> Checksum     : 0xfd164999
>>> But the bin image is NOT readable by bootgen
>>> jramirez@trex bootgen_bif (master *%)$ ./bootgen -read bootbif.bin
>>> ****** Xilinx Bootgen v2021.1
>>>   **** Build date : Jun 18 2021-09:23:50
>>>     ** Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
>>> [ERROR]  : Error reading Image header
>>> So both utilities do generate different bootheaders and layouts.
>>> The layout that doesnt boot - the one generated with bootgen - is the one 
>>> documented in
>>> https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2018_2/ug1283-bootgen-user-guide.pdf
>>> And the one that does work - using a boot header not readable by bootgen!-
>>> is not documented anywhere AFAIK. 
>>> I am confused at this point.
>>> Is there any public information about the bootrom?
>>> does the above information make sense to you?
>> um, I dont think bootgen can boot spl.bin...seems we need an elf
> so yes, I doubt it can work for you either. I suppose you misread the
> question.
> BTW where is the image layout zynqmpimage or zynqmpbif documented?
> I am not refereing to the boot header fields - those are clear -  but
> mostly interested about the 0x9c0 address.
> We are placing the pmufw at that location (0x9c0) and right after
> spl.bin...why does this boot? AFAICS it does not follow the documented
> layout so it shouldnt...
> https://www.xilinx.com/html_docs/xilinx2020_2/vitis_doc/bootimagelayout.html#uyu1526489661314
> I'd like to be able to extend zynqmpbif with support for
> authentication but ATM I am lacking some basic information.
> Anything you can share that would be great.

I have never tried to boot bootimage generaged from that bif with
bootgen. Only boot.bin generated by mkimage with zynqmpbif based on
provided bif file.

This code was developed long time ago and I have never used zynqmpbif
but I use zynqmpimage all the time because it is wired with make for
spl/boot.bin generation.

In past also the code was developed by reverse engineering of images to
find out the bare minimum required for boot. And TBH this is the first
time I see detailed description of boot headers. It wasn't public
information in past. It would be interesting to use secondary boot
device from Image Header table which we are doing differently now in SPL.

Definitely feel free to extend it. I am happy to test it and review.


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