On 7/2/21 9:33 AM, Sean Anderson wrote:
On 7/2/21 7:03 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
Dear Sean,
In message <20210701061611.957918-3-sean...@gmail.com> you wrote:
This is the LIL programming language [1] as originally written by Kostas
Michalopoulos <badsec...@runtimeterror.com>. LIL is a stripped-down TCL
variant. Many syntax features are very similar to shell:
Do you have a list of the exact differencec between LIL and a
standard shell?
For a partial list, see
[1] https://github.com/Forty-Bot/lil/commits/master
Whoops, looks like I completely misread what you were asking here. I
don't have an exhaustive list of differences, but here are some similar
things expressed in both languages:
sh tcl
foo=bar set foo bar
echo $foo echo $foo
if [ 1 -gt 2 ]; then if {1 > 2} {
echo a echo a
else } {
echo b echo b
fi }
foo() { proc foo {first second} {
echo $1 $2 echo $first $second
} }
for file in $(ls *.c); do foreach file [glob *.c] {
echo $file echo $file
done }
fact() {
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
echo 1
echo $(($1 * $(fact $(($1 - 1)))))
proc fact {n} {
if {$n} {
expr {$n * [fact [expr {$n -
} {
return 1
Hopefully this gives you a bit of a feel for the basic differences.
I wonder, if we deviate from standard shell syntax anyway, we could
also have a look at lua, for example?
I also looked at lua (see the cover letter), but I rejected it based on
size constraints (eLua was around the size of U-Boot itself).
Because of how often the shell is used to debug things, I wanted the
candidate I picked to have similar syntax to the existing shell. For
load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} $loadaddr $image
is a valid command in both Hush and LIL. Compare with lua, which might
express the above as
load("mmc", mmcdev .. ":" .. mmcpart, loadaddr, image)
which I think is a much larger deviation from existing syntax.