On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 1:18 PM Florence Riker <1460...@gmail.com> wrote:>
> Hi, I want to port u boot for a custom-made Qualcomm IPQ4019 based router,
> I've finished the dts part but had problems with these files:
> board/<myboard>.c
> include/configs/<myboard>.h
> Since there is no similar board to take reference, I have absolutely no

The dragonboard410c and dragonboard820c are both QCom based boards so
they would probably be a reasonable starting point.

> idea what code should I write to these files.
> I've read some of these files for other boards, it seems contains code that
> is very device specific
> and that leaves me even more confused because I don't know what words;
> functions; definitions my device uses.
> So, what should I do?
> Thanks for your help.

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