Am 2010-10-20 08:48, schrieb Andreas Bießmann:
> Dear Reinhard Meyer,
> Am 19.10.2010 um 20:30 schrieb Reinhard Meyer:
>>> +#define CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE               0x00000000
>> How does this work with a text base of 0? Am I missing something?
> This should work when booting from NOR. The first MiB (0x00000000-0x00100000) 
> is mapped to internal SRAM, internal ROM _or_ NOR on CS0 depending on 'BMS' 
> Pin and REMAP command -> datasheet at91rm9200 p17. Nevertheless I would 
> prefer to explicitly address NOR flash on CS0 with 0x10000000.
This is right. The board boot from a 16-bit NOR Flash.


Jens Scharsig
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