This speeds up boot by preventing multiple reconfigurations of the PLLs.

Signed-off-by: Sean Anderson <>

 drivers/clk/kendryte/clk.c | 15 ++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/clk/kendryte/clk.c b/drivers/clk/kendryte/clk.c
index cdea3d6f2b..8e845db7eb 100644
--- a/drivers/clk/kendryte/clk.c
+++ b/drivers/clk/kendryte/clk.c
@@ -847,21 +847,22 @@ static ulong k210_pll_set_rate(struct k210_clk_priv 
*priv, int id, ulong rate,
        const struct k210_pll_params *pll = &k210_plls[id];
        struct k210_pll_config config = {};
        u32 reg;
+       ulong calc_rate;
        if (rate_in < 0)
                return rate_in;
-       log_debug("Calculating parameters with rate=%lu and rate_in=%lu\n",
-                 rate, rate_in);
        err = k210_pll_calc_config(rate, rate_in, &config);
        if (err)
                return err;
        log_debug("Got r=%u f=%u od=%u\n", config.r, config.f, config.od);
-       /*
-        * Don't use clk_disable as it might not actually disable the pll due to
-        * refcounting
-        */
+       /* Don't bother setting the rate if we're already at that rate */
+       calc_rate = DIV_ROUND_DOWN_ULL(((u64)rate_in) * config.f,
+                                      config.r * config.od);
+       if (calc_rate == k210_pll_get_rate(priv, id, rate))
+               return calc_rate;
        k210_pll_disable(priv, id);
        reg = readl(priv->base + pll->off);
@@ -875,7 +876,7 @@ static ulong k210_pll_set_rate(struct k210_clk_priv *priv, 
int id, ulong rate,
            |  FIELD_PREP(K210_PLL_BWADJ, config.f - 1);
        writel(reg, priv->base + pll->off);
-       err = k210_pll_enable(priv, id);
+       k210_pll_enable(priv, id);
        return k210_pll_get_rate(priv, id, rate);

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