On 9/02/21 1:16 pm, Chris Packham wrote:
> On 9/02/21 9:18 am, Marek Behun wrote:
>> On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 20:11:06 +0000
>> Chris Packham <chris.pack...@alliedtelesis.co.nz> wrote:
>>> Hi Marek,
>>> Do you have this in a repo I can pull from? I've got a couple of boards
>>> I can give this a spin on.
>> https://gitlab.nic.cz/turris/turris-omnia-uboot/
>> branch v2021.04-rc-mv-ddr-14.0.0
>> also please test branch v2021.04-rc-mv-ddr-14.0.0-samsung-ddr-fix, that
>> one contains one more commit that is needed for Omnia with Samsung DDR
>> chips.
> I've tested the dm-88f6820-amc board. Training completed without 
> issue, as does memtester running from Linux.
> Hit a bit of a snag on the x530 because the changes pushed it over the 
> SPL size (it was already pretty close). I'll look to see if there's 
> anything I can drop out or maybe bump the SPL size (I never did get a 
> clear answer from Marvell as to what the size limit actually is).

I can temporarily work around the size issue by disabling watchdog 
support in SPL (I really don't want that to be the long term solution).

But then I encounter an odd problem. When I "reset" the board gets 
through the DDR training but never makes it to u-boot proper, but if I 
power cycle it boots through to the u-boot prompt. This doesn't happen 
on the db-88f6820-amc board. One difference between the x530 and the amc 
board is that the x530 has ECC so maybe something is going into the 
weeds if ECC has already been enabled by a previous boot.

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