Dear Marek,

On 2/5/21 1:38 AM, Marek Behún wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 07:18:23 +0900
> Jaehoon Chung <> wrote:
>>> Commit da18c62b6e6a causes the regression. The Fixes tag, as I
>>> understand, should link to commit with which the regression first
>>> occured, so that if someone wanted to backport my patch to previous
>>> version of U-Boot, they would know that they only have to do it if
>>> their repository contains that commit.  
>> Well, i don't think so. This patch is not a bug fix patch about
>> commit da18c62b6e6a. Just mv_sdhci driver didn't use mmc_of_parse()
>> before. (If someone set to MMC_NON_REMOVABLE capabilities in
>> host->cap, it should be working.)
>> Not need to add *Fixes*. Its commit is a generic callback function.
>> And mmc_of_parse() is also generic function to use Driver-model.
> Lets apply Baruch's version. I don't really care if the Fixes tag is
> there or not...

I don't have any objection with your patch. It was just my opinion. 
But it needs to choose one of them. Yours and Baruch's patch are same. 

If you want to add Fixes tags, i think that it has to add in Baruch's patch.
Because his patch was firstly posted than yours. 

Best Regards,
Jaehoon Chung

> Marek

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