Hello Tom,

this is just a collection of documentation changes. Please, pull them.

The following changes since commit f40825e18e0a8560991072114b9b10b33fdad95b:

  Merge https://gitlab.denx.de/u-boot/custodians/u-boot-riscv
(2020-12-14 15:11:05 -0500)

are available in the Git repository at:


for you to fetch changes up to abd40a8f98ad546e34918f73865d7561a94bda44:

  doc: uefi: remove leading $ from bash commands (2020-12-15 09:39:07 +0100)

Gitlab CI showed no problems

Documentation fixes for v2020.01-rc4

Move several README files to reStructured text for the HTML documentation.
Describe register for global data on x86.
Allow building HTML documentation with Sphinx 3

Heinrich Schuchardt (10):
      doc/build/gcc.rst: required packages for SUSE
      doc: global data pointer on x86, x86_64
      doc: allow building htmldoc with Sphinx 3+
      doc: move README.commands to HTML doc
      doc: move pstore.rst to usage/pstore.rst
      doc: use code-block in pstore.rst
      doc: move README.NetConsole to HTML documentation
      doc: move README.trace to HTML documentation
      doc: move README.bootmenu to HTML doc
      doc: uefi: remove leading $ from bash commands

 doc/README.bootmenu                             |  98 ----------
 doc/README.commands                             | 186 -------------------
 doc/build/gcc.rst                               |  20 ++
 doc/conf.py                                     |  29 ++-
 doc/develop/commands.rst                        | 226
 doc/develop/global_data.rst                     |   4 +-
 doc/develop/index.rst                           |   2 +
 doc/{README.trace => develop/trace.rst}         | 235
 doc/index.rst                                   |   8 +-
 doc/uefi/uefi.rst                               |   6 +-
 doc/usage/bootmenu.rst                          |  95 ++++++++++
 doc/usage/index.rst                             |  15 ++
 doc/{README.NetConsole => usage/netconsole.rst} |  54 +++---
 doc/{ => usage}/pstore.rst                      |   4 +-
 14 files changed, 551 insertions(+), 431 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 doc/README.bootmenu
 delete mode 100644 doc/README.commands
 create mode 100644 doc/develop/commands.rst
 rename doc/{README.trace => develop/trace.rst} (64%)
 create mode 100644 doc/usage/bootmenu.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/usage/index.rst
 rename doc/{README.NetConsole => usage/netconsole.rst} (79%)
 rename doc/{ => usage}/pstore.rst (97%)

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