Perform some basic code cleanups of the x86 files

Signed-off-by: Graeme Russ <>
 arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520.c     |   54 ++--
 arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520_asm.S |  642 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 arch/i386/cpu/start.S           |   30 +-
 arch/i386/cpu/start16.S         |    9 +-
 4 files changed, 362 insertions(+), 373 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520.c b/arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520.c
index 519bfd8..7acd471 100644
--- a/arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520.c
+++ b/arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520.c
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ volatile sc520_mmcr_t *sc520_mmcr = (sc520_mmcr_t 
 void init_sc520(void)
-       /* Set the UARTxCTL register at it's slower,
+       /*
+        * Set the UARTxCTL register at it's slower,
         * baud clock giving us a 1.8432 MHz reference
        writeb(0x07, &sc520_mmcr->uart1ctl);
@@ -50,25 +51,30 @@ void init_sc520(void)
        /* first set the timer pin mapping */
        writeb(0x72, &sc520_mmcr->clksel);      /* no clock frequency selected, 
use 1.1892MHz */
-       /* enable PCI bus arbitrer */
-       writeb(0x02, &sc520_mmcr->sysarbctl);   /* enable concurrent mode */
+       /* enable PCI bus arbiter (concurrent mode) */
+       writeb(0x02, &sc520_mmcr->sysarbctl);
-       writeb(0x1f, &sc520_mmcr->sysarbmenb);  /* enable external grants */
-       writeb(0x04, &sc520_mmcr->hbctl);       /* enable posted-writes */
+       /* enable external grants */
+       writeb(0x1f, &sc520_mmcr->sysarbmenb);
+       /* enable posted-writes */
+       writeb(0x04, &sc520_mmcr->hbctl);
        if (CONFIG_SYS_SC520_HIGH_SPEED) {
-               writeb(0x02, &sc520_mmcr->cpuctl);      /* set it to 133 MHz 
and write back */
+               /* set it to 133 MHz and write back */
+               writeb(0x02, &sc520_mmcr->cpuctl);
                gd->cpu_clk = 133000000;
                printf("## CPU Speed set to 133MHz\n");
        } else {
-               writeb(0x01, &sc520_mmcr->cpuctl);      /* set it to 100 MHz 
and write back */
+               /* set it to 100 MHz and write back */
+               writeb(0x01, &sc520_mmcr->cpuctl);
                printf("## CPU Speed set to 100MHz\n");
                gd->cpu_clk = 100000000;
        /* wait at least one millisecond */
-       asm("movl       $0x2000,%%ecx\n"
+       asm("movl       $0x2000, %%ecx\n"
            "0:         pushl %%ecx\n"
            "popl       %%ecx\n"
            "loop 0b\n": : : "ecx");
@@ -107,15 +113,15 @@ unsigned long init_sc520_dram(void)
        /* set SDRAM speed here */
-       refresh_rate/=78;
-       if (refresh_rate<=1) {
-               val = 0;  /* 7.8us */
-       } else if (refresh_rate==2) {
-               val = 1;  /* 15.6us */
-       } else if (refresh_rate==3 || refresh_rate==4) {
-               val = 2;  /* 31.2us */
+       refresh_rate /= 78;
+       if (refresh_rate <= 1) {
+               val = 0;        /* 7.8us */
+       } else if (refresh_rate == 2) {
+               val = 1;        /* 15.6us */
+       } else if (refresh_rate == 3 || refresh_rate == 4) {
+               val = 2;        /* 31.2us */
        } else {
-               val = 3;  /* 62.4us */
+               val = 3;        /* 62.4us */
        tmp = (readb(&sc520_mmcr->drcctl) & 0xcf) | (val<<4);
@@ -124,9 +130,9 @@ unsigned long init_sc520_dram(void)
        val = readb(&sc520_mmcr->drctmctl) & 0xf0;
        if (cas_precharge_delay==3) {
-               val |= 0x04;   /* 3T */
+               val |= 0x04;    /* 3T */
        } else if (cas_precharge_delay==4) {
-               val |= 0x08;   /* 4T */
+               val |= 0x08;    /* 4T */
        } else if (cas_precharge_delay>4) {
                val |= 0x0c;
@@ -139,8 +145,10 @@ unsigned long init_sc520_dram(void)
        writeb(val, &c520_mmcr->drctmctl);
-       /* We read-back the configuration of the dram
-        * controller that the assembly code wrote */
+       /*
+        * We read-back the configuration of the dram
+        * controller that the assembly code wrote
+        */
        dram_ctrl = readl(&sc520_mmcr->drcbendadr);
        bd->bi_dram[0].start = 0;
@@ -148,7 +156,6 @@ unsigned long init_sc520_dram(void)
                /* bank 0 enabled */
                dram_present = bd->bi_dram[1].start = (dram_ctrl & 0x7f) << 22;
                bd->bi_dram[0].size = bd->bi_dram[1].start;
        } else {
                bd->bi_dram[0].size = 0;
                bd->bi_dram[1].start = bd->bi_dram[0].start;
@@ -179,11 +186,6 @@ unsigned long init_sc520_dram(void)
        } else {
                bd->bi_dram[3].size = 0;
-#if 0
-       printf("Configured %d bytes of dram\n", dram_present);
        gd->ram_size = dram_present;
        return dram_present;
diff --git a/arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520_asm.S b/arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520_asm.S
index fff56c0..7c2de31 100644
--- a/arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520_asm.S
+++ b/arch/i386/cpu/sc520/sc520_asm.S
@@ -172,366 +172,349 @@
 .equ            ROW11_DATA, 0x07070707    /* 11 row data/also bank switch 
(MASK) */
 .equ            ROW10_DATA, 0xaaaaaaaa    /* 10 row data/also bank switch 
(MASK) */
- /*
-  * initialize dram controller registers
-  */
 .globl mem_init
-       xorw    %ax,%ax
-       movl    $DBCTL, %edi
-       movb     %al, (%edi)             /* disable write buffer */
-       movl    $ECCCTL, %edi
-       movb     %al, (%edi)             /* disable ECC */
-       movl    $DRCTMCTL, %edi
-       movb    $0x1E,%al                /* Set SDRAM timing for slowest */
-       movb     %al, (%edi)
- /*
-  * setup loop to do 4 external banks starting with bank 3
-  */
-       movl    $0xff000000,%eax         /* enable last bank and setup */
-       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi        /* ending address register */
-       movl     %eax, (%edi)
-       movl    $DRCCFG, %edi            /* setup */
-       movw    $0xbbbb,%ax              /* dram config register for  */
-       movw    %ax, (%edi)
- /*
-  * issue a NOP to all DRAMs
-  */
-       movl    $DRCCTL, %edi            /* setup DRAM control register with */
-       movb    $0x1,%al                 /* Disable refresh,disable write 
buffer */
-       movb     %al, (%edi)
-       movl    $CACHELINESZ, %esi       /* just a dummy address to write for */
-       movw     %ax, (%esi)
- /*
-  * delay for 100 usec? 200?
-  * ******this is a cludge for now *************
-  */
-       movw    $100,%cx
+       /* initialize dram controller registers */
+       xorw    %ax, %ax
+       movl    $DBCTL, %edi
+       movb    %al, (%edi)             /* disable write buffer */
+       movl    $ECCCTL, %edi
+       movb    %al, (%edi)             /* disable ECC */
+       movl    $DRCTMCTL, %edi
+       movb    $0x1e, %al              /* Set SDRAM timing for slowest */
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       /* setup loop to do 4 external banks starting with bank 3 */
+       movl    $0xff000000, %eax       /* enable last bank and setup */
+       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi       /* ending address register */
+       movl    %eax, (%edi)
+       movl    $DRCCFG, %edi           /* setup */
+       movw    $0xbbbb, %ax            /* dram config register for  */
+       movw    %ax, (%edi)
+       /* issue a NOP to all DRAMs */
+       movl    $DRCCTL, %edi           /* setup DRAM control register with */
+       movb    $0x01, %al              /* Disable refresh,disable write buffer 
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movl    $CACHELINESZ, %esi      /* just a dummy address to write for */
+       movw    %ax, (%esi)
+       /* delay for 100 usec? */
+       movw    $100, %cx
-       loop    sizdelay                 /* we need 100 usec here */
- /***********************************************/
+       loop    sizdelay
- /*
-  * issue all banks precharge
-  */
-       movb    $0x2,%al                 /* All banks precharge */
-       movb     %al, (%edi)
-       movw     %ax, (%esi)
+       /* issue all banks precharge */
+       movb    $0x02, %al
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movw    %ax, (%esi)
- /*
-  * issue 2 auto refreshes to all banks
-  */
-       movb    $0x4,%al                 /* Auto refresh cmd */
-       movb     %al, (%edi)
-       movw    $2,%cx
+       /* issue 2 auto refreshes to all banks */
+       movb    $0x04, %al      /* Auto refresh cmd */
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movw    $0x02, %cx
-       movw     %ax, (%esi)
-       loop    refresh1
- /*
-  * issue LOAD MODE REGISTER command
-  */
-       movb    $0x3,%al                 /* Load mode register cmd */
-       movb     %al, (%edi)
-       movw     %ax, (%esi)
- /*
-  * issue 8 more auto refreshes to all banks
-  */
-       movb    $0x4,%al                 /* Auto refresh cmd */
-       movb     %al, (%edi)
-       movw    $8,%cx
+       movw    %ax, (%esi)
+       loop    refresh1
+       /* issue LOAD MODE REGISTER command */
+       movb    $0x03, %al      /* Load mode register cmd */
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movw    %ax, (%esi)
+       /* issue 8 more auto refreshes to all banks */
+       movb    $0x04, %al      /* Auto refresh cmd */
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movw    $0x0008, %cx
-       movw     %ax, (%esi)
-       loop    refresh2
+       movw    %ax, (%esi)
+       loop    refresh2
- /*
-  * set control register to NORMAL mode
-  */
-       movb    $0x0,%al                 /* Normal mode value */
-       movb     %al, (%edi)
+       /* set control register to NORMAL mode */
+       movb    $0x00, %al      /* Normal mode value */
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
- /*
-  * size dram starting with external bank 3 moving to external bank 0
-  */
-       movl    $0x3,%ecx                /* start with external bank 3 */
+       /*
+        * size dram starting with external bank 3
+        * moving to external bank 0
+        */
+       movl    $0x3, %ecx      /* start with external bank 3 */
- /*
-  * write col 11 wrap adr
-  */
-       movl    $COL11_ADR, %esi         /* set address to max col (11) wrap 
addr */
-       movl    $COL11_DATA, %eax        /* pattern for max supported 
columns(11) */
-       movl    %eax, (%esi)             /* write max col pattern at max col 
adr */
-       movl    (%esi), %ebx             /* optional read */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* to verify write */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* this ram is bad */
- /*
-  * write col 10 wrap adr
-  */
+       /* write col 11 wrap adr */
+       movl    $COL11_ADR, %esi        /* set address to max col (11) wrap 
addr */
+       movl    $COL11_DATA, %eax       /* pattern for max supported 
columns(11) */
+       movl    %eax, (%esi)            /* write max col pattern at max col adr 
+       movl    (%esi), %ebx            /* optional read */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* to verify write */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* this ram is bad */
+       /* write col 10 wrap adr */
+       movl    $COL10_ADR, %esi        /* set address to 10 col wrap address */
+       movl    $COL10_DATA, %eax       /* pattern for 10 col wrap */
+       movl    %eax, (%esi)            /* write 10 col pattern @ 10 col wrap 
adr */
+       movl    (%esi), %ebx            /* optional read */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* to verify write */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* this ram is bad */
+       /* write col 9 wrap adr */
+       movl    $COL09_ADR, %esi        /* set address to 9 col wrap address */
+       movl    $COL09_DATA, %eax       /* pattern for 9 col wrap */
+       movl    %eax, (%esi)            /* write 9 col pattern @ 9 col wrap adr 
+       movl    (%esi), %ebx            /* optional read */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* to verify write */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* this ram is bad */
+       /* write col 8 wrap adr */
+       movl    $COL08_ADR, %esi        /* set address to min(8) col wrap 
address */
+       movl    $COL08_DATA, %eax       /* pattern for min (8) col wrap */
+       movl    %eax, (%esi)            /* write min col pattern @ min col adr 
+       movl    (%esi), %ebx            /* optional read */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* to verify write */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* this ram is bad */
+       /* write row 14 wrap adr */
+       movl    $ROW14_ADR, %esi        /* set address to max row (14) wrap 
addr */
+       movl    $ROW14_DATA, %eax       /* pattern for max supported rows(14) */
+       movl    %eax, (%esi)            /* write max row pattern at max row adr 
+       movl    (%esi), %ebx            /* optional read */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* to verify write */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* this ram is bad */
+       /* write row 13 wrap adr */
+       movl    $ROW13_ADR, %esi        /* set address to 13 row wrap address */
+       movl    $ROW13_DATA, %eax       /* pattern for 13 row wrap */
+       movl    %eax, (%esi)            /* write 13 row pattern @ 13 row wrap 
adr */
+       movl    (%esi), %ebx            /* optional read */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* to verify write */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* this ram is bad */
+       /* write row 12 wrap adr */
+       movl    $ROW12_ADR, %esi        /* set address to 12 row wrap address */
+       movl    $ROW12_DATA, %eax       /* pattern for 12 row wrap */
+       movl    %eax, (%esi)            /* write 12 row pattern @ 12 row wrap 
adr */
+       movl    (%esi), %ebx            /* optional read */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* to verify write */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* this ram is bad */
+       /* write row 11 wrap adr */
+       movl    $ROW11_ADR, %edi        /* set address to 11 row wrap address */
+       movl    $ROW11_DATA, %eax       /* pattern for 11 row wrap */
+       movl    %eax, (%edi)            /* write 11 row pattern @ 11 row wrap 
adr */
+       movl    (%edi), %ebx            /* optional read */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* to verify write */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* this ram is bad */
-       movl    $COL10_ADR, %esi         /* set address to 10 col wrap address 
-       movl    $COL10_DATA, %eax        /* pattern for 10 col wrap */
-       movl    %eax, (%esi)             /* write 10 col pattern @ 10 col wrap 
adr */
-       movl    (%esi), %ebx             /* optional read */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* to verify write */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* this ram is bad */
- /*
-  * write col 9 wrap adr
-  */
-       movl    $COL09_ADR, %esi         /* set address to 9 col wrap address */
-       movl    $COL09_DATA, %eax        /* pattern for 9 col wrap */
-       movl    %eax, (%esi)             /* write 9 col pattern @ 9 col wrap 
adr */
-       movl    (%esi), %ebx             /* optional read */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* to verify write */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* this ram is bad */
- /*
-  * write col 8 wrap adr
-  */
-       movl    $COL08_ADR, %esi         /* set address to min(8) col wrap 
address */
-       movl    $COL08_DATA, %eax        /* pattern for min (8) col wrap */
-       movl    %eax, (%esi)             /* write min col pattern @ min col adr 
-       movl    (%esi), %ebx             /* optional read */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* to verify write */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* this ram is bad */
- /*
-  * write row 14 wrap adr
-  */
-       movl    $ROW14_ADR, %esi         /* set address to max row (14) wrap 
addr */
-       movl    $ROW14_DATA, %eax        /* pattern for max supported rows(14) 
-       movl    %eax, (%esi)             /* write max row pattern at max row 
adr */
-       movl    (%esi), %ebx             /* optional read */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* to verify write */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* this ram is bad */
- /*
-  * write row 13 wrap adr
-  */
-       movl    $ROW13_ADR, %esi         /* set address to 13 row wrap address 
-       movl    $ROW13_DATA, %eax        /* pattern for 13 row wrap */
-       movl    %eax, (%esi)             /* write 13 row pattern @ 13 row wrap 
adr */
-       movl    (%esi), %ebx             /* optional read */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* to verify write */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* this ram is bad */
- /*
-  * write row 12 wrap adr
-  */
-       movl    $ROW12_ADR, %esi         /* set address to 12 row wrap address 
-       movl    $ROW12_DATA, %eax        /* pattern for 12 row wrap */
-       movl    %eax, (%esi)             /* write 12 row pattern @ 12 row wrap 
adr */
-       movl    (%esi), %ebx             /* optional read */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* to verify write */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* this ram is bad */
- /*
-  * write row 11 wrap adr
-  */
-       movl    $ROW11_ADR, %edi         /* set address to 11 row wrap address 
-       movl    $ROW11_DATA, %eax        /* pattern for 11 row wrap */
-       movl    %eax, (%edi)             /* write 11 row pattern @ 11 row wrap 
adr */
-       movl    (%edi), %ebx             /* optional read */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* to verify write */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* this ram is bad */
- /*
-  * write row 10 wrap adr --- this write is really to determine number of banks
-  */
-       movl    $ROW10_ADR, %edi         /* set address to 10 row wrap address 
-       movl    $ROW10_DATA, %eax        /* pattern for 10 row wrap (AA) */
-       movl    %eax, (%edi)             /* write 10 row pattern @ 10 row wrap 
adr */
-       movl    (%edi), %ebx             /* optional read */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* to verify write */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* this ram is bad */
- /*
-  * read data @ row 12 wrap adr to determine  * banks,
-  * and read data @ row 14 wrap adr to determine  * rows.
-  * if data @ row 12 wrap adr is not AA, 11 or 12 we have bad RAM.
-  * if data @ row 12 wrap == AA, we only have 2 banks, NOT 4
-  * if data @ row 12 wrap == 11 or 12, we have 4 banks,
-  */
-       xorw    %di,%di                  /* value for 2 banks in DI */
-       movl    (%esi), %ebx             /* read from 12 row wrap to check banks
-                                         * (esi is setup from the write to row 
12 wrap) */
-       cmpl    %ebx,%eax                /* check for AA pattern  (eax holds 
the aa pattern) */
-       jz      only2                    /* if pattern == AA, we only have 2 
banks */
+       /*
+        * write row 10 wrap adr --- this write is really to determine
+        * number of banks
+        */
+       movl    $ROW10_ADR, %edi        /* set address to 10 row wrap address */
+       movl    $ROW10_DATA, %eax       /* pattern for 10 row wrap (AA) */
+       movl    %eax, (%edi)            /* write 10 row pattern @ 10 row wrap 
adr */
+       movl    (%edi), %ebx            /* optional read */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* to verify write */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* this ram is bad */
+       /*
+        * read data @ row 12 wrap adr to determine  * banks,
+        * and read data @ row 14 wrap adr to determine  * rows.
+        * if data @ row 12 wrap adr is not AA, 11 or 12 we have bad RAM.
+        * if data @ row 12 wrap == AA, we only have 2 banks, NOT 4
+        * if data @ row 12 wrap == 11 or 12, we have 4 banks,
+        */
+       xorw    %di, %di                /* value for 2 banks in DI */
+       movl    (%esi), %ebx            /* read from 12 row wrap to check banks 
+                                       /* (esi is setup from the write to row 
12 wrap) */
+       cmpl    %ebx, %eax              /* check for AA pattern  (eax holds the 
aa pattern) */
+       jz      only2                   /* if pattern == AA, we only have 2 
banks */
        /* 4 banks */
-       movw    $8,%di                   /* value for 4 banks in DI (BNK_CNT 
bit) */
-       cmpl    $ROW11_DATA, %ebx        /* only other legitimate values are 11 
-       jz      only2
-       cmpl    $ROW12_DATA, %ebx        /* and 12 */
-       jnz     bad_ram                  /* its bad if not 11 or 12! */
+       movw    $0x008, %di             /* value for 4 banks in DI (BNK_CNT 
bit) */
+       cmpl    $ROW11_DATA, %ebx       /* only other legitimate values are 11 
+       jz      only2
+       cmpl    $ROW12_DATA, %ebx       /* and 12 */
+       jnz     bad_ram                 /* its bad if not 11 or 12! */
        /* fall through */
   * validate row mask
-       movl    $ROW14_ADR, %esi         /* set address back to max row wrap 
addr */
-       movl    (%esi), %eax             /* read actual number of rows @ row14 
adr */
+       movl    $ROW14_ADR, %esi        /* set address back to max row wrap 
addr */
+       movl    (%esi), %eax            /* read actual number of rows @ row14 
adr */
-       cmpl    $ROW11_DATA, %eax        /* row must be greater than 11 pattern 
-       jb      bad_ram
+       cmpl    $ROW11_DATA, %eax       /* row must be greater than 11 pattern 
+       jb      bad_ram
-       cmpl    $ROW14_DATA, %eax        /* and row must be less than 14 
pattern */
-       ja      bad_ram
+       cmpl    $ROW14_DATA, %eax       /* and row must be less than 14 pattern 
+       ja      bad_ram
+       cmpb    %ah, %al                /* verify all 4 bytes of dword same */
+       jnz     bad_ram
+       movl    %eax, %ebx
+       shrl    $16, %ebx
+       cmpw    %bx, %ax
+       jnz     bad_ram
+       /*
+        * read col 11 wrap adr for real column data value
+        */
+       movl    $COL11_ADR, %esi        /* set address to max col (11) wrap 
addr */
+       movl    (%esi), %eax            /* read real col number at max col adr 
+       /*
+        * validate column data
+        */
+       cmpl    $COL08_DATA, %eax       /* col must be greater than 8 pattern */
+       jb      bad_ram
+       cmpl    $COL11_DATA, %eax       /* and row must be less than 11 pattern 
+       ja      bad_ram
+       subl    $COL08_DATA, %eax       /* normalize column data to zero */
+       jc      bad_ram
+       cmpb    %ah, %al                /* verify all 4 bytes of dword equal */
+       jnz     bad_ram
+       movl    %eax, %edx
+       shrl    $16, %edx
+       cmpw    %dx, %ax
+       jnz     bad_ram
+       /*
+        * merge bank and col data together
+        */
+       addw    %di, %dx                /* merge of bank and col info in dl */
+       /*
+        * fix ending addr mask based upon col info
+        */
+       movb    $0x03, %al
+       subb    %dh, %al                /* dh contains the overflow from the 
bank/col merge  */
+       movb    %bl, %dh                /* bl contains the row mask (aa, 07, 
0f, 1f or 3f) */
+       xchgw   %cx, %ax                /* cx = ax = 3 or 2 depending on 2 or 4 
bank device */
+       shrb    %cl, %dh
+       incb    %dh                     /* ending addr is 1 greater than real 
end */
+       xchgw   %cx, %ax                /* cx is bank number again */
-       cmpb    %ah,%al                  /* verify all 4 bytes of dword same */
-       jnz     bad_ram
-       movl    %eax,%ebx
-       shrl    $16,%ebx
-       cmpw    %bx,%ax
-       jnz     bad_ram
- /*
-  * read col 11 wrap adr for real column data value
-  */
-       movl    $COL11_ADR, %esi         /* set address to max col (11) wrap 
addr */
-       movl    (%esi), %eax             /* read real col number at max col adr 
- /*
-  * validate column data
-  */
-       cmpl    $COL08_DATA, %eax        /* col must be greater than 8 pattern 
-       jb      bad_ram
-       cmpl    $COL11_DATA, %eax        /* and row must be less than 11 
pattern */
-       ja      bad_ram
-       subl    $COL08_DATA, %eax        /* normalize column data to zero */
-       jc      bad_ram
-       cmpb    %ah,%al                  /* verify all 4 bytes of dword equal */
-       jnz     bad_ram
-       movl    %eax,%edx
-       shrl    $16,%edx
-       cmpw    %dx,%ax
-       jnz     bad_ram
- /*
-  * merge bank and col data together
-  */
-       addw    %di,%dx                  /* merge of bank and col info in dl */
- /*
-  * fix ending addr mask based upon col info
-  */
-       movb    $3,%al
-       subb    %dh,%al                  /* dh contains the overflow from the 
bank/col merge  */
-       movb    %bl,%dh                  /* bl contains the row mask (aa, 07, 
0f, 1f or 3f) */
-       xchgw   %cx,%ax                  /* cx = ax = 3 or 2 depending on 2 or 
4 bank device */
-       shrb    %cl,%dh                  /*  */
-       incb    %dh                      /* ending addr is 1 greater than real 
end */
-       xchgw   %cx,%ax                  /* cx is bank number again */
- /*
-  * issue all banks precharge
-  */
-       movl    $DRCCTL, %esi            /* setup DRAM control register with */
-       movb    $0x2,%al                 /* All banks precharge */
-       movb     %al, (%esi)
-       movl    $CACHELINESZ, %esi       /* address to init read buffer */
-       movw     %ax, (%esi)
+       /*
+        * issue all banks precharge
+        */
+       movl    $DRCCTL, %esi           /* setup DRAM control register with */
+       movb    $0x02, %al              /* All banks precharge */
+       movb    %al, (%esi)
+       movl    $CACHELINESZ, %esi      /* address to init read buffer */
+       movw    %ax, (%esi)
- /*
-  */
-       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi        /* DRAM ending address register */
-       movl    %ecx,%ebx
+       /*
+        */
+       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi       /* DRAM ending address register */
+       movl    %ecx, %ebx
        addl    %ebx, %edi
-       movb    %dh, (%edi)
- /*
-  */
-       xorb    %dh,%dh
-       movw    $0x00f,%bx
-       movw    %cx,%ax
-       shlw    $2,%ax
-       xchgw   %cx,%ax
-       shlw    %cl,%dx
-       shlw    %cl,%bx
-       notw    %bx
-       xchgw   %cx,%ax
-       movl    $DRCCFG, %edi
-       mov     (%edi), %ax
-       andw    %bx,%ax
-       orw     %dx,%ax
-       movw    %ax, (%edi)
-       jcxz    cleanup
-       decw    %cx
-       movl    %ecx,%ebx
-       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi        /* DRAM ending address register */
-       movb    $0xff,%al
+       movb    %dh, (%edi)
+       /*
+        * update CONFIG REGISTER
+        */
+       xorb    %dh, %dh
+       movw    $0x000f, %bx
+       movw    %cx, %ax
+       shlw    $2, %ax
+       xchgw   %cx, %ax
+       shlw    %cl, %dx
+       shlw    %cl, %bx
+       notw    %bx
+       xchgw   %cx, %ax
+       movl    $DRCCFG, %edi
+       movw    (%edi), %ax
+       andw    %bx, %ax
+       orw     %dx, %ax
+       movw    %ax, (%edi)
+       jcxz    cleanup
+       decw    %cx
+       movl    %ecx, %ebx
+       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi       /* DRAM ending address register */
+       movb    $0xff, %al
        addl    %ebx, %edi
-       movb    %al, (%edi)
- /*
-  * set control register to NORMAL mode
-  */
-       movl    $DRCCTL, %esi            /* setup DRAM control register with */
-       movb    $0x0,%al                 /* Normal mode value */
-       movb    %al, (%esi)
-       movl    $CACHELINESZ, %esi       /* address to init read buffer */
-       movw    %ax, (%esi)
-       jmp     nextbank
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       /*
+        * set control register to NORMAL mode
+        */
+       movl    $DRCCTL, %esi           /* setup DRAM control register with */
+       movb    $0x00, %al              /* Normal mode value */
+       movb    %al, (%esi)
+       movl    $CACHELINESZ, %esi      /* address to init read buffer */
+       movw    %ax, (%esi)
+       jmp     nextbank
-       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi        /* DRAM ending address register  */
-       movw    $4,%cx
-       xorw    %ax,%ax
+       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi       /* DRAM ending address register  */
+       movw    $0x04, %cx
+       xorw    %ax, %ax
-       movb   (%edi), %al
-       orb     %al,%al
-       jz      emptybank
+       movb    (%edi), %al
+       orb     %al, %al
+       jz      emptybank
-       addb    %ah,%al
-       jns     nottoomuch
+       addb    %ah, %al
+       jns     nottoomuch
-       movb    $0x7f,%al
+       movb    $0x7f, %al
-       movb    %al,%ah
-       orb     $0x80,%al
-       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movb    %al, %ah
+       orb     $0x80, %al
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
-       incl    %edi
-       loop    cleanuplp
+       incl    %edi
+       loop    cleanuplp
        /* just have your hardware desinger _GIVE_ you what you need here! */
-       movl    $DRCTMCTL, %edi
-       movb    $CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_DRCTMCTL,%al
-       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movl    $DRCTMCTL, %edi
+       movb    $CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_DRCTMCTL, %al
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
-       /* set the CAS latency now since it is hard to do
-        * when we run from the RAM */
-       movl    $DRCTMCTL, %edi          /* DRAM timing register */
-       movb    (%edi), %al
+       /*
+        * Set the CAS latency now since it is hard to do
+        * when we run from the RAM
+        */
+       movl    $DRCTMCTL, %edi /* DRAM timing register */
+       movb    (%edi), %al
-       andb    $0xef, %al
+       andb    $0xef, %al
-       orb     $0x10, %al
+       orb     $0x10, %al
-       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
-       movl    $DRCCTL, %edi            /* DRAM Control register */
-       movb    $0x3,%al                 /* Load mode register cmd */
-       movb     %al, (%edi)
-       movw     %ax, (%esi)
+       movl    $DRCCTL, %edi   /* DRAM Control register */
+       movb    $0x03, %al      /* Load mode register cmd */
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movw    %ax, (%esi)
-       movl    $DRCCTL, %edi            /* DRAM Control register */
-       movb    $0x18,%al                /*  Enable refresh and NORMAL mode */
-       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       movl    $DRCCTL, %edi   /* DRAM Control register */
+       movb    $0x18, %al      /*  Enable refresh and NORMAL mode */
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
-       jmp     dram_done
+       jmp     dram_done
-       xorl    %edx,%edx
-       xorl    %edi,%edi
-       jmp     bad_reint
+       xorl    %edx, %edx
+       xorl    %edi, %edi
+       jmp     bad_reint
@@ -551,17 +534,17 @@ init_ecc:
        movl    %ebx, %ebp
        /* A nominal memory test: just a byte at each address line */
-       movl    %eax, %ecx
-       shrl    $0x1, %ecx
+       movl    %eax, %ecx
+       shrl    $0x1, %ecx
        movl    $0x1, %edi
        movb    $0xa5, (%edi)
-       cmpb    $0xa5, (%edi)
+       cmpb    $0xa5, (%edi)
        jne     out
-       shrl    $1, %ecx
-       andl    %ecx,%ecx
+       shrl    $0x1, %ecx
+       andl    %ecx, %ecx
        jz      set_ecc
-       shll    $1, %edi
+       shll    $0x1, %edi
        jmp     memtest0
@@ -570,21 +553,24 @@ set_ecc:
        xorl    %esi, %esi
        xorl    %edi, %edi
        xorl    %eax, %eax
-       shrl    $2, %ecx
+       shrl    $0x2, %ecx
        rep     stosl
-                       /* enable read, write buffers */
-       movb    $0x11, %al
-       movl    $DBCTL, %edi
-       movb    %al, (%edi)
-                       /* enable NMI mapping for ECC */
-       movl    $ECCINT, %edi
-       mov     $0x10, %al
-       movb    %al, (%edi)
-                       /* Turn on ECC */
-       movl    $ECCCTL, %edi
-       mov     $0x05, %al
-       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       /* enable read, write buffers */
+       movb    $0x11, %al
+       movl    $DBCTL, %edi
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       /* enable NMI mapping for ECC */
+       movl    $ECCINT, %edi
+       movb    $0x10, %al
+       movb    %al, (%edi)
+       /* Turn on ECC */
+       movl    $ECCCTL, %edi
+       movb    $0x05, %al
+       movb    %al,(%edi)
@@ -596,7 +582,7 @@ out:
 .globl get_mem_size
-       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi        /* DRAM ending address register  */
+       movl    $DRCBENDADR, %edi       /* DRAM ending address register */
 bank0: movl    (%edi), %eax
        movl    %eax, %ecx
diff --git a/arch/i386/cpu/start.S b/arch/i386/cpu/start.S
index 3cea04b..f67a1b7 100644
--- a/arch/i386/cpu/start.S
+++ b/arch/i386/cpu/start.S
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ _i386boot_start:
        /* Turn of cache (this might require a 486-class CPU) */
        movl    %cr0, %eax
-       orl     $0x60000000,%eax
+       orl     $0x60000000, %eax
        movl    %eax, %cr0
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ _i386boot_start:
        /* This is the 32-bit cold-reset entry point */
-       movl    $0x18,%eax      /* Load our segement registes, the
+       movl    $0x18, %eax     /* Load our segement registes, the
                                 * gdt have already been loaded by start16.S */
-       movw    %ax,%fs
-       movw    %ax,%ds
-       movw    %ax,%gs
-       movw    %ax,%es
-       movw    %ax,%ss
+       movw    %ax, %fs
+       movw    %ax, %ds
+       movw    %ax, %gs
+       movw    %ax, %es
+       movw    %ax, %ss
        /* Clear the interupt vectors */
        lidt    blank_idt_ptr
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ _start:
         * to store the return address */
        /* Early platform init (setup gpio, etc ) */
-       mov     $early_board_init_ret, %ebp
+       mov     $early_board_init_ret, %ebp
        jmp     early_board_init
@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ early_board_init_ret:
        /* size memory */
        mov     $mem_init_ret, %ebp
-       jmp     mem_init
+       jmp     mem_init
        /* fetch memory size (into %eax) */
        mov     $get_mem_size_ret, %ebp
-       jmp     get_mem_size
+       jmp     get_mem_size
        /* Check we have enough memory for stack */
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ get_mem_size_ret:
        jmp     die
        /* Set stack pointer to upper memory limit*/
-       movl    %eax, %esp
+       movl    %eax, %esp
        /* indicate progress */
        movw    $0x02, %ax
@@ -150,12 +150,12 @@ stack_ok:
        /* Get upper memory limit */
-       movl %esp, %ecx
-       subl $CONFIG_SYS_STACK_SIZE, %ecx
+       movl    %esp, %ecx
+       subl    $CONFIG_SYS_STACK_SIZE, %ecx
        /* Create a Stack Frame */
-       pushl %ebp
-       movl %esp, %ebp
+       pushl   %ebp
+       movl    %esp, %ebp
        /* stack_limit parameter */
        pushl   %ecx
diff --git a/arch/i386/cpu/start16.S b/arch/i386/cpu/start16.S
index ebe5835..2a5cca9 100644
--- a/arch/i386/cpu/start16.S
+++ b/arch/i386/cpu/start16.S
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
 .globl start16
-       /* First we let the BSP do some early initialization
+       /*
+        * First we let the BSP do some early initialization
         * this code have to map the flash to its final position
        mov     $board_init16_ret, %bp
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ board_init16_ret:
        /* Turn of cache (this might require a 486-class CPU) */
        movl    %cr0, %eax
-       orl     $0x60000000,%eax
+       orl     $0x60000000, %eax
        movl    %eax, %cr0
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ o32 cs        lgdt    gdt_ptr
        /* Now, we enter protected mode */
        movl    %cr0, %eax
-       orl     $1,%eax
+       orl     $1, %eax
        movl    %eax, %cr0
        /* Flush the prefetch queue */
@@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ ff:
        /* Finally jump to the 32bit initialization code */
        movw    $code32start, %ax
-       movw    %ax,%bp
+       movw    %ax, %bp
 o32 cs ljmp    *(%bp)
        /* 48-bit far pointer */

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