> I did the changes of adding the clock values to gd, and it became somewhat
> better, but there are still issues pending:
> 1. NAND accesses cause "raise: Signal # 8 caught"
> but still work, kernel boots normally.
> 2. environment is still invalid - when I boot the
> "CONFIG_SYS_ARM_WITHOUT_RELOC" version the ENV is ok.
> 3. saveenv goes way to fast to do anything and
> i2c md 57 1000.2 100 shows no change
> 4. env default -f hangs the system
> Q: after relocation, "gd->" values are still available, right?
> I am searching for further "violations"...
Found them in timer.c, fixed them, now the NAND issue is gone.

The environment issues still persist. I am at a loss
there now.

Observation: the old style commands "setenv", "printenv", etc.
work, but any "env" command except for "env" alone crashes.

Hints where to look into are welcome, I will investige more
later or tomorrow.


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