Hi Kever,

On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 8:26 AM Kever Yang <kever.y...@rock-chips.com> wrote:
> Hi Jagan,
> On 2020/6/18 下午11:39, Jagan Teki wrote:
> > Usually printing the SPL banner varies between architecture
> > or board codes.
> > - Some would print before relocation at the end board_init_f
> >    for making sure all initialization prior to this would happen
> >    properly. if at all there is a requirement for serial init,
> >    that happens properly since it prints all after that.
> > - Some would print after relocation at the spl_board_init for
> >    making sure all initialization prior to relocation would
> >    happen properly. Also debug uart on these cases would be
> >    available before relocation. So debug support is available
> >    in before and after relocation.
> >
> > Rockchip SPL is following formar step to print the banner at
> > the end of board_init_f.
> >
> > To support various custom use cases in SPL like leds, environment,
> > board detections later options like printing the banner after
> > relocation would be a better option.
> I don't agree, the banner is tell people we are in SPL now, we should
> print it as soon as
> possible,  if any of step like led, env, relocate and etc fails, then
> user can not see anything,
> they don't event know if we have get into SPL. The update of leds and
> env does not depends
> on banner print.

It is unsafe or sometimes won't work if we do leds, env at _f due to
memory availability. Since we have debug uart at _f and moving spl
banner to relocation will make the debug available possible in
relocation code.


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